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Esperanto language file refer english translation definitive list eblis devas extension miss Exception class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE exception handler class Exception extend prettify error message output string public function return check thing submit issue sure late version check problem deal troubleshoot Troubleshooting especially have problem connect include sufficient code reproduce problem have issue include debug output generate set question use report bug tag question Stack Overflow search question tag problem description Code reproduce debug output Composer DIR return Documentation Overview Features Development Elements Support FAQ Credits Overview Hello thank template Team template release MIT License free personal commercial use attribution share template friend start project awesome template start scratch create template want start project time create component scratch know million free want use let template credit template footer good want help start project fast client happy attribution feature fully Responsive Latest Bootstrap build SASS Ion Icons Font icon Fonts Social Media Buttons Available Pages Home Detail Article Category Search Pages Contact Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Error Page Error Page Error Page Error Page working Contact form Unlimited Color Skins Cross browser Documented Owl Carousel Magnific Sweet Alert Development encourage read documentation begin development need know rule well development template easy update Folder Structure simple folder structure general folder contain file want change default style create file advise TOUCH DEFAULT file documentation folder contain documentation file font folder contain font file delete file folder replace Fonts font image folder contain image file image file folder folder contain file like file advise TOUCH DEFAULT FILE want create file script folder contain external library want add library folder server folder contain server programming folder contain source file write SASS page default offer ready use page home Login Category etc create page start follow markup Responsive Magazine Template content Skin skin default Default Blue Orange Purple use skin place skin file want file tag let use blue skin add skin blue class tag create skin create skin copy file inside skin folder rename file want file example change primary secondary key color compile SASS run command root directory template sass skin skin expand Fonts Fonts Font Icon Ionic Framework Typography Heading heading head heading heading head Paragraph Colors Primary Secondary Success Warning Info Danger Buttons Primary Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Success Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Warning Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Danger Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Info Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Default Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled icon Login Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Social Line Hover Default social Login Login Twitter Login Login Forms Default Input Normal error error success success warn warning Rounded Input Normal error error success success warn warning Placeholder Input Normal error error success success warn warning float Input Stacked Normal Stacked Label error Stacked Label error success Stacked Label success warn Stacked Label warning float Label Focus Normal Stacked Label error Stacked Label error success Stacked Label success warn Stacked Label warning feature Author Card New Featured John Doe post star photo Authors Newsletter Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Toast Toast Example toast Example toast Example Code text hello position right head toast read documentation Check check check Radio Radio Radio Code red red cursor true read documentation Sweet Alert Alert Success Error Confirm Code oops wrong error Magnific Support find bug create issue want template well let start contribute think need awesome template contact Page problem question feature request template email lastly forget buy hamburger support alive FAQ Frequently ask Questions free free personal commercial use attribution share template friend license use MIT License create theme base sell marketplace yes free create theme base template attribution addition end end free earn money know free earn money till donate project credit component create author image font thank make amazing Bootstrap Toast number Ionic Framework Social Media Button Magnific Sweet Alert Font Font Multiple Designers Font Type Images build Version upgrade major update break backward compatibility doubt look example update work style Version require later fully compatible support upwards need run legacy version stable branch stable load single big change way load early version require require require recommend load composer standard autoloader probably will need load case need instead require vendor composer load class manually depend require require require use manual project organisation import use statement class explicitly reference absolutely global example mean fully qualified main class bit mouthful harm class explicitly exception need import example create instance like use require vendor mail new alternatively fully qualified require vendor mail new note use statement apply file appear local alias include file contain use statement import class file include exception use exception class previously catch exception type subclass need update use exist exception reference use global original code try catch echo catch Exception echo convert use try catch Exception echo catch echo support implementation completely redesign League extraordinary provide support service need update code tree master example documentation Extras additional class previously bundle Extras folder remove use equivalent package instead upgrade change detail file structure simplify class live folder statically call function use static keyword instead self possible override static internal function subclass example complete line break default remove line end constant rename default use property convert use static constant consistency ease override similar change line break handling class element previously mark deprecate remove authentication remove work method signature change static call statically static call statically protect finnish language file refer english translation definitive list datum message body ole mail invalid address sign error Connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss indonesian language file refer english translation definitive list host datum kosong proses File error email email valid minimal Mailer error Connect variable extension miss Composer class public static array array public static array array DIR public static function loader return use loader null email transport class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE email transport class implement command provide utility method send mail server Chris class version number string const VERSION line break constant string const port use specify integer const maximum line length allow section integer const debug level output const debug level client server message const debug level client server server client message const debug level connection status client server server client message const debug level message const debug output level option debug output default Client command client command server response plus connection status low level datum output message integer public handle debug output option echo output plain text appropriate CLI Output escape line break convert appropriate browser output output error log configure alternatively provide callable expect param message string debug level level echo debug level level message str alternatively pass instance compatible logger debug level output new public echo use Info boolean public false timeout value connection second default minute section need high function correctly host anti spam measure integer public Timeout long wait command complete second default minute section integer public array Patterns extract transaction reply DATA command capture group return message correct internal tracking protect postfix queue queue mail string transaction issue response DATA command detect protect socket server connection resource protect error information command array protect error error detail reply server send null string receive protect null set extension send reply command index array extension name value index accord command send represent server case element array value boolean true array contain extension option null string receive protect null recent reply receive server string protect output debug info user select method stre str Debug string output integer level debug level message DEBUG constant protect function level level return logger return clash build function name echo str level return switch case output log break case output bit well looking safe output echo str break case echo default line break str str echo trail space trim readability trail break connect server stre host server host integer port port number connect integer timeout long wait connection open array option array option boolean public function port null timeout option static enable default provider disable cache result clear error avoid confusion sure connect connected generate error connect server return false port connect server connection opening true array host port timeout work place miss feature connection available fall host port timeout verify connect properly fail connect server error return false open server long respond long timeout read Windows support timeout function WIN max bother unlimited max timeout max timeout announcement announce CLIENT announce return true initiate encrypt session boolean public function return false good drop inclusion add manually begin encrypt connection true return Perform authentication run hello string user stre password password string auth type CRAM PLAIN LOGIN optional instance authentication boolean True successfully authenticate hello public function authenticate password null null allow return false extension available try find proper authentication method allow stage stage mean auth allow stage change return false method request unknown Auth method available server implode request specific auth type check server support try auth method available null auth mechanism specify attempt use order CRAM secure CRAM LOGIN PLAIN method method break support authentication method find return false method select requested authentication method support server return false LOGIN switch case plain start authentication auth plain return false send encode password User Password password return false break case login start authentication auth login return false return false return false break case CRAM start authentication CRAM auth CRAM return false challenge challenge build response response password send encode credential return case instance set prior request auth return false start authentication auth return false break default method support return false return true calculate hash work like datum key case function available stre datum datum hash stre key key hash string protect function key return datum key following borrow implementation create eliminate need install compute Lance rush byte length key key key key return data check connection state boolean true connect public function connect socket valid connect notice EOF catch check connect return false return true look good return false close socket clean state class use function try use QUIT quit public function close null null close connection cleanup null clean serialization close send DATA command issue data command send server mail transaction message send header header need single line follow message header message body separate additional implement datum string message datum send boolean public function use standard DATA return false server ready accept datum accord send character single line include break datum line need break small line fit limit look line start prepend additional note count line length limit Normalize line break explode line distinguish complete message plain message body check field line separate contain space header process line blank line header field false false true line line line false line small line long fast len backwards try find space char line break avoid break middle word pos match false pos nice break find add hard break pos pos line pos find point pos deal line pos processing header add char new line section line line line line server section datum send complete command end datum command result END return result send command identify send server receiving server make sure client server known state implement stre host host connect boolean public function extend hello return host host send command low level implementation hello stre hello string stre host boolean hello protect function host noerror hello host noerror null return noerror parse reply command discover server extension case parameter discover server stre type protect function line line char contain response code follow space continue field explode type field switch case SIZE field field break case auth field break default field true field send MAIL command start mail transaction email address specify return true successful false true mail transaction start recipient command call follow data command implement MAIL string Source address message boolean public function return MAIL MAIL send QUIT command close socket error argument true implement QUIT boolean connection close error occur boolean public function true noerror QUIT err error noerror err error quit command return noerror send RCPT command set argument return true recipient accept false reject implement RCPT string address address message send boolean public function return RCPT RCPT address send command Abort transaction currently progress implement boolean true success public function reset return send command server check return code stre command command send server stre actual command send expect expected integer success code boolean true success protect function expect command connect return false line break command false false command contain line break return false fetch code possible error code explanation match match code null cut error code response line detail fall simple parsing fail code null detail CLIENT command command fail detail code error return false return true send command start mail transaction email address specify return true successful false true mail transaction start recipient command call follow data command command send message user terminal log send email implement string address message boolean public function return send command stre verify boolean public function return send NOOP command alive alive actually boolean public function noop return NOOP send TURN command optional command class support method Definition complete class implement future implement TURN boolean public function turn TURN command implement notice return false send raw datum server stre datum datum send number byte send server false error public function SERVER datum result datum return result late error array public function return extension available server public function return multipurpose method method work way dependent argument value current state send return null set send return server return boolean false string return null set send return server string extension exist return boolean true option return boolean False word use method detect condition null return handshake know ext refer false return request feature exactly exist positive value return request feature exist stre extension mixed public function send return null tight logic knot return return false handshake Client know server extension return null return reply server string public function return read server response eof socket timeout occur operation tell line read character symbol space need read string protect function connection bad straight away return datum time null pass var param reference time sec break noise suppression error handle str INBOUND datum str response char valid say handle character space reading break loop string array access micro break time log break info time sec break check read take long time reach sec break return datum enable disable address generation boolean enable public function false enable address generation mode boolean public function return set error message code stre message error message stre detail detail error string associated error code stre Extended code protect function detail error message detail detail set debug output method method mechanism use debug output callable handle public function echo method debug output method string public function return set debug output level integer level public function level debug output level integer public function return Set timeout integer timeout public function timeout timeout integer public function return report error number string integer error number return stre error message return stre file error occur integer line number error occur protect function notice connection fail notice notice error line extract return transaction base list pattern provide host provide response DATA command reply receive return null pattern match return false protect function reply null false reply match return queue transaction transaction reply receive return null pattern match return false public function return hungarian language file refer english translation definitive list mail mailer kell extension miss traditional chinese language file refer english translation definitive list Peter Dave Hello Jason extension MIT License MIT Copyright Tristan Edwards Permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE romanian language file refer english translation definitive list Alex gol dat mail email mailer email email server seta hebrew language file refer english translation definitive list Connect fail extension miss Simplified chinese language file refer english translation definitive list young extension Croatian language file refer english translation definitive list encoding mail mail mail mail mail mailer Danish language file refer english translation definitive list Mikael Data message body encode format til fil fil email invalid address mailer skal sign error Connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Advertisement Recent Post December Lifestyle aute Lifestyle December Travel December aute International December Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Home Film post December Film John Doe image egesta Free Responsive Magazine Template free Themes Bootstrap Responsive Web Design Web Design Sharing care Twitter Email share Author web Developer John Doe aute esse like aute Lifestyle December aute Lifestyle December Responses write Response Mark Otto hour exercitation Reply Mark Otto hour exercitation Reply Mark Otto hour Quis exercitation aute esse non sunt culpa qui anim est Reply Mark Otto hour exercitation Reply Leave Response Email Response Send Response Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Internal Server Error happen fix come later search home company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build spanish language file refer english translation definitive list Matt Sturdy error error servidor error Datos cuerpo del acceder Error una Mail email mailer Debe una email error Error Connect error del servidor variable Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Home Computer Category computer show post category Computer Film December Film December Film December Film December Film December Film December Film December Film December show result Page Advertisement Recent Post December Lifestyle aute Lifestyle December Travel December aute International December Newsletter subscribe receive new article email company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout content company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build estonian language file refer english translation definitive list Elan Viga viga Viga Viga Pole Viga mail address Viga viga Connect viga Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Register Email Password Register account Login Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build malaysian language file refer english translation definitive list datum fail Fail fail dari mel mel sah Anda mel mel Connect extension miss Slovene language file refer english translation definitive list tip mail bilo mailer extension miss Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Forgot Password Email Reset Password login Login Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build bosnian language file refer english translation definitive list mail mail mail mail mail mailer server file Composer Nils copyright license information view LICENSE file distribute source code implement class loader loader new register class activate autoloader enable search include path PEAR package example try use class child instance autoloader look class directory fallback directory find give class loosely base class private array private array private array private array private array private false private array private false private array private public function return return array public function return public function return public function return public function return array class filename map public function register set directory give prefix append prepending one previously set prefix string prefix prefix path root directory bool prepend prepend directory public function path prepend false prefix prepend array path array path return array path return prepend array path array path register set directory give append prepending one previously set string prefix prefix trail path base directory bool prepend prepend directory public function path prepend false prefix Register directory root prepend array path array path Register directory new length throw new non prefix end separator length array path prepend prepend directory register array path append directory register array path register set directory give prefix replace previously set prefix string prefix prefix path base directory public function path prefix array path array path register set directory give replace previously set string prefix prefix trail path base directory public function path prefix array path length throw new non prefix end separator length array path turn search include path class file bool public function check autoloader use include path check class bool public function return turn search prefix fallback directory class register class map bool public function class lookup fail find current class map bool public function return prefix use cache find find class extension enable public function null prefix use null cache enable public function return register instance autoloader bool prepend prepend autoloader public function false true prepend instance autoloader public function load give class interface stre class class true load null public function file return true find path file class define stre class class path find false public function class map lookup return return false null file hit hit return file file search Hack file run false file file null file false file remember class exist true return file private function ext lookup ext prefix length prefix dir dir length return file fallback dir dir dir return file lookup false pos class pos pos pear like class ext prefix dir prefix dir dir dir return file fallback dir dir dir return file include path file return file return false scope isolated include prevent access self include file function include file Azerbaijani language file refer english translation definitive list Mail mail mail mail extension miss language file refer english translation definitive list mail email email extension miss georgian language file refer english translation definitive list aka mail mail mail language install grunt cli french language file refer english translation definitive list french punctuation require thin non breaking space character example colon exclamation mark character quote impossible connecter Corps message vide inconnu impossible lancer impossible impossible suivante impossible mail pas client non les signature connexion impossible variable extension Copyright Matt Dual license MIT Version license permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE ukrainian language file refer english translation definitive list Boris mail mail mail extension miss Copyright Owl Modified work Copyright David Permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Service Unavailable maintenance come later search home company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build latvian language file refer english translation definitive list fail nav extension miss portuguese European language file refer english translation definitive list com servidor dado foram mail nos mail mail para mail mailer Tem mail Connect servidor lithuanian language file refer english translation definitive list prie mail bent extension miss MIT License MIT Copyright Drifty Permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout previous Tip Computer December Travel Class December International October Lifestyle November Latest News December Healthy aute December Healthy Exercitation December Lifestyle class December Sport egesta trend Tags Bootstrap Responsive Hot News aute Lifestyle December aute Lifestyle December aute Lifestyle December Travel December aute International December Computer December News Film December Sponsored Travel December Travel December Healthy December sidebar feature John Doe post star photo Authors Popular aute Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Comments December Sport egesta aute Lifestyle December Travel December aute Healthy December Mark Otto hour Mark Otto hour Mark Otto hour video sponsor Best Week December Travel December Sport December Lifestyle December Travel December Travel December Travel Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Login Password Forgot Password Login account create Login Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Composer return array korean language file refer english translation definitive list mail Demo Download net Smooth Scroll arabic language file refer english translation definitive list Connect extension miss Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout home tell exercitation aute esse non sunt culpa qui anim est exercitation aute esse non sunt culpa qui anim est question contact Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Persian Farsi language file refer english translation definitive list Mohammad file mailer Server extension miss chinese language file refer english translation definitive list message body invalid address sign error Connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss brazilian portuguese language file refer english translation definitive list servidor dado mail mail mailer deve Connect servidor Vietnamese language file refer english translation definitive list dung tin tin tin extension miss turkish language file refer english translation definitive list Veri connect armenian language file refer english translation definitive list mail mail connect serbian language file refer english translation definitive list mail email creation transport class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE email creation transport class Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder class Email priority option null default high Normal low null header set integer public priority null character set message string public MIME content type message string public text plain message encoding option binary quote printable string public encoding hold recent mailer error message string public email address message string public message string public Root User envelope sender message usually turn Return Path header receiver address bounce send pass MAIL value string public sender subject message string public subject plain text message body string public body plain text message body body read mail client email capability mutt Eudora client read view normal body string public message body support simple alt message type generate event structure use class like string public complete compile MIME message body string protect complete compile MIME message header string protect extra header fold string protect Word wrap message body number char Set wrap useful value section compliance integer public method use send mail option mail string public Mailer mail path program string public mail use fully compatible support option boolean public true email address reading confirmation send know read receipt string public use message header default string attempt find order value string public message header unique generate set format define section ignore string public message Date Date header current date add string public host single multiple semicolon delimit specify different port host format port specify encryption type example host try order string public host default server port integer public Port message Default attempt find method describe string public kind encryption use connection option string public enable encryption automatically server support set aware require server certificate valid boolean public true use authentication use Password property boolean public false option array pass connect array public string public password string public Password auth type option CRAM LOGIN PLAIN attempt order specify string public instance class protect null server timeout second default minute section integer public Timeout class debug output mode debug output level option output command datum command plus connection status low level datum output integer public handle debug output option echo output plain text appropriate CLI Output escape line break convert appropriate browser output output error log configure default use echo run cli cli server alternatively provide callable expect param message string debug level level echo debug level level message str alternatively pass instance compatible logger debug level output new public echo connection open message set true close connection require explicit boolean public false split multiple address multiple message send message support mail transport boolean public false storage address enable array protect generate address send applicable send postfix info boolean public false allow send message body boolean public false selector string public Identity usually email address source email string public key encrypt string public sign domain string public private key file path string public private key string set take precedence string public Callback Action function function handle result send email action call send email send value callable parameter boolean result result send action array email address recipient array email address array email address stre subject subject stre body email body string email address sender string public Mailer header option string default whitespace string use string public use default validate email address callable inject build default use option public static instance sender class protect null array name address array protect array name address array protect array name address array protect array reply name address array protect array kind address include array protect array name address queue validation send valid non duplicate entry move array address array protect array reply name address queue validation send valid non duplicate entry move array address array protect array attachment array protect attachment array custom header array protect recent message include angular bracket string protect message MIME type string protect array MIME boundary string array protect boundary array available language array protect language number error encounter integer protect MIME certificate file path string protect MIME key file path string protect optional MIME extra certificate Chain file path string protect MIME password key key encrypt string protect throw exception error boolean protect exception false unique message boundary string protect Version number string const VERSION error severity message continue processing integer const error severity message likely continue processing integer const error severity message plus stop critical error reach integer const standard line ending string protect static maximum line length allow section integer const low maximum line length allow section integer const Constructor boolean exception throw external exception public function null appropriate debug output format automatically cli false echo Destructor public function destruct open connection nicely mail aware fashion point claim pass param perfect fix string stre subject Subject stre body message Body stre header additional stre param boolean private function subject body header param overload mail function avoid double encoding subject subject mail null param break result subject body header result subject body header param return result output debug info user define method generate output debug output enable stre str protect function return logger return clash build function name echo str return switch case output log break case output bit well looking safe output echo str break case echo default line break str str echo trail space trim readability trail break set message type plain boolean true mode public function true text text plain send message public function send message mail function public function mail send message public function send message public function bin inject add address string address email address send string boolean true success false address invalid way public function return address add address string address email address send string boolean true success false address invalid way public function return address add address string address email address send string boolean true success false address invalid way public function return address add reply address string address email address reply string boolean true success false address invalid way public function return address add address recipient array array validate address know modify call function addition address delay send address add return false throw exception stre kind string address email address send resp reply string exception boolean true success false address invalid way protect function address address break trim pos false pos sign miss kind address throw new return false param kind address enqueue address know reply kind param return true param return true return false immediately add standard address return param add address recipient array array address add return false throw exception stre kind string address email address send resp reply string exception boolean true success false address invalid way protect function address reply recipient kind kind throw new return false kind address throw new return false reply kind address true return true address return true return false parse validate string contain style comma separate email address form display array address pair use function extension available note quote remove stre address list string boolean use extension parse list array careful implementation public static function true address build parser available list list address error address personal address simple parser list explode list address address separate false separate use thing address address address email explode address email email address address email return address set property string address stre boolean auto set Sender address default true exception boolean public function auto true address break trim validate address send pos false pos address throw new return false address auto address return true return message header email technically value time header create message send message pathological case string public function return check string look like email address string address email address check selector validation pattern use auto pick good pattern automatically use pattern require use old implementation use build use pattern give spec email type form input element use super fast dumb alternatively pass callable inject example return false set static callable allow build method use boolean public static function null return address line break address valid false false return false switch case case complex permissive version base addition address allow permit dotless domain comment quote element test numeric unbracketed literal literal necessarily work send Michael feel free use redistribute code copyright notice return address case pattern spec validation email type form input element return address case case default return tell internationalized Domain Names support require intl extension boolean true require function support present public function return convert give email address ascii form know possible important Address pass encoding currently set function silently return unmodified address conversion necessary domain ascii form conversion impossible require function available fail reason domain character allow string address email address convert string encoded address ascii form public function verify require function sign pos false pos domain verify string valid domain properly encode domain IDE complaint line method signature change false return pos return address create message send use sending method specify Mailer boolean false error property detail error Exception public function send try return false return catch Exception throw return false prepare message send exception boolean public function mail WIN mandate compliant line ending mail Windows backward compatibility legacy command line mailer buggy version add header incorrect line break mail WIN version affect bug result corrupted message fix switch send disable option switch upgrade version try reset error dequeue recipient reply address param param throw new Validate Sender address Sender continue throw new return false set message alternative alternative refuse send message specifically allow throw new subject consistently create body header case body make change header alter transfer encoding add header retain capture complete message mail create extra header list fold mail undisclosed recipient subject sign enable return true catch Exception throw return false actually send message send email select mechanism boolean Exception public function try choose mailer send switch case case return case return case mail return default return return catch Exception throw return false send mail program stre header message header stre body message body exception boolean protect function body pass character escape mail mail throw new header body result result body result throw new mail mail throw new header body result result body result throw new return true Fix disallow potentially unsafe shell character note inadequate purpose especially Windows stre stre string validate bug report protect boolean protect static function future proof string string return false length length character special meaning common shell include stop special meaning impact negligible note permit non latin alphanumeric character base current locale false return false return true send mail mail function stre header message header stre body message body exception boolean protect function body implode param null set envelope sender get turn return path header receiver space optional long history presence problem use doc doc doc problem pass character escape param result false result body header param body result body header param body result throw new return true instance use operation override function load implementation set public function new return provide instance use operation public function return send mail return false bad MAIL RCPT DATA input use class default stre header message header stre body message body use different class Exception boolean protect function body throw new validate implode throw new attempt send recipient error error false true body send DATA command viable recipient body throw new error message bad address bad throw new exception return true initiate connection server return false operation fail array option array option compatible boolean Exception public function null option provide use set instance option connect return true host explode null host valid host entry continue optional prefix optional port number host string prefix temporarily override current setting specify default value host valid address try use continue prefix secure prefix false time secure true use prefix secure need extension secure secure constant disabled throw new host port port host port option try hello hello enable encryption disabled extension server offer secure true throw new resend negotiation throw new return true catch Exception connect fail Auth close connection nicely connection attempt fail close connection hard catch exception report throw return false close active session exist public function set language error message return false load language file default language English stre ISO character language code French stre path language file directory trail separator slash boolean public function backwards compatibility rename language code define set translatable string English authenticate Error authenticate Error connect host Error datum accept message body encode unknown encoding execute execute access file File error open file follow address fail instantiate instantiate mail function invalid address mailer support provide recipient email address error follow recipient fail sign sign Error connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss calculate absolute path work language true english translation file sure language file path readable false overwrite language specific string way miss translation key include return return false language find array string current language array public function return create recipient header stre type array addr array recipient recipient element index array element contain address element contain like Joe User User string public function addr address addr address address return type implode address Format address use message header array addr element index array element contain address element contain like Joe User string public function provide return return phrase Word wrap message use mailer automatically perform wrap quote printable encode message original write philippe stre message message wrap integer length line length wrap boolean run quote printable mode string public function length false encoding need sure split multibyte character wrap message trail line break message message line line message rebuild message line line word explode line true word word length length len len len len len len len word len message message length break len length len len len len len len word len message word length message word false message return message find character boundary prior quote printable encode string original write Colin Brown string text integer find character boundary prior length integer public function false false find start encoded character byte block check encoded byte value char hex dec dec single byte character encode char find pos fit reduce start encode char true dec byte multi byte character reduce split start character true dec middle byte multi byte character look encoded character find true return apply word wrap message body wrap message body number char set property plain text body wrap tag break call automatically need public function return switch case alt case case case break default break assemble message header string assemble header public function result result create automatically mail mail mail result result undisclosed recipient result mail extract header send result mail extract header send mail result result mail set subject mail result allow custom message conform section result result Priority result Mailer result Mailer result notification add custom header header result result Version result return result message MIME type header string public function result true switch case inline result type relate result break case attach case case case result type mixed result break case alt case result type alternative result break default Catches case plain case result type false break say assume specify section say MIME part use binary CTE result transfer Encoding remain alternative quote printable compatible result transfer Encoding mail result return result return MIME message include complete header body valid post string public function return create unique use boundary string protect function len bytes bytes bytes true return byte assemble message body return string failure exception string assembled message body public function body unique preset boundary body bit downgrade ISO Windows ascii compatible bit ascii line long encoding shorten quote printable transfer encoding body quote printable bit downgrade ISO Windows ascii compatible bit ascii line long encoding shorten quote printable transfer encoding alt body quote printable preamble message type multi message MIME format switch case inline body body body body body break case attach body body body body body break case body body body type relate body body body body body body body body break case alt body body text plain body body body text body body body text calendar method request body body body break case body body text plain body body body body type relate body body body text body body body body body break case body body body type alternative body body body text plain body body body text body body body text calendar method request body body body body break case body body body type alternative body body body text plain body body body body type relate body body body text body body body body body body body break default catch case plain case apply simple text plain text body content type encoding property case change line length reason body break body throw new try throw new nice use stream file mail false body throw new write temp file sign sign bug sign file sign null sign file sign null sign body message return contain header body need split part body body throw new catch Exception body throw return body return start message boundary stre boundary stre stre stre encode string protect function encoding result encode encode result boundary result type result say assume specify encoding result transfer Encoding encoding result return result return end message boundary stre boundary string protect function return boundary set message type support preset message type arbitrary MIME structure protect function type type alt type inline type attach implode type plain refer message have single body element plain text plain Format header line stre stre value string public function value return value return formatted mail line stre value string public function return value add attachment path use user supply path file return false file find read stre path Path attachment stre override attachment stre encode File encoding Encoding stre type file extension MIME type stre disposition disposition use exception boolean public function encode type disposition attachment try throw new path MIME type specify try work file type type filename filename path filename encoding type false disposition catch Exception throw return false return true return array attachment array public function return attach file string binary attachment message return string failure stre stre boundary string protect function boundary return text body mime incl add attachment attachment check valid check string attachment string path string path incl continue incl encode type disposition cid inline disposition continue true mime boundary include filename property mime Content type type mime Content type type say assume specify encoding mime transfer encoding encoding inline disposition mime cid filename contain char quote Fixes warning MIME checker allow bypass Content Disposition header totally mime Content Disposition disposition mime Content Disposition disposition mime Content Disposition disposition mime encode string attachment mime encoding mime encoding return mime mime boundary return implode mime encode file attachment request format return string failure stre path path file stre encode encoding use binary quote printable exception string protect function encode try throw new path false throw new path encoding return catch Exception return encode string request format return string failure stre str text encode stre encode encoding use binary quote printable string public function encode encode switch case encode break case case encode sure end line break encode break case binary encode str break case quote printable encode break default encoding break return encode encode header value include label optimally pick short Result include fold need stre str header value encode stre position context string definition phrase comment text string public function position text switch case phrase str use know value encoded str encode str return encode return str match break case comment str match case text default str match break specify maximum line length char mail message header long char mail try select encoding produce short output content need encoding encoding efficient encode calculation max line length shorten avoid mail corruption encode char overhead length use custom function correctly encode wrap long multibyte string break line character encode encode encode encode encode char need encoding use encode encoding max line length encoding comment encode encode position encode true encode encode encode char need encoding line long fold encode false str encode nicely work wrap hard instead encode encode encode encode need return str return check string contain multi byte character string str multi byte text wrap encode boolean public function return assume multibyte handle function return false string contain bit char stre text boolean public function return text encode wrap long multibyte string mail header break line character adapt function string str multi byte text wrap encode stre string use linefeed end line string public function null start end encode line length include start end length average multi byte ratio ratio ratio ratio offset offset chunk offset chunk length encode chunk chomp linefeed encoded return encode encode string quote printable format accord section stre string text encode string public function return encode string encoding stre str text encode stre position text mean string public function position text string pattern encode str switch case phrase section pattern break section build pattern include delimiter case comment pattern intentional fall case text default section replace high ascii control character pattern pattern break match encode match string contain sure thing replace avoid double encode false char encode encode replace space readable section return encode add string binary attachment non method attach ascii binary datum BLOB record database stre string String attachment datum stre filename attachment stre encode File encoding Encoding stre type file extension MIME type stre disposition disposition use public function string filename encode type disposition attachment MIME type specify try work file type type append attachment array string filename encoding type true disposition add embed inline attachment file include image sound document type differ regular attachment intend display inline message attach download message image refer cid value use user supply path file stre path Path attachment string cid Content attachment use reference content embed image stre override attachment stre encode File encoding Encoding stre type File MIME type stre disposition disposition use boolean true successfully add attachment public function cid encode type disposition inline path return false MIME type specify try work file type type filename filename append attachment array path filename encoding type false disposition cid return true add embed attachment include image sound document type sure set type image type image image use image GIF use image gif use image stre string attachment binary datum string cid Content attachment use reference content embed image stre stre encode File encoding Encoding stre type MIME type stre disposition disposition use boolean true successfully add attachment public function string cid encode type disposition inline MIME type specify try work type type append attachment array string encoding type true disposition cid return true check embed attachment present cid string cid boolean protect function attachment inline cid return true return false check inline attachment present boolean public function attachment inline return true return false check attachment non inline present boolean public function attachment attachment return true return false check message alternative body set boolean public function return clear queue address give kind stre kind public function function param use kind return kind clear recipient public function clear recipient public function clear recipient public function clear recipient public function clear recipient type public function clear string binary attachment public function clear custom header public function add error message error container string msg protect function msg msg detail msg code msg additional info msg return format date string public static function set time zone default avoid error default set properly return server return unknown string protect function result result SERVER result false result false result return return result validate string contain valid value use address address include stre host host address check bool public static function syntax limit return false like bracketed address host return remove dot result numeric string address check thing like consider valid host name host valid address return host syntactically valid return true return false error message current language stre key string protect function set default language key link troubleshoot doc connection failure far big cause support question usually fault return return key fallback return key check error occur boolean true error occur public function return add custom header value overload contain header value value stre Custom header stre value Header value public function value null Value pass value explode value return custom header array public function return create message body string automatically inline image create plain text version convert overwrite exist value body source message content user input handle relative look image file image convert inline provide relative path leave untouched probably break email convert data uri image embed attachment want apply transformation set Body directly public stre message message string stre Absolute path base directory prepend relative path image advanced use internal text converter custom converter string message transform message Body string message public function advanced false message image image ensure trailing convert datum embed image data image match datum datum recognise leave continue decoded datum data URI image multiple place embed different encoding cid datum cid embed message cid cid message continue process relative provide absolute local path ignore contain parent dir traversal false change inline image cid change absolute include anonymous protocol filename directory directory directory cid directory directory filename cid filename message cid cid message convert message body line break make quote printable encoding work well advanced message view activate email application return convert string plain text note old version function bundled advanced converter remove license reason example usage use default conversion plain use custom converter plain converter new return stre text convert advance boolean value use internal converter provide callable custom conversion string public function advanced false return return MIME type file extension stre ext File extension string MIME type file public static function mime application excel application application mac cpt application mac bin application doc application word application application application application application application application application application application application class application octet stream application octet stream application octet stream application octet stream application octet stream application octet stream application octet stream sea application octet stream application octet stream oda application oda application application postscript application postscript application postscript application application application application excel ppt application application application application director dir application director application director application application application application application application application source application shockwave flash sit application tar application tar application tar application application zip application zip mid audio midi midi audio midi audio audio audio audio audio audio ram audio audio rpm audio audio audio image gif image gif image image image image tiff image tiff image tiff message text text text text log text plain text text plain txt text plain text text text text text calendar text text video video mpg video video video video video movie video movie mime return return application octet stream Map file MIME type default application octet stream arbitrary binary datum string filename file path need exist file string public static function case path strip query string get extension false filename ext return multi byte safe replacement drop replacement cross platform safe stre path filename path need exist file option constant string return specify piece public static function option null ret basename extension filename path switch option case case return case case basename return case case extension return case case filename return default return ret set reset instance property avoid function verbose efficient error prone hard debug set property directly usage example stre property set mix value value set property boolean public function value value return true return false Strip newline prevent header injection stre str string public function return str Normalize line break string convert UNIX Mac Windows line break single line break format default message body preserve consecutive break stre text stre kind line break use default string public static function null normalise text text convert need text text return text return current line break format string string public static function return set line break format string stre protect static function set public private key file password MIME sign stre string stre Password private key string optional path chain certificate public function quote printable encode header stre txt string public function line len len ord ord ord ord ord ord line line ord return line generate signature stre exception string signature value public function throw new return signature return return generate canonicalization header use relaxed algorithm section stre Header string public function header continuation line collapse fold whitespace broad definition whitespace define mean break daft like vertical tab header line line key line header miss skip invalid likely happen explode split trail leave line false continue value explode line case header head white space value value value slightly unclear say delete space end value say delete space colon result trim end value elimination apply field line return generate canonicalization body use simple algorithm section stre body message Body string public function return Normalize line ending body multiple trail line break single return create header body new message header stre Header line stre subject Subject stre body Body string public function subject body signature hash algorithm relaxed simple canonicalization header body txt Query method time signature Timestamp second Jan time zone subject subject header current header header header current header current Date header current current header current date subject copy header field quote printable body length body body pack binary hash body ident ident signature date ident sign return sign detect string contain line long maximum line length allow section stre str boolean public static function return str allow public read access property send queue address include array public function return allow public read access property send queue address include array public function return allow public read access property send queue address include array public function return allow public read access property send queue address include array public function return allow public read access property send queue address include array public function return perform callback boolean array array array stre subject stre body string protect function subject body subject body instance public function return set instance public function italian language file refer english translation definitive list error error error non dal server del dei file file error file mail email non deve Mailer non error firma Connect del server extension miss version March well screen support version January way set option global object datum attribute MIT License MIT Copyright permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE host password secret secure port company greek language file refer english translation definitive list authentication Host Mail Encoding Format Mail function mailer mail Server Server extension miss dutch language file refer definitive list kon meet host datum Kon tot bestand kon bestand het Kon mailer moet worden Kan extension miss galician language file refer english translation definitive list non ser non servidor Datos non non ser nob acceder non Mail non correo email mailer non Debe polo email coma Connect servidor Non extension miss japanese language file refer english translation definitive list Sakai message body invalid address sign error Connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss Copyright Nils Permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE russian language file refer english translation definitive list Foster mail mail email email creation transport class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE token provider install script server accessible Ensure dependency instal composer install set app Yahoo account set script address app redirect refresh token obtain run file revoke access app run script Aliases League Provider Classes sure add run composer install plenty choose use use use Select Provider Yahoo Outlook Live exit require vendor SESSION Yahoo Yahoo provider currently support script detail obtain set app developer console whichever provider automatic work set manually script redirect param offline option provider null switch case provider new option scope break case Yahoo provider new break case provider new option scope break miss authorization code exit check give state previously store mitigate attack state try access token authorization code grant token code use interact user behalf use new access token old expire echo Refresh Token german language file refer english translation definitive list Host nicht Mail ist leer nicht auf nicht die ist nicht Mail nicht die ist mailer wird nicht Bitte Sie die sind nicht Server Server Variable nicht bulgarian language file refer english translation definitive list mail email connect number Sam Custom allow developer easily format number display use allow user replace number inline document return formatted number use require great documentation Number Format number format redux information basic number format number method take parameter require number number want format Outputs Decimal place number decimal place wish default output Decimal Separator use decimal separator default output Thousands separator use thousand separator default output number format type target collection input element number format automatically format user input base format setting true pass true number parameter indicate want value field element effect instead place pass number field element parameter user type input automatically convert correct format attach allow continue set input element need worry handle formatting automatic paste formatting support writing number element change text value element matching selector formatted number format number collection element assume following structure use true signal read replace text content target element true come away result email creation transport class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE use use use authentication wrapper class use client package League Extraordinary Packages Synchro class instance League Client Provider protect provider null current access token protect null user email address usually login address send email string protect client secret generate app definition service connect string protect client generate app definition service connect string protect refresh token obtain new string protect constructor array option Associative array contain provider element public function new protect function return new new protect function return generate encode token string public function new token available expire return Bearer Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Home Contact contact hear Contact phone email Street Indonesia Barat Email Subject message send Message Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Norwegian language file refer english translation definitive list feil feil til feil meld til Fil Feil post sender feil Feil connect server feil Kan mangler faroese language file refer english translation definitive list vert datum message body encoding mail invalid address skal sign error Connect fail server error set reset variable extension miss Composer return array Catalan language file refer english translation definitive list Ivan web DOT com error error pot servidor error cos del pot pot error pot han una Mail mailer una com error els han Error Connect error del servidor variable extension miss Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Page find page look available check search home company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build POP Authentication Class Version project Synchro Jim Andy Prevost Brent original founder Jim Andy Prevost GNU Lesser General Public License program distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE POP Authentication Class specifically use POP authentication class support authentication opening closing lot connection slow need send batch email perform authentication start loop mail send script provide process long verification period last server fine ancient technology need use talk old system class deliberately lightweight incomplete implement authentication want complete class class available Richard original author Synchro Jim Andy Prevost class Version number string const VERSION Default port number integer const default timeout second integer const debug display level option yes integer public mail server string public host port number integer public port Timeout Value second integer public string public password string public password resource handle connection socket resource protect connect boolean protect connect false error container array protect error line break constant const simple static wrapper pop stre host port port number connect timeout timeout value string string password integer boolean public static function host port false timeout false password pop new return port timeout password authenticate server connect login disconnect sequence appropriate pop authorisation stre host connect port port number connect timeout timeout value string string password integer boolean public function port false timeout false password host port value provide use default false port timeout value provide use default false timeout password reset error log connect result result return true need disconnect regardless login succeed return false connect server stre host port integer boolean public function port false connect return true window raise warning error exist suppress capture cleanly instead false port port connect server host Host port port error number error message Timeout second restore error handler connect false appear error fail connect server host port port return false increase stream time server response check connection establish server talk true return true return false log server support string string password boolean public function password connect server password send send Password password return true return false Disconnect server public function disconnect QUIT command cause daemon exit kill connection ignore error try catch Exception response server size maximum number byte retrieve integer size string protect function response size echo Server Client response return response send raw datum server stre string integer protect function client message debug echo Client Server string return string return check server response look stre string boolean protect function error Server report error string return false return true add error internal error store display debug output enable stre error protect function error echo error echo array error message array public function return connection error handler integer stre stre integer protect function error connect server raise warning line production class global use use require vendor require mail new try setting mail true email message echo true datum message send catch Exception echo false datum message error echo Access forbid kid swedish language file refer english translation definitive list Johan till server datum message body encode format till fil Fil fil mailer Connect server Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Search Search keyword use filter accurate result Filter Date Anytime today week month Categories Categories Lifestyle Travel Computer Film Sport Latest Popular Trending Videos Limit search result keyword hello find post Film December Sponsored Travel December Travel December Healthy December show result Page Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Slovak language file refer english translation definitive list error error error file error pre error Connect extension miss Czech language file refer english translation definitive list datum pro mailer Connect GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version February Copyright Free Software Foundation Temple Place Suite Boston USA permit copy distribute verbatim copy license document change allow release version Lesser count successor GNU Library Public License version version number preamble license software design away freedom share change contrast GNU General Public Licenses intend guarantee freedom share change free software sure software free user license Lesser General Public License apply specially designate software package typically Free Software Foundation author decide use use suggest think carefully license ordinary General Public License well strategy use particular case base explanation speak free software refer freedom use price General Public Licenses design sure freedom distribute copy free software charge service wish receive source code want change software use piece new free program inform thing protect right need restriction forbid distributor deny right ask surrender right restriction translate certain responsibility distribute copy library modify example distribute copy library gratis fee recipient right give sure receive source code link code library provide complete object file recipient relink library make change library recompile term know right protect right step method copyright library offer license give legal permission copy distribute modify library protect distributor want clear warranty free library library modify pass recipient know original version original author reputation affect problem introduce finally software patent pose constant threat existence free program wish sure company effectively restrict user free program obtain restrictive license patent holder insist patent license obtain version library consistent freedom use specify license GNU software include library cover ordinary GNU General Public License license GNU Lesser General Public License apply certain designate library different ordinary General Public License use license certain library order permit link library non free program program link library statically shared library combination legally speak combine work derivative original library ordinary General Public License permit linking entire combination fit criterion freedom Lesser General Public License permit lax criterion link code library license lesser General Public License protect user freedom ordinary General Public License provide free software developer advantage compete non free program disadvantage reason use ordinary General Public License library less license provide advantage certain special circumstance example rare occasion special need encourage wide possible use certain library facto standard achieve non free program allow use library frequent case free library job widely non free library case little gain limit free library free software use Lesser General Public License case permission use particular library non free program enable great number people use large body free software example permission use GNU Library non free program enable people use GNU operating system variant GNU operating system Lesser General Public License protective user freedom ensure user program link Library freedom wherewithal run program modify version Library precise term condition copying distribution modification follow pay close attention difference work base library work use library contain code derive library combine library order run GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS condition copying distribution MODIFICATION License Agreement apply software library program contain notice place copyright holder authorized party say distribute term Lesser General Public License call license licensee address library mean collection software function datum prepare conveniently link application program use function datum form executable Library refer software library work distribute term work base Library mean Library derivative work copyright law work contain Library portion verbatim modification translate straightforwardly language Hereinafter translation include limitation term modification source code work mean preferred form work make modification library complete source code mean source code module contain plus associate interface definition file plus script control compilation installation library activity copying distribution modification cover License outside scope act run program Library restrict output program cover content constitute work base Library independent use Library tool write true depend Library program use Library copy distribute verbatim copy Library complete source code receive medium provide conspicuously appropriately publish copy appropriate copyright notice disclaimer warranty intact notice refer License absence warranty distribute copy License Library charge fee physical act transfer copy option offer warranty protection exchange fee modify copy copy Library portion form work base Library copy distribute modification work term section provide meet condition modified work software library cause file modify carry prominent notice state change file date change cause work license charge party term License facility modified Library refer function table datum supply application program use facility argument pass facility invoke good faith effort ensure event application supply function table facility operate perform purpose remain meaningful example function library compute square root purpose entirely define independent application subsection require application supply function table function optional application supply square root function compute square root requirement apply modify work identifiable section work derive Library reasonably consider independent separate work license term apply section distribute separate work distribute section work base Library distribution term License permission licensee extend entire regardless write intent section claim right contest right work write entirely intent exercise right control distribution derivative collective work base Library addition mere aggregation work base Library Library work base Library volume storage distribution medium bring work scope License opt apply term ordinary GNU General Public License instead license give copy Library alter notice refer license refer ordinary GNU General Public License version instead License new version version ordinary GNU General Public License appear specify version instead wish change notice change give copy irreversible copy ordinary GNU General Public License apply subsequent copy derivative work copy option useful wish copy code Library program library copy distribute Library portion derivative section object code executable form term section provide accompany complete corresponding machine readable source code distribute term section medium customarily software interchange distribution object code offer access copy designate place offer equivalent access copy source code place satisfy requirement distribute source code party compel copy source object code program contain derivative portion Library design work Library compile link call work use Library work isolation derivative work Library fall outside scope License link work use Library Library create executable derivative Library contain portion Library work use library executable cover License section state term distribution executable work use Library use material header file Library object code work derivative work Library source code true especially significant work link Library work library threshold true precisely define law object file use numerical parameter datum structure layout accessor small macro small inline function line length use object file unrestricted regardless legally derivative work executable contain object code plus portion Library fall section work derivative Library distribute object code work term section executable contain work fall section link directly Library exception Sections combine link work use Library Library produce work contain portion Library distribute work term choice provide term permit modification work customer use reverse engineering debug modification prominent notice copy work Library Library use cover License supply copy License work execution display copyright notice include copyright notice Library reference direct user copy License thing accompany work complete corresponding machine readable source code Library include change work distribute section work executable link Library complete machine readable work use Library object code source code user modify Library relink produce modified executable contain modified Library understand user change content definition file Library necessarily able recompile application use modify definition use suitable share library mechanism link Library suitable mechanism use run time copy library present user computer system copy library function executable operate properly modify version library user install long modify version interface compatible version work accompany work write offer valid year user material specify subsection charge cost perform distribution distribution work offer access copy designate place offer equivalent access copy specify material place verify user receive copy material send user copy executable require form work use Library include datum utility program need reproduce executable special exception material distribute need include normally distribute source binary form major component compiler kernel operating system executable run component accompany executable happen requirement contradict license restriction proprietary library normally accompany operating system contradiction mean use Library executable distribute place library facility work base Library single library library facility cover License distribute combined library provide separate distribution work base Library library facility permit provide thing accompany combined library copy work base Library uncombined library facility distribute term Sections prominent notice combine library fact work base Library explain find accompany uncombined form work copy modify sublicense link distribute Library expressly provide license attempt copy modify sublicense link distribute Library void automatically terminate right license party receive copy right license license terminate long party remain compliance require accept License sign grant permission modify distribute Library derivative work action prohibit law accept License modify distribute Library work base Library indicate acceptance License term condition copying distribute modify Library work base time redistribute Library work base Library recipient automatically receive license original licensor copy distribute link modify Library subject term condition impose restriction recipient exercise right grant responsible enforce compliance party License consequence court judgment allegation patent infringement reason limit patent issue condition impose court order agreement contradict condition license excuse condition License distribute satisfy simultaneously obligation license pertinent obligation consequence distribute Library example patent license permit royalty free redistribution Library receive copy directly indirectly way satisfy License refrain entirely distribution Library portion section hold invalid unenforceable particular circumstance balance section intend apply section intend apply circumstance purpose section induce infringe patent property right claim contest validity claim section sole purpose protect integrity free software distribution system implement public license practice people generous contribution wide range software distribute system reliance consistent application system author donor decide willing distribute software system licensee impose choice section intend thoroughly clear believe consequence rest License distribution use Library restrict certain country patent copyright interface original copyright holder place Library License add explicit geographical distribution limitation exclude country distribution permit country exclude case License incorporate limitation write body License Free Software Foundation publish revise new version Lesser General Public License time time new version similar spirit present version differ detail address new problem concern version give distinguish version number Library specify version number license apply later version option follow term condition version later version publish Free Software Foundation Library specify license version number choose version publish Free Software Foundation wish incorporate part Library free program distribution condition incompatible write author ask permission software copyright Free Software Foundation write Free Software Foundation exception decision guide goal preserve free status derivative free software promote sharing reuse software generally warranty LIBRARY LICENSED free charge warranty LIBRARY extent permit applicable law state write copyright holder party PROVIDE LIBRARY warranty KIND EXPRESSED IMPLIED including limited IMPLIED WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE entire risk QUALITY performance LIBRARY LIBRARY prove DEFECTIVE assume cost necessary SERVICING REPAIR CORRECTION event REQUIRED applicable law agree writing COPYRIGHT HOLDER party modify REDISTRIBUTE LIBRARY permit LIABLE damage include GENERAL SPECIAL incidental CONSEQUENTIAL damages arising USE INABILITY use LIBRARY including limit loss datum datum RENDERED inaccurate loss sustain party failure LIBRARY operate SOFTWARE HOLDER party ADVISED POSSIBILITY DAMAGES end terms condition apply term New Libraries develop new library want great possible use public recommend make free software redistribute change permit redistribution term alternatively term ordinary General Public License apply term attach follow notice library safe attach start source file effectively convey exclusion warranty file copyright line pointer notice find copyright library free software redistribute modify term GNU Lesser General Public License publish Free Software Foundation version License option later version library distribute hope useful WARRANTY imply warranty MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE GNU Lesser General Public License detail receive copy GNU Lesser General Public License library write Free Software Foundation Temple Place Suite Boston USA add information contact electronic paper mail employer work programmer school sign copyright disclaimer library necessary sample alter name disclaim copyright interest library library tweak knob write James Random Hacker April Coon President Vice Composer return array Composer class private static loader public static function class require DIR public static function null return true true loader new DIR map require DIR map path path map require DIR map path path require DIR return loader polish language file refer english translation definitive list Dane jest jest mail jest email jest Connect lub Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Reset Password Email New Password Reset Password Company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build Copyright Owl Modified work Copyright David Permission grant free charge person obtain copy software associate documentation file Software deal Software restriction include limitation right use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense sell copy Software permit person Software furnish subject following condition copyright notice permission notice shall include copy substantial portion Software SOFTWARE PROVIDED warranty KIND EXPRESS IMPLIED include limit WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS PARTICULAR PURPOSE event shall AUTHORS copyright holder liable CLAIM damages liability action contract TORT arise connection SOFTWARE USE dealing SOFTWARE Free Responsive Magazine Template Home Partner Contact Free Responsive Magazine template New Lifestyle Political Healthy Computer Internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Child Menu Child Menu Child Menu Menu Office International Film Entertainment Travel Sport Religion Elements element Fonts Fonts Font Icon Ionic Framework Typography Heading heading head heading heading head Paragraph Colors Primary Secondary Success warn info danger Buttons Primary Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled disabled success Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled warning Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled danger Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled disabled info Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled default Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled icon Login Default rounded Default Disabled Disabled Disabled Social Line Hover Default social Login Login Twitter Login Login Forms Default Input Normal error error success success warn warning Rounded Input Normal error error success success warn warning Placeholder Input Normal error error success success warn warning float Input Stacked Normal Stacked Label error Stacked Label error success Stacked Label success warn Stacked Label warning float Label Focus Normal Stacked Label error Stacked Label error success Stacked Label success warn Stacked Label warning Toast Toast Example toast Example toast Example Code text hello position right head toast read documentation credit want thank cool bootstrap Toast Number Ionic Framework Social Media Button Font Christian Font Font Multiple Designers question hear Company Info free magazine template base Bootstrap template free personal commercial use Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact Copyright right reserved Responsive Magazine Template Popular Bootstrap Register Login Menu Login Register Standard Pages Home Authentication Login Register Forgot Password Reset Password Category Single Page Search Contact Error internet Troubleshoot Software Hardware Main Board RAM Power Supply Office Programming web Mobile Hybrid Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Framework Native Desktop Menu Hot Trending menu new feature example item add item featured Posts December Healthy aute December Lifestyle aute December Travel aute Column Column Example Example example Example Example Column Example Example Example example example Column Example Example Example Example Example Column Example Example Example Example Example Icons Account Favorite Comments Change Password Settings Logout Permission deny sorry permission page search home company Info magazine template base Bootstrap Popular Tags Bootstrap web Design creative mind stand Train Newsletter subscribe receive new article email Subscribe Latest News follow follow stay touch late news Home Partner Contact copyright right RESERVED build