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Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Buttons Buttons Default Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Code Primary secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Buttons Icons Primary secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Code Primary secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Circle Buttons Icons Code right reserve build styling Bootstrap package contain distribution file require style styling Bootstrap table enhance library add feature page ordering search scrolling static page comprehensive available manipulate table refer web range documentation example installation browser inclusion library standard tag package recommend use download download create locally host package dependency satisfied install var require require bower bower install documentation documentation option plug interface available site contain information wide variety plug available enhance table bug support Support available forum commercial support support available contribute think contribute code thank fix patch enhancement warmly welcome repository distribution patch issue send accept instead direct pull request issue bug direct question forum license software release MIT license free use modify distribute software copyright information remain Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Icon Home Library Aug July Jun Solid Icons use icon class fas address book tag fas address book fas address card fas adjust fas align center fas align justify fas align leave fas align right fas allergy fas ambulance fas american sign language interpret fas anchor fas angle double fas angle double leave fas angle double right fas angle double fas angle fas angle leave fas angle right fas angle fas archive fas arrow alt circle fas arrow alt circle leave fas arrow alt circle right fas arrow alt circle fas arrow circle fas arrow circle leave fas arrow circle right fas arrow circle fas arrow fas arrow leave fas arrow right fas arrow fas arrow alt fas arrow alt fas arrow alt fas assistive listening system fas asterisk fas fas audio fas backward fas balance scale fas ban fas band aid fas fas bar fas baseball ball fas fas bath fas battery fas battery fas battery half fas battery quarter fas battery quarter fas bed fas beer fas bell fas bell slash fas bicycle fas binocular fas birthday cake fas blind fas bold fas bolt fas bomb fas book fas bookmark fas bowling ball fas box fas box open fas box fas braille fas briefcase fas fas bug fas building fas bullhorn fas bullseye fas burn fas bus fas calculator fas calendar fas calendar alt fas calendar check fas calendar minus fas calendar plus fas calendar time fas camera fas camera retro fas capsule fas car fas caret fas caret leave fas caret right fas caret fas caret leave fas caret right fas caret fas caret fas cart arr fas cart plus fas certificate fas chart area fas chart bar fas chart line fas chart pie fas check fas check circle fas check square fas chess fas chess bishop fas chess board fas chess king fas chess knight fas chess pawn fas chess queen fas chess rook fas chevron circle fas chevron circle leave fas chevron circle right fas fas chevron fas chevron leave fas chevron right fas chevron fas child fas circle fas circle notch fas clipboard fas clipboard check fas clipboard list fas clock fas clone fas fas cloud fas alt fas cloud alt fas code fas code branch fas coffee fas cog fas cog fas column fas comment fas comment alt fas comment dot fas comment slash fas comment fas compass fas compress fas copy fas copyright fas couch fas credit card fas crop fas crosshair fas cube fas cube fas cut fas database fas deaf fas desktop fas diagnosis fas fas dollar sign fas dolly fas dolly fas donate fas dot circle fas dove fas download fas edit fas eject fas ellipsis fas ellipsis fas envelope fas envelope open fas envelope square fas eraser fas euro sign fas exchange alt fas exclamation fas exclamation circle fas exclamation triangle fas expand fas expand alt fas external link alt fas external link square alt fas eye fas eye dropper fas eye slash fas fast backward fas fast forward fas fax fas female fas fighter jet fas file fas file alt fas file archive fas file audio fas file code fas file excel fas file image fas file medical fas file medical alt fas file fas file pow fas file video fas file word fas film fas filter fas fire fas fire extinguisher fas aid fas flag fas flag checker fas flask fas folder fas folder open fas font fas football ball fas forward fas frown fas fas fas gavel fas gem fas genderless fas gift fas glass martini fas globe fas golf ball fas graduation cap fas square fas hand hold fas hand hold heart fas hand hold fas hand lizard fas hand paper fas hand peace fas hand point fas hand point leave fas hand point right fas hand point fas hand pointer fas hand rock fas hand scissor fas hand spock fas hand fas hand help fas handshake fas fas fas head fas headphone fas heart fas heartbeat fas history fas hockey puck fas home fas hospital fas hospital alt fas hospital fas hourglass fas hourglass end fas hourglass half fas hourglass start fas cursor fas badge fas card fas card alt fas image fas image fas fas indent fas industry fas info fas info circle fas italic fas key fas keyboard fas language fas laptop fas leaf fas lemon fas level alt fas level alt fas life ring fas fas link fas lira sign fas list fas list alt fas list fas list fas location arrow fas lock fas lock open fas long arrow alt fas long arrow alt leave fas long arrow alt right fas long arrow alt fas low vision fas magic fas magnet fas male fas map fas map marker fas map marker alt fas map pin fas map sign fas mars fas mars double fas mars stroke fas mars stroke fas mars stroke fas fas fas mercury fas microchip fas microphone fas microphone slash fas minus fas minus circle fas minus square fas mobile fas mobile alt fas money bill alt fas moon fas motorcycle fas mouse pointer fas music fas neuter fas newspaper fas notes medical fas object group fas object fas fas paint brush fas pallet fas paper plane fas paperclip fas parachute box fas paragraph fas paste fas pause fas pause circle fas paw fas pen square fas pencil alt fas people carry fas percent fas phone fas phone slash fas phone square fas phone volume fas piggy bank fas pill fas plane fas play fas play circle fas plug fas plus fas plus circle fas plus square fas fas fas pound sign fas power fas prescription bottle fas prescription bottle alt fas print fas procedure fas puzzle piece fas fas question fas question fas fas quote leave fas quote right fas random fas recycle fas redo fas redo alt fas register fas reply fas reply fas fas ribbon fas road fas rocket fas fas square fas ruble sign fas rupee sign fas save fas search fas search minus fas search plus fas seedling fas server fas share fas share alt fas share alt square fas share square fas shekel sign fas shield alt fas ship fas shipping fast fas shopping bag fas shopping basket fas shopping cart fas shower fas sign fas sign alt fas sign language fas sign alt fas signal fas fas slider fas smile fas smoking fas snowflake fas sort fas alpha fas sort alpha fas sort fas sort fas sort fas sort numeric fas sort numeric fas sort fas space shuttle fas spinner fas square fas square fas star fas star half fas step backward fas step forward fas stethoscope fas sticky note fas stop fas stop circle fas stopwatch fas street view fas fas subscript fas subway fas suitcase fas sun fas superscript fas sync fas sync alt fas syringe fas table fas table tennis fas tablet fas tablet alt fas tablet fas tachometer alt fas tag fas tag fas tape fas task fas taxi fas terminal fas text height fas text width fas fas large fas list fas thermometer fas thermometer fas thermometer fas thermometer half fas thermometer quarter fas thermometer quarter fas thumb fas thumb fas thumbtack fas ticket alt fas times fas time circle fas tint fas toggle fas toggle fas trademark fas train fas transgender fas fas trash fas trash alt fas tree fas trophy fas truck fas truck loading fas truck move fas tty fas fas umbrella fas underline fas undo fas undo alt fas universal access fas university fas unlink fas unlock fas unlock alt fas upload fas user fas user circle fas user fas user plus fas user secret fas user time fas user fas utensil spoon fas utensil fas venus fas venus double fas venus mars fas vial fas vial fas video fas video slash fas fas volume fas volume fas volume fas warehouse fas weight fas wheelchair fas fas window close fas window maximize fas window minimize fas window restore fas wine glass fas win sign fas wrench fas ray fas yen sign Regular Icons use icon class far address card tag far address book far address card far arrow alt circle far arrow alt circle leave far arrow alt circle right far arrow alt circle far bell far bell slash far bookmark far build far calendar far calendar alt far calendar check far calendar minus far calendar plus far calendar time far caret square far caret square leave far caret square right far caret square far chart bar far check circle far check square far circle far clipboard far clock far clone far close caption far comment far comment alt far comment far compass far copy far copyright far credit card far dot circle far edit far envelope far envelope open far eye slash far file far file alt far file archive far file audio far file code far file excel far file image far file far file far file video far file word far flag far folder far folder open far frown far far gem far hand lizard far hand paper far hand peace far hand point far hand point leave far hand point right far hand point far hand pointer far hand rock far hand scissor far hand spock far handshake far far heart far hospital far hourglass far badge far card far image far image far keyboard far lemon far life ring far far list alt far map far far minus square far money bill alt far moon far newspaper far object group far object far paper plane far pause circle far play circle far plus square far question circle far register far save far share square far smile far snowflake far square far star far star half far sticky note far stop circle far sun far thumb far thumb far time circle far trash alt far user far user circle far window close far window maximize far window minimize far window restore Brand Icons use icon class fab accessible icon tag fab fab accessible icon fab fab fab fab fab fab amazon fab amazon pay fab fab android fab fab fab angular fab app store fab app store fab fab apple fab apple pay fab fab audible fab fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab fab fab fab black tie fab blackberry fab fab fab fab fab fab fab amazon pay fab amex fab apple pay fab diners club fab discover fab fab fab fab stripe fab visa fab fab chrome fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab creative common fab fab alt fab cuttlefish fab fab fab delicious fab fab fab fab fab digital ocean fab discord fab discourse fab fab docker fab fab fab square fab fab drupal fab fab fab edge fab fab ember fab empire fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab messenger fab square fab fab order fab fab fab fab fly fab font awesome fab font awesome alt fab font awesome flag fab fab fab fort awesome fab fort awesome alt fab fab foursquare fab free code camp fab fab pocket fab fab circle fab git fab git square fab fab alt fab square fab fab fab gitter fab glide fab glide fab fab fab fab fab drive fab play fab plus fab plus fab plus square fab wallet fab fab grav fab fab grunt fab gulp fab hacker news fab hacker news square fab hip fab hire helper fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab internet explorer fab fab fab note fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab fab line fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab medium fab medium fab fab fab fab mix fab fab fab fab fab fab switch fab node fab node fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab fab opera fab monster fab osi fab fab fab fab fab fab periscope fab fab phoenix framework fab fab pie piper fab pie piper alt fab pie piper fab fab fab square fab fab product hunt fab push fab python fab fab fab fab fab react fab fab rebel fab red river fab fab alien fab square fab fab fab fab resolve fab fab fab safari fab sass fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab slack fab slack hash fab fab fab ghost fab square fab fab fab fab stack exchange fab stack overflow fab fab steam fab steam square fab steam symbol fab sticker mule fab fab stripe fab stripe fab fab fab circle fab superpower fab supple fab telegram fab telegram plane fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab twitch fab twitter fab twitter square fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab vine fab fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab fab fab windows fab fab simple fab fab fab fab fab fab square fab combinator fab yahoo fab fab international fab yelp fab fab fab square Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Basic Table Home Library Aug July Jun Default Table basic table markup table look Bootstrap table style inherit Bootstrap mean nest table style manner parent table outside padding Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Table outside padding Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Table Header similar table use modifier class light appear light Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Striped row Use stripe add zebra stripe table row Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Table Add border border side table cell Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Rows Add hover enable hover state table row Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Contextual Table Use contextual class color table row individual cell Class Heading Heading Active Cell Cell Default Cell Cell Primary cell cell Secondary cell Cell Success cell Cell Danger Cell Cell Warning cell Cell Info Cell Cell Light Cell Cell Dark cell cell Table Caption function like heading table help user screen reader find table understand decide want read list user Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Responsive table responsive table allow table scroll horizontally ease table responsive viewport wrap responsive pick maximum breakpoint responsive table head Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell table header table header table header table header table header table header table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell table cell Breakpoint Specific Use need create responsive table particular breakpoint breakpoint table behave normally scroll horizontally head Heading Heading Heading Heading cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell head Heading Heading Heading Heading cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell head Heading Heading Heading Heading cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell head Heading Heading Heading Heading cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell cell right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Chart Chart Home Library Aug July Jun line Chart Bar Chart Pie Chart bar chart horizontal Polar Area Chart Radar Chart right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Table Layout Coloured Home Library Aug July Jun Primary Table use add class primary white Success Table use add class success white Info Table use add class info whit Warning Table use add class warn white Danger Table use add class danger white Inverse Table use add class inverse white Primary Table use add class primary white add class primary Success Table use add class success white add class success Info Table use add class info white add class info Warning Table use add class warn white add class warning Danger Table use add class danger white add class danger Inverse Table use add class dark white add class dark Primary Table use add class table hover primary add class primary white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Success Table use add class table hover success add class success white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Info Table use add class table hover info add class info white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Warning Table use add class table hover warn add class warn white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Danger Table use add class table hover danger add class danger white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Inverse Table use add class table hover dark add class dark white Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Sign Enter email address password access admin panel Password Sign account Sign Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Bootstrap Home Library Aug July Jun Badges Use class color badge success desire badge example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Contextual Badge variation use class color badge success desire badge Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Pill badge use class pill color badge success desire badge Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Badges Notifications profile unread message contextual variation Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Pill badge Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Collapse Toggle click button Use link attribute class desire toggle link Button data target anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer simple pagination pagination class pagination previous work icon pagination class pagination Previous disabled active state pagination active disable class previous current Sizing Fancy large small pagination add additional size previous alignment change alignment pagination component justify content center justify content end previous Sizing Fancy large small pagination add additional size previous image round corner round image circle circle sure image square Image Thumbnail thumbnail lightweight flexible component optionally extend entire viewport showcase key marketing message site hello world simple hero unit simple style component call extra attention feature content information use utility class typography space space content large container learn fluid width rounded corner add fluid Fluid modified occupy entire horizontal space parent Range Ordinary Range Range Min Max Range Step right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Spinner Home Library Aug July Jun Border Spinner Loading Spinner Colors Loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading Placement Flex Loading loading Text Loading Float loading Text Align Loading Size Loading loading Custom Style Loading loading Spinner Buttons Loading loading grow Spinner Buttons Loading loading grow spinner loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading Alignment loading right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Code Init Code new chart type radar datum label Africa Asia Europe Latin America North America dataset label fill true datum label fill true datum option title display true text distribution world population Required Files Path right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Cards Home Library Aug July Jun card title quick example text build card title bulk card content card title quick example text build card title bulk card content card title quick example text build card title bulk card content card title quick example text build card title bulk card content Content type building block card body use need padded section card special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Titles text link Card title add title subtitle subtitle card card title card subtitle quick example text build card title bulk card content card link link Header footer Add optional header footer card feature special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Header footer Add optional header footer card feature special title treatment support text natural lead additional content day ago Size grid markup grid wrap card column row need special title treatment support text natural lead additional content special title treatment support text natural lead additional content text alignment quickly change text alignment center right special title treatment support text natural lead additional content special title treatment support text natural lead additional content special title treatment support text natural lead additional content utility utility direct width class card like card width support text natural lead additional content card width support text natural lead additional content Size grid markup grid wrap card column row need Active Link Disabled Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Active Link Disabled Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content card style card include option customize background border color primary info warning danger Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content card style card include option customize background border color primary info warning danger Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Title Special title treatment support text natural lead additional content Card Groups use card group render card single attach element equal width height column card title wide card support text natural lead additional content content little bit long update min ago Card title card support text natural lead additional content update min ago Card title wide card support text natural lead additional content card long content equal height action update min ago Card Deck Use card group render card single attach element equal width height column card title wide card support text natural lead additional content content little bit long update min ago Card title card support text natural update min ago Card title wide card support text natural lead additional content card long content equal height action support text natural lead additional content update min ago card column Cards organize masonry like column wrap card column card title wrap new line long card support text natural lead additional content content little bit long famous Source Title Card title card support text natural lead additional content update min ago famous Source Title Card title card support text natural lead additional content update min ago famous Source Title Card title wide card support text natural lead additional content card long content equal height action update min ago right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout ticket List Ticket List Aug July Jun total ticket respond Resolve Status Title product create Date Agent Progress elegant theme Menu Open Elegant Admin Eric Pratt Closed theme Menu Open Admin Joshi Steve open Admin Pro theme Menu Open Admin Pro Vishal John Progress elegant theme Menu Open Elegant Admin Eric Pratt Progress theme Menu Open Admin Joshi John Progress Admin Pro theme Menu Open Admin Pro Vishal Steve open elegant theme Menu Open Elegant Admin Eric Pratt Closed elegant theme Menu Open Elegant Admin Eric Pratt John Closed theme Menu Open Admin Joshi Steve open Admin Pro theme Menu Open Admin Pro Vishal open elegant theme Menu Open Elegant Admin Eric Pratt John Closed Admin Pro theme Menu Open Admin Pro Vishal Steve Progress theme Menu Open Admin Joshi Status Title product create Date Agent Previous current right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Grids Grids Bootstrap Grids col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col Code col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Grid Home Library Aug July Jun Grid option aspect Bootstrap grid system work multiple device handy table extra small Small medium large extra large Max container width auto Class prefix column gutter width column Nestable Yes Column order yes Grid Example col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout List Media Home Library Aug July Jun basic example link item Badges Button item disabled item disabled item media object list base media object list base media object list base media object medium head custom content List group item head day ago list group item head day ago list group item head day ago behavior Home Profile Messages nisi magna sit nisi magna sit nisi magna sit medium head Media head nesting Media head medium head Alignment align medium center align medium center align medium align medium align medium order medium object medium list list base media object list base media object list base media object right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Carousel Carousel Bootstrap Carousel Previous Code previous Indicators Captions title use second title use title use previous Code title use second title use title use previous Individual Interval Previous Code previous right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout form Inputs Home Library Aug July Jun Default Input use add form control class input input helper Text Helper Text Password Disabled Input Add attribute disabled disable input field predefine Input Value Add attribute set predefine value Input Field Add attribute set field input Placeholder Add attribute input area Maximum Value Add attribute input area Minimum Value Add attribute input area Input Type Options Input Type Text input Input Type Password input Input Phone number input Input Type Email input Input Type input Input Type Search input Input Type Numbers input Input Type Date Time input local Input Type Date input Input Type Time input Input Type Week input Input Type Month input Input Type Color input Input Type Range input General Placeholder helper Text Helper Text Inline Radios Inline Default disabled Inline Default Radio Button disabled Inline Custom Inline Custom Radios General Select Select Select Custom Select use add select class Select Choose Multiple Select use add multiple field Select use add group prepend class div Options Choose Select button use add group append class div Choose Button File Upload Default File Upload use add control file class input Custom File Upload use add file input class input Upload Choose file Custom File Upload Button Left use add group prepend class div Button Choose file Custom File Upload Button Right use add group append class div Choose file Button Different Style helper Text leave helper text use add float leave class text Helper Text Center helper text use add text center class text helper Text right helper text use add float right class text Helper Text Inline Helper Text Helper Text Inline Helper Text Color helper Text Input Input Success use add valid class input Input success Success input Danger use add invalid class input Input danger sorry take try inline Input Success use add form horizontal class input Email Success inline Input Danger use add form horizontal class input Email sorry take try input Right leave Input Text Styles input Text Bold Input Text Normal Input Text Light Input Text Italic Input Text Lowercase Input Text Uppercase Input Text Capitalize Input size Small Input Normal Input Large Input right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation logout Chat Chat Aug July Jun Pavan new admin sing song Sinh singer Joshi admin Sunil Joshi admin admin Pavan admin admin James simply dummy text printing type set industry Bianca Doe great opportunity work love join team budget new project Angelina Rhodes good budget project love join team budget new project right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Typography Typography Bootstrap Typography bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head Code bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head head Subtitle Heading sub head Heading sub heading Heading sub heading head sub heading Heading sub head Heading sub head Code head sub head Heading sub heading Heading sub heading head sub heading Heading sub head Heading sub head Paragraph justify operae iter est res nos Afros uti concilium diem Code operae iter est res nos Afros uti concilium diem alignment text Left align text viewport size center align text viewport size right align text viewport size Code leave align text viewport size center align text viewport size right align text viewport size view port text leave align text viewport sized small wide left align text viewport sized medium wide left align text viewport sized large wide left align text viewport sized extra large wide Code leave align text viewport sized small wide left align text viewport sized medium wide left align text viewport sized large wide left align text viewport sized extra large wide font weight italic bold text normal weight text italic text Code bold text normal weight text italic text text color example muted text example primary text example success text example info text example warning text example danger text Code example muted text add class text mute example primary text add class text primary example success text add class text success example info text add class text info example warning text add class text warn example danger text add class text danger Address Twitter Folsom Ave Suite San Francisco George Belly Code Twitter Folsom Ave Suite San Francisco George Belly Listing Code Fancy Listing Code Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Good Morning Jason Dashboard Aug July Jun New Clients earning Month New Projects project total sale Direct Sales Referral Sales Affiliate sale Net Income Sales month earn Location India USA China earn Statistics Insert Update Delete Earnings month Recent Activity New Product Sold John Musa purchase Cannon Camera Minutes Ago New Support Ticket Richardson create support ticket Minutes Ago Notification Pending Order order Doe hour ago load Leaders Insert Update Delete Team Lead Project Team Status Weeks Budget Hanna elite Admin Daniel Real Homes theme Julian Josephs theme Jan host Press Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Home Library Aug July Jun Second legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh mustache skateboard pitchfork beard beard carle Tattooed sweater food truck quis non vinyl wes anderson sartorial carle non aesthetic exercitation quis Brooklyn craft beer vice item craft beer skateboard bicycle right level single origin coffee high life vinyl echo park pitchfork est messenger bag cre sustainable fanny pack second item echo park master cleanse craft beer single origin coffee wayfarer master cleanse probably hear art party fanny pack tattooed cardigan wolf sartorial keffiyeh sustainable wolf portland sell brooklyn item legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh twee culpa messenger bag delectus food truck cliche irony probably hear hoodie gluten free sell brunch sweater keffiyeh cardigan craft beer readymade chambray anim Nested Nav Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item esse aute exercitation minim exercitation exercitation nisi anim anim item nisi culpa culpa anim esse anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item anim exercitation aute exercitation esse exercitation culpa exercitation est esse esse qui item sit culpa minim aute anim exercitation exercitation veniam culpa list group Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Simple Line Icon Home Library Aug July Jun Control Icons use class icon tag icon user icon people icon user female icon user follow icon user follow icon user icon login icon logout icon icon phone icon end icon icon icon map icon location pin icon direction icon direction icon compass icon layer icon menu icon list icon option vertical icon option icon arrow icon arrow leave icon arrow right icon arrow icon arrow circle icon arrow leave circle icon arrow right circle icon arrow circle icon check icon clock icon plus icon close icon trophy icon screen icon screen desktop icon plane icon notebook icon mustache icon mouse icon magnet icon energy icon disc icon cursor icon cursor icon crop icon chemistry icon speedometer icon shield icon screen tablet icon magic wand icon hourglass icon graduation icon ghost icon game controller icon fire icon eyeglass icon envelope open icon letter icon bell icon badge icon anchor icon wallet icon vector icon speech icon puzzle icon printer icon present icon icon pin icon picture icon handbag icon globe alt icon globe icon folder alt icon folder icon film icon feed icon drop icon icon docs icon doc icon diamond icon cup icon calculator icon bubble icon briefcase icon book open icon basket load icon basket icon bag icon action undo icon action redo icon wrench icon umbrella icon trash icon tag support icon frame icon size icon size actual icon shuffle icon share alt icon share icon rocket icon question icon pie chart icon pencil icon note icon loop icon home icon grid icon graph icon microphone icon music tone alt icon music tone icon earphones alt icon earphone icon equalizer icon like icon dislike icon control start icon control rewind icon control play icon control pause icon control forward icon control end icon icon icon volume icon calender icon bulb icon chart icon ban icon bubble icon icon camera icon cloud download icon cloud upload icon eye icon flag icon heart icon info icon key icon link icon lock icon lock open icon magnifier icon magnifier add icon magnifier remove icon paper clip icon paper plane icon power icon refresh icon reload icon setting icon star icon female icon symbol male icon target icon credit card icon icon social icon social twitter icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social icon social right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Home Library Aug July Jun Bootstrap render modal header body set action footer Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change large modal small modal Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change modal title close Save change Standard Modal large modal small modal width modal modal Modal Pages Examples custom modal Email address Password accept term Conditions Sign Free Email address Password remember Sign Sign Modal Log Modal Modal base Alerts different alert message modal component continue head continue Incorrect Information continue snap continue Success Alert Info Alert Warning Alert Danger Alert Modal Position specify position modal display modal center right page specify class modal modal modal dialog center modal right respectively Modal head text modal close Save change text modal close Modal head text modal close Save change Center modal overflow text scroll behavior Modal Modal Center modal Modal Colored Header render modal header have background color Modal head Primary Background close Save change Modal Heading Success Background close Save change Modal head Info Background close Save change Modal Heading warning Background close Save change Modal Heading Danger Background close Save change Modal Heading Dark Background close Save change Primary Header Success Header Info Header Warning Header Danger Header Dark Header fill render modal header body footer have background color Primary fill Modal close Save change Success fill Modal close Save change Info fill Modal close Save change warning fill Modal close Save change Danger fill Modal close Save change Dark fill Modal close Save change Primary Filled Success fill Info Filled Warning fill Danger Filled Dark fill Multiple Modal Display series modal guide user multiple aspect step wise input Modal head text modal Modal head text modal close Multiple Modal Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Tabs Home Library Aug July Jun Default Tabs Home Profile Settings Food truck quinoa food truck quinoa food truck quinoa tab Justified Home Profile Settings Leggings legging food truck quinoa Tabs Vertical Left Home Profile Settings anim Leggings esse magna qui minim non Culpa dolor aute Leggings qui esse anim food truck quinoa anim Leggings esse magna qui Tabs Vertical Right anim Leggings esse magna qui minim non Culpa dolor aute Leggings qui esse anim food truck quinoa anim Leggings esse magna qui Home Profile Settings Tabs Bordered Home Profile Settings Leggings legging food truck quinoa Tabs Bordered Justified Home Profile Settings Leggings legging food truck quinoa Accordions Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Link Button data target anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Bootstrap Code Size Code right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Buttons Home Library Aug July Jun General Buttons use class success quickly create General Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Button tag class design element link Button Button outline Use class outline success quickly create General Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Rounded Buttons use class rounded success quickly create General Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Rounded outline button use class rounded outline success quickly create General Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Button Sizes use class success quickly create General large Normal small Button Sizes rounded Use class rounded success create large Normal small Block button use class block success quickly create General Block Button Block Button Block Button Button icon Use class success class heart quickly create General Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Mail Check Heart Mail Heart Heart Heart Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Mail Check Heart Mail Heart Heart Heart Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Light Dark Button Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Split button Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link Action Toggle Action action Separated link large button Use class create instant button large button action action large button Toggle Action action Circle button use class circle success quickly create General Circle large button use class circle success quickly create General Group button Wrap series button group leave Middle Right Button pagination Wrap series button group Button Input Group Button Content Input Group Group button size Wrap series button group leave Middle Right Nesting creat code link link Vertical button creat vertical button class group vertical Button Button Button Button Button Button Button link link Button link link link link link link Button radio easy way quickly start Bootstrap Male Female Button Checked Button Selected Radio radio Direction Trigger menus element add parent element Right Action action Separated link Split Toggle Action action Separated link action action Separated link Split Toggle Action action Separated link Left Action action Separated link Toggle Action action Separated link Split Menu Alignment Add menu right menu right align menu right align menu action action Left align menu action action Responsive Alignment Left align right align large screen action action right align leave align large screen action action Different Menu Content Header header action action Divider Action action Separated link Text example text free flow menu example text Form Email address Password Sign New sign Forgot password Options Offset Action action Reference Toggle Action action Separated link right reserve build styling Bootstrap package contain distribution file require style styling Bootstrap table enhance library add feature page ordering search scrolling static page comprehensive available manipulate table refer web range documentation example installation browser inclusion library standard tag package recommend use download download create locally host package dependency satisfied install var require require bower bower install documentation documentation option plug interface available site contain information wide variety plug available enhance table bug support Support available forum commercial support support available contribute think contribute code thank fix patch enhancement warmly welcome repository distribution patch issue send accept instead direct pull request issue bug direct question forum license software release MIT license free use modify distribute software copyright information remain Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Bootstrap Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change large modal small modal Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change modal title close Save change Standard Modal large modal small modal width modal modal Code Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change large modal small modal Modal head text modal overflow text scroll behavior close Save change modal title close Save change Standard Modal large modal small modal width modal modal Modal Pages Email address Password accept term Conditions Sign Free Email address Password remember Sign Sign Modal Log Modal Code Email address Password accept term Conditions Sign Free Email address Password remember Sign Sign Modal Log Modal Modal base Alerts continue head continue Incorrect Information continue snap continue Success Alert Info Alert Warning Alert Danger Alert Code continue head continue Incorrect Information continue snap continue Success Alert Info Alert Warning Alert Danger Alert Modal Position Modal head text modal close Save change text modal close Modal head text modal close Save change Center modal overflow text scroll behavior Modal Modal Center modal Modal Code Modal head text modal close Save change text modal close Modal head text modal close Save change Center modal overflow text scroll behavior Modal Modal Center modal Modal Colored Header Modal head Primary Background close Save change Modal Heading Success Background close Save change Modal head Info Background close Save change Modal Heading warning Background close Save change Modal Heading Danger Background close Save change Modal Heading Dark Background close Save change Primary Header Success Header Info Header Warning Header Danger Header Dark Header Code Modal head Primary Background close Save change Modal Heading Success Background close Save change Modal head Info Background close Save change Modal Heading warning Background close Save change Modal Heading Danger Background close Save change Modal Heading Dark Background close Save change Primary Header Success Header Info Header Warning Header Danger Header Dark Header Filled Primary fill Modal close Save change Success fill Modal close Save change Info fill Modal close Save change warning fill Modal close Save change Danger fill Modal close Save change Dark fill Modal close Save change Primary Filled Success fill Info Filled Warning fill Danger Filled Dark Filled Code Primary fill Modal close Save change Success fill Modal close Save change Info fill Modal close Save change warning fill Modal close Save change Danger fill Modal close Save change Dark fill Modal close Save change Primary Filled Success fill Info Filled Warning fill Danger Filled Dark fill Multiple Modal Modal head text modal Modal head text modal close Multiple Modal Code Modal head text modal Modal head text modal close Multiple Modal Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Tabs Tabs Default Tabs Home Profile Settings Food truck quinoa food truck quinoa food truck quinoa Code Home Profile Settings Food truck quinoa food truck quinoa food truck quinoa Tabs Vertical Left anim Leggings esse magna qui minim non Culpa dolor aute Leggings qui esse anim food truck quinoa anim Leggings esse magna qui Home Profile Settings Code anim Leggings esse magna qui minim non Culpa dolor aute Leggings qui esse anim food truck quinoa anim Leggings esse magna qui Home Profile Settings Tabs Bordered Justified Home Profile Settings Leggings legging food truck quinoa Code Home Profile Settings Leggings legging food truck quinoa right reserve build Raphael Dev testing Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets List Media List Media Bootstrap List Media Code Linked Items Code Badges Code media object list base media object list base media object list base media object medium head Code list base media object list base media object list base media object medium head Tabs behavior Home Profile Messages nisi magna sit nisi magna sit nisi magna sit Code Home Profile Messages nisi magna sit nisi magna sit nisi magna sit nesting Media Media head medium head Code Media head medium head alignment Media Alignment align medium Center Alignment Center align medium Alignment align medium Code Alignment align medium Center Alignment Center align medium Alignment align medium medium list list base media object list base media object list base media object Code list base media object list base media object list base media object right reserve build package contain distribution file core software library contain package correctly style styling package include styling option include native styling table enhance library add feature page ordering search scrolling static page comprehensive available manipulate table refer web range documentation example installation browser inclusion library standard tag package recommend use download download create locally host package dependency satisfied install var require require window bower bower install documentation documentation option plug interface available site contain information wide variety plug available enhance table bug support Support available forum commercial support support available contribute think contribute code thank fix patch enhancement warmly welcome repository distribution patch issue send accept instead direct pull request issue bug direct question forum license software release MIT license free use modify distribute software copyright information remain Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Carousal Home Library Aug July Jun previous indicator add indicator carousel previous slide easily caption title use second title use title use previous Individual Interval Add data item change time delay automatically cycle item previous right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Popover Home Library Aug July Jun interactive demo tag data right leave interactive demo tag data title data data data popover Popover right popover Popover leave right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Notifications Notifications Default Alert Primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check Code Primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check dismiss Alerts primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check Code primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check Custom Alerts primary alert check success alert check danger alert check warning alert check info alert check Code primary alert check success alert check danger alert check warning alert check info alert check additional content yeah successfully read important alert message example text run bit long space alert work kind content need sure use margin utility thing nice tidy Code yeah successfully read important alert message example text run bit long space alert work kind content need sure use margin utility thing nice tidy right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Default bootstrap Home Home Library Home Library Data Code Home Home Library Home Library Data Nav Home Library Data Bootstrap Code Home Library Data Bootstrap Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout table Sizing Home Library Aug July Jun Default Size Light table Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Default Size Dark Table Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Small Size Light table Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Small Size Dark Table Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Toasts Toasts Bootstrap Toasts Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message Code Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Sign Free Sign account Sign Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Popover Popover Interactive demo right leave Code right leave interactive demo Popover Popover Popover right popover Popover leave Code Popover Popover right popover Popover leave right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Typography Home Library Aug July Jun Typography Use tag desire head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head bootstrap head head subtitle Use tag desire head head sub head Heading sub heading Heading sub heading head sub heading Heading sub head Heading sub head Paragraph justify Use tag text justify desire paragraph operae iter est res nos Afros uti concilium diem alignment text use tag text leave text center text right desire text left align text viewport size center align text viewport size right align text viewport size view port text use tag text left text left text left text leave desire text left align text viewport sized small wide left align text viewport sized medium wide left align text viewport sized large wide left align text viewport sized extra large wide font weight italics Use tag font weight bold font weight normal font weight italic desire text bold text normal weight text italic text text color use tag class desire text example muted text add class text mute example primary text add class text primary example success text add class text success example info text add class text info example warning text add class text warn example danger text add class text danger Address Use address desire address Twitter Folsom Ave Suite San Francisco George Belly Use desire address famous Source Title Listing Use tag desire list Listing Use tag desire list Description Text Use tag desire list Standard Description List Description Text Description List Title Description List Text Fancy Listing use class list icon desire list Fancy Listing Use class list icon desire list Fancy Listing Use class list icon desire list Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Table Dark Basic Home Library Aug July Jun inverse table invert color light text dark background inverse Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird stripe Inverse Table Use stripe add zebra stripe table row Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird border Inverse Table Add border border side table cell Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird contextual class inverse regular table background variant available dark table use text background utility achieve similar style head head cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell cell Cell Cell cell cell cell cell right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Notification Home Library Aug July Jun Default Alert Alerts available length text optional dismiss button proper styling use require contextual class success background color use class white Primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check dismiss Alerts add dismiss button dismissible class add extra padding right alert position button primary simple primary alert check secondary simple secondary alert check success simple success alert check error simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check Info simple info alert check light simple light alert check Dark simple dark alert check Custom Alerts Display alert transparent background contextual text color use class white white text primary primary alert check display alert fill background use class white success text white success alert check danger alert check warning alert check info alert check additional content Alerts contain additional element like heading paragraph divider yeah successfully read important alert message example text run bit long space alert work kind content need sure use margin utility thing nice tidy right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Introduction Introduction Introduction admin popular open source template admin dashboard control panel fully responsive template base framework Bootstrap utilize Bootstrap component design style commonly create consistent design user interface application base modular design allow easily customize build documentation guide instal template explore component bundle template lot love effort Admin useful template come unique demos keen release continuous long term update lot new feature come soon future release purchase Admin entitle free download future update license support include answer question problem template give solution Bugs report include work Installation Work Support Party Software Support Guide integrate technology like Java etc solve bug implement template structure purchase template extract zip file structure Admin doc image lib page Credits bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap material bootstrap switch bootstrap chartist chartist cropper flot step validation magnific masonry layout moment nestable prism quill raphael bootstrap Block bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap bootstrap material bootstrap switch bootstrap chartist chartist cropper flot step validation magnific masonry layout moment nestable prism raphael right reserve build package contain distribution file core software library contain package correctly style styling package include styling option include native styling table enhance library add feature page ordering search scrolling static page comprehensive available manipulate table refer web range documentation example installation browser inclusion library standard tag package recommend use download download create locally host package dependency satisfied install var require require window bower bower install documentation documentation option plug interface available site contain information wide variety plug available enhance table bug support Support available forum commercial support support available contribute think contribute code thank fix patch enhancement warmly welcome repository distribution patch issue send accept instead direct pull request issue bug direct question forum license software release MIT license free use modify distribute software copyright information remain Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Calendar Calendar Aug July Jun Drag Drop Event Event event Event Event Remove drop right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets widget Widgets App simply dummy text printing typeset industry today simply dummy text printing week jun Purchase report yesterday simply dummy text printing week jun Purchase report yesterday Code simply dummy text printing typeset industry today simply dummy text printing week jun Purchase report yesterday simply dummy text printing week jun Purchase report yesterday Social Widget People know Hanna connect Silly Connect Jack Sully connect Invite friend Twitter Invite friend Code People know Hanna connect Silly Connect Jack Sully connect Invite friend Twitter Invite friend Profile Card Daniel Dashboard Message Portfolio Code Daniel Dashboard Message Portfolio Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Knob Chart Home Library Aug July Jun disable display input Cursor mode Display previous value Angle offset arc Angle offset digit value step Angle offset arc right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Radio button Home Library Aug July Jun Simple Default unchecked check disabled check disabled Custom unchecked check disabled disabled Simple Radio Buttons Default Radio Buttons unchecked Radio Button check Radio Button disabled Radio Button Custom Radio Buttons Toggle custom radio toggle custom radio toggle custom radio Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout form Input Grid Home Library Aug July Jun Horizontal Grid Submit Reset Grid row Label Row Label Row Label Row Label Row Label Row Label Row Label Submit Reset Grid Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Submit Reset Right Offset Submit Reset Left Offset Submit Reset center Input Label Label Label Label Submit Reset center input Default label Label Label Label Label Label Label Submit Reset Grid Row Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Submit Reset Grid Inline Input Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Submit Reset Multiple Input Default Label Label Multiple width Input Label Submit Reset Multiple Input Inline Label Label Multiple width Input Label Submit Reset Rights reserve build ajax request send counter false file counter exist echo counter return false counter create counter file admin Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Documentation Build Web Application Dashboard Faster Free Admin theme build ready use project Free Download live Preview Total download echo counter clean Modern User Interface Easy use Code Free Admin theme build ready use project minimal base Design Latest Bootstrap Version Page Templates table Form Chart Examples lot Free Download live Preview choose Project free Commercial project design effort team world class template Lifetime Free Updates design effort team world class template ready use element design effort team world class template release June Updated June Bootstrap Version License MIT License View Change Log Free Download live Preview look good premium free Bootstrap Admin Templates Kits Angular Dashboards project right place offer find variety template bundle great number feature addition free pay template fast copyright right reserve Download template download template enter email receive download link shortly send mail Submit wrong Email send Download link send successfully email email download template Email submit form submit add mailing list notify future update news worry will share email anytime subject Download message Download Download header MIME Version header content type text set content type send email header header reply mail subject message header echo array status true message Download link send successfully email echo array status false message wrong Email send die Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Morris Chart Home Library Aug July Jun product line Chart Site visit Chart Site View Site View Line Chart Chart Bar Chart Extra Area Chart Site Site right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Home Library Aug July Jun Default bootstrap use class Home Home Library Home Library Data Nav use class nav similar navigation Home Library Data Bootstrap Rights reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Home Library Aug July Jun Progress Example Progress bar use button alert class consistent style Progress Size Example set height value change value inner bar automatically resize accordingly use class right reserve build Raphael Dev testing Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Second legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh mustache skateboard pitchfork beard beard carle Tattooed sweater food truck quis non vinyl wes anderson sartorial carle non aesthetic exercitation quis Brooklyn craft beer vice item craft beer skateboard bicycle right level single origin coffee high life vinyl echo park pitchfork est messenger bag cre sustainable fanny pack second item echo park master cleanse craft beer single origin coffee wayfarer master cleanse probably hear art party fanny pack tattooed cardigan wolf sartorial keffiyeh sustainable wolf portland sell brooklyn item legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh twee culpa messenger bag delectus food truck cliche irony probably hear hoodie gluten free sell brunch sweater keffiyeh cardigan craft beer readymade chambray anim Code Second legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh mustache skateboard pitchfork beard beard carle Tattooed sweater food truck quis non vinyl wes anderson sartorial carle non aesthetic exercitation quis Brooklyn craft beer vice item craft beer skateboard bicycle right level single origin coffee high life vinyl echo park pitchfork est messenger bag cre sustainable fanny pack second item echo park master cleanse craft beer single origin coffee wayfarer master cleanse probably hear art party fanny pack tattooed cardigan wolf sartorial keffiyeh sustainable wolf portland sell brooklyn item legging brunch art party Pitchfork sell qui farm table bicycle right anim keffiyeh carle cardigan photo booth wolf moon sweater jean short hoodie minim qui probably hear cardigan trust fund culpa wes anderson aesthetic Nihil tattooed cre irony keffiyeh twee culpa messenger bag delectus food truck cliche irony probably hear hoodie gluten free sell brunch sweater keffiyeh cardigan craft beer readymade chambray anim Nested Nav Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item esse aute exercitation minim exercitation exercitation nisi anim anim item nisi culpa culpa anim esse anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item anim exercitation aute exercitation esse exercitation culpa exercitation est esse esse qui item sit culpa minim aute anim exercitation exercitation veniam culpa Code Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item esse aute exercitation minim exercitation exercitation nisi anim anim item nisi culpa culpa anim esse anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item anim exercitation aute exercitation esse exercitation culpa exercitation est esse esse qui item sit culpa minim aute anim exercitation exercitation veniam culpa list group Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa Code Item Item Item Item Item exercitation aute aute aute Qui non non anim item anim sit exercitation Esse anim esse item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa item Quis anim culpa culpa aute culpa right reserve build lite Build Web Application Dashboard Faster Free Admin theme build ready use project Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra documentation Logout Basic Initialisation Home Library Aug July Jun Zero Configuration feature enable default need use table construction function refer documentation Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York Position Office Age Start date Salary Default Ordering alter ordering characteristic table initialisation time order option order initialisation parameter set table display datum exactly order want Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York Position Office Age Start date Salary Multi column order column basis order specific column secondary column datum column identical option Position Office Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sale support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets getting start get start get start note file file add page update admin come affect code download Package Source Mart install open command terminal Package Path root package default package manager runtime environment update install check weather node install yarn package manager install yarn check weather yarn install yarn Gulp cross platform stream task runner let developer automate development task install gulp globally install gulp cli previously instal gulp remove gulp check weather gulp install gulp Command execute dist folder separately gulp install dependency root folder enter follow command install project dependency install command install template inside folder need run command gulp copy include dependency asset lib folder right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Toasts Home Library Aug July Jun Basic Toast Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message Translucent Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message Stacking Bootstrap like bootstrap second ago head toast stack automatically Placement Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message Placement Bootstrap like bootstrap second ago head toast stack automatically Placement Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Bootstrap Bootstrap Bootstrap Badges Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Code Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Pill badge Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Code Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Button Badges Notifications profile unread message Code Notifications profile unread message Collapse Toggle Link Button data target anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer Code Link Button data target anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer active Disabled Pagination Previous current Code previous current pagination size Small Pagination Previous Pagination Alignment Previous Large Pagination Previous Code previous previous previous image round corner Image Rounded Image Circle Image thumbnail Code Image Rounded Image Circle Image thumbnail Fluid Fluid modified occupy entire horizontal space parent Code Fluid modified occupy entire horizontal space parent right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template Admin new admin Event today reminder event Settings customize template want Pavan admin check notification Action action Hello Jason Doe profile balance Account set Logout View Profile Dashboard Applications Ticket list Chat Calendar Components Forms form input form Grids Radios Tables Basic Table Dark Basic Table Sizing table Coloured Table Layout Basic Layout Charts Morris Chart Knob Chart Elements Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Cards Authentication Login Register Icons Icons Simple Line Icons Multi level item item Menu item item item item item Extra Documentation Logout Popover Home Library Aug July Jun popover Toggle Click toggle popover Popover Directions Popover Popover right popover Popover leave Dismiss Click Dismissible popover right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Spinner Spinner Bootstrap Spinner Border Spinner Loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading Spinner Buttons Loading loading Code Border Spinner Loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading Spinner Buttons Loading loading grow spinner grow spinner loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading grow Buttons Loading loading Code grow spinner loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading loading grow Buttons Loading loading right reserve build Template Ultimate Multipurpose admin template documentation getting start introduction getting start Components Bootstrap Buttons Tabs Popover Notification Typography Bootstrap List Media Grid Carousel Toasts Spinner Customized Widgets Zero Configuration Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York Position Office Age Start date Salary Code Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York Position Office Age Start date Salary Init Code Required Files right reserve build