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Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Badge Documentation example badge small count labeling component Bootstrap Documentation Examples Text code Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Dark badge badge primary primary badge badge secondary secondary badge badge success success badge badge danger Danger badge badge warning warn badge badge info Info badge badge dark Dark link contextual class element quickly provide actionable badge hover focus state code Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Dark badge badge primary primary badge badge secondary secondary badge badge success success badge badge danger Danger badge badge warning warn badge badge info Info badge badge dark Dark Icon code Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Dark badge badge primary datum check primary badge badge secondary datum check secondary badge badge success datum check success badge badge danger datum check Danger badge badge warning datum check warn badge badge info datum check Info badge badge dark datum check Dark Colors Soft code soft primary soft secondary soft success soft danger soft warn soft info soft dark badge badge soft primary soft primary badge badge soft secondary soft secondary badge badge soft success soft success badge badge soft danger soft danger badge badge soft warning soft warning badge badge soft info soft info badge badge soft dark soft dark Shapes Pills code warning badge badge warning badge pill Warning Circle code badge badge primary badge circle badge badge secondary badge circle badge badge success badge circle badge badge danger badge circle badge badge warning badge circle badge badge info badge circle badge badge dark badge circle Sizing code Warning Warning Warning badge badge warning warn badge badge warning badge warn badge badge warning badge warn Summary Examples Text link Icon Colors Soft Shapes Pills Circle Sizing Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map indicate current page location navigational hierarchy automatically add separator Bootstrap Documentation Default code Home Home Library Home Library Data aria item active aria page Home aria item home item active aria page Library aria item home item Library item active aria page Data Summary Default Quick Kit free use cookie theme work agree use cookie learn Login Sign account continue email address Password password Sign register create account Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map toast push notification visitor toast lightweight easily customizable alert message Bootstrap Documentation Examples Basic code Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message toast alert aria assertive aria true toast header placeholder round slice false auto bootstrap min ago button close data toast aria close aria true times toast body Hello world toast message Translucent code Bootstrap min ago Hello world toast message toast alert aria assertive aria true toast header placeholder round slice false auto bootstrap text mute min ago button close data toast aria close aria true times toast body Hello world toast message Stacking code Bootstrap like bootstrap second ago head toast stack automatically toast alert aria assertive aria true toast header placeholder round slice false auto bootstrap text mute button close data toast aria close aria true times toast body like toast alert aria assertive aria true toast header placeholder round slice false auto bootstrap text mute second ago button close data toast aria close aria true times toast body head toast stack automatically Summary Examples Basic Translucent Stacking Quick Kit free Loading use cookie theme work agree use cookie learn free demo click browse bootstrap component overview page Contact Login Docs Download Free detail build incredible web product designer developer year pride commitment excellence ability deliver customer contact vision vision build efficient intuitive stuff web order developer amazing possibility create high quality digital product time money spend expose paint noisy mistake lead wait surprise wander speedily husband end court tile cease young build fat man take high friend expose equally Ignorant strictly follow form face evening year fruitful creature void day fruitful fill earth set tree yield air image cattle seed night less saying Gathered fourth air Bootstrap Dashboards web build product ground dedicated tool beautiful ecosystem build sustain productivity encourage developer create modern professional high end product customer download happy user amazing team Heather Wright Founded Chairman Monroe Parker End Developer John End Developer James Lewis Vice Chairman Danielle Levin Sales Manager Martin Gray Designer George Marketing Executive Jesse Ads Manager attempt bring good development experience designer developer offer tool need have quick solid start web project Account Profile Settings Billing Notifications Services Pricing Contact Careers Company Community Help center support Copyright right reserve Terms Privacy Cookies Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map welcome place update come bring new theme Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Documentation example add custom animation datum attribute local title storage Bootstrap Documentation Example code right leave button primary data data button primary data data right right right button primary data data button primary data data leave leave leave Summary Example Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Toggle contextual overlay display list link Bootstrap Bootstrap Documentation Basic code button Action action primary toggle button data aria true aria false button menu aria item action item action item Options Colors code Primary Action action Separated link Secondary Action action Separated link Success Action action Separated link Info Action action separated link Warning Action action Separated link Danger Action action Separated link group button primary toggle data aria true aria false primary menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button secondary toggle data aria true aria false secondary menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button success toggle data aria true aria false success menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button info toggle data aria true aria false Info menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button warn toggle data aria true aria false warn menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button danger toggle data aria true aria false Danger menu item action item action item divider item Separated link Sizing Button work button size include default split button code large button action action Separated link small button action action Separated link docs example group secondary toggle button data aria true aria false large button menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group secondary toggle button data aria true aria false small button menu item action item action item divider item Separated link code large split button Toggle group secondary button large split button button secondary toggle toggle split data aria true aria false Toggle menu change menu size add menu menu menu element code large action action small action action primary toggle button data aria true aria false large menu menu aria item action item action item primary toggle button data aria true aria false small menu menu aria item action item action item Directions Trigger menus element add parent element code Action action Separated link Action action Separated link Action action Separated link group button secondary toggle data aria true aria false menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button secondary toggle data aria true aria false menu item action item action item divider item Separated link group button secondary toggle data aria true aria false menu item action item action item divider item Separated link Alignment default menu automatically position left parent add menu right menu right align menu code right align menu action action group button secondary toggle data aria true aria false right align menu menu menu right item button action item button action item button code Action Action Action action Separated link action group button danger toggle data aria true aria false action menu item data aria true aria false action menu item action item action item divider item Separated link item action item Menu content header add header label section action menu code header action action menu header header item action item action divider separate group relate menu item divider code action action Separated link menu item action item action item divider item Separated link Forms code Email address Password remember Sign New sign Forgot password menu form group Email address email form control form group Password password form control Password form group form check form check input form check label remember submit primary Sign divider item new sign item Forgot password code Email address Password remember Sign menu form group Email address email form control form group Password password form control Password form group form check form check input form check label remember submit primary Sign Links code User menu Messages Settings Sign menu aria header user menu item float right badge badge primary fas envelope text primary message item fas cog text primary setting divid presentation item fas sign alt text primary sign Dark code Dark action action warn action action dark toggle button data aria true aria false Dark menu menu dark dark item action item action item warn toggle button data aria true aria false warning menu menu dark warning item action item action item Examples Notifications code Mail send Alex Michael hrs ago like comment Sandra Wayne hrs ago New like Jason Miller hrs ago team Mike hrs ago Mail send Richard Nixon hrs ago notification menu list group list group flush list group list group item list group item action flex fas bell text Mail send text dark font weight bold Alex Michael block text mute hrs ago list group item list group item action flex fas thumb text like comment text dark font weight bold Sandra Wayne block text mute hrs ago list group item list group item action flex fas thumb text new like text dark font weight bold Jason Miller block text mute hrs ago list group item list group item action flex fas task text team text dark font weight bold Mike block text mute hrs ago list group item list group item action flex fas envelope text Mail send text dark font weight bold Richard Nixon block text mute hrs ago text center border text text mute font weight bold notification Messages code Alex Michael hrs ago quick example text build card title Sandra Wayne hrs ago quick example text build card title Jason Miller hrs ago quick example text build card title Mike hrs ago quick example text build card title Richard Nixon hrs ago quick example text build card title message menu list group list group flush list group list group item list group item action flex align item center data data right data hrs ago avatar primary text white round circle flex fill text Alex Michael float right text mute hrs ago text quick example text build card title list group item list group item action flex align item center data data right data hrs ago avatar warning text white round circle flex fill text Sandra Wayne float right text mute hrs ago text quick example text build card title list group item list group item action flex align item center data data right data hrs ago avatar info text white round circle flex fill text Jason Miller float right text mute hrs ago text quick example text build card title list group item list group item action flex align item center data data right data hrs ago avatar dark text white round circle flex fill text Mike float right text mute hrs ago text quick example text build card title list group item list group item action flex align item center data data right data hrs ago avatar primary text white round circle flex fill text Richard Nixon float right text mute hrs ago text quick example text build card title text center border text text mute font weight bold message Languages code menu item icon flag item icon flag item icon flag Summary Basic Options Colors Sizing Directions Alignment Menu content header Dividers Forms Links Dark Examples Notifications Messages Languages Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Build tool automate painful time consume task development stop mess build Gulp requirement couple thing need sure set machine run command terminal order use build tool need download install instal download package installer official download stable version Download Gulp CLI Node instal system proceed gulp installation simply run command terminal install Gulp globally install gulp cli Package management open terminal project root path change install package need Yarn install Gulp Gulp toolkit automate painful time consume task development stop mess build command development set Gulp command compile source dist start local instance port serve auto refresh page edit gulp install new library sure run follow command sync lib exist one gulp lib production set Gulp command compile minify file ready include project gulp build Summary Requirements Gulp CLI Package management Gulp Commands Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Colors convey mean color handful color utility class include support styling link hover state theme color primary theme color element reflect brand identity color darker light shade customize represent brand identity Sass build tool light primary primary dark primary light secondary secondary dark secondary light success success dark success light danger danger dark danger light warn warn dark warn light info info dark info light dark dark dark dark Gradient love gradient create variation build dynamically base theme color describe change theme color gradient adapt gradient primary gradient secondary gradient success gradient danger gradient warn gradient info gradient dark Translucent want add little transparency background use modifier class opacity level modify variable file translucent primary translucent secondary translucent success translucent danger translucent warn translucent info translucent dark text color code primary secondary success danger warn info light dark body mute white text primary primary text secondary secondary text success success text danger danger text warning warn text info info text light dark light text dark dark text body body text mute muted text white dark white text text dark Gray color Grey color text background line border gray background one icon black Brand color brand brand twitter brand plus brand brand brand brand brand slack brand Summary theme color Gradient Translucent Text color Gray color Brand color Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Typography Documentation example typography include global setting heading body text list usage mind general web typography guideline build application default text color component compliant recommend minimum contrast ratio choose custom text color sure background provide proper contrast try explicitly write pixel value font size line height rule instead reference class variable font Native Bootstrap set basic global display typography link style control need check textual utility class use native font stack select good font family device inclusive accessible type scale assume browser default root font size typically visitor customize browser default need use font family base font size base line height base attribute typographic base apply set global link color link color apply link underline hover use body set background color default default san serif provide Bootstrap load native font family provide device font family san serif apple system Sans san serif Apple Color Symbol Color default font family base font family san serif default Custom Quick add Sans font family create additional variable store custom font family choose anytime use native option variable switch font family want import place font family custom san serif Sans san serif default font family base font family custom san serif default want native version worry simply replace font family base variable font family san serif custom variable file customization change font family Quick follow step order import new font family replace default remove default flag Fonts copy font font family custom san serif variable paste custom variable file font choose Embed section Standard tab copy link page replace link tag correspond Fonts Fonts Specify section copy font replace font family custom san serif variable exist value copy Save compile new sure read customization guideline use Build Tools Examples Headings class available want match font styling heading use associated element Quick head Quick Heading Quick Heading Quick Heading Quick Heading Quick Heading Display heading Quick Display data original clipboard Quick Display Quick Display data original clipboard Quick Display Quick Display data original clipboard Quick Display Quick Display data original clipboard Quick Display Lead data original clipboard Summary Usage Fonts Native Custom Customization Fonts Examples Headings Display heading Lead Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Icons Guidance suggestion external icon library theme Font vector icon social logo Feather simply beautiful open source icon usage order use icon page need include follow script end section page theme main style Initialization Start place icon recommend consistent element like find right icon learn reference markup datum monitor Examples Click icon copy paste project activity airplay alert circle alert octagon alert triangle align center align justify align leave align right anchor aperture archive arrow circle arrow leave arrow right arrow arrow leave circle arrow leave arrow right circle arrow right arrow circle arrow leave arrow right arrow sign award bar bar chart battery charge battery bell bell bold book open book bookmark box briefcase calendar camera camera cast check circle check square check chevron chevron leave chevron right chevron chevron chevron leave chevron right chevron chrome circle clipboard clock cloud drizzle cloud lightning cloud cloud rain cloud snow cloud code coffee column command compass copy corner leave corner right corner leave corner leave corner right corner right corner leave corner right cpu credit card crop crosshair database delete disc dollar sign download cloud download droplet edit external link eye eye fast forward feather file minus file plus file text file film filter flag folder minus folder plus folder framer frown gift git branch git commit git merge git pull request globe grid hard drive hash headphone heart help circle hexagon home image info italic key layer layout life buoy link list loader lock log log mail map pin map maximize menu message circle message square minimize minus circle minus square minus monitor moon horizontal vertical mouse pointer music navigation octagon package paperclip pause circle pause pen tool percent phone phone forward phone incoming phone miss phone phone outgoing phone pie chart play circle play plus circle plus square plus pocket power printer radio refresh ccw refresh repeat rewind rotate ccw rotate save scissor search send server setting share shield shield shopping bag shopping cart shuffle sidebar skip skip forward slack slash slider smile speaker square star stop circle sun sunrise sunset tablet tag target terminal thermometer thumb thumb toggle leave toggle right trash trending trending triangle truck twitter type umbrella underline unlock upload cloud upload user check user minus user plus user user user video video volume volume watch wind circle octagon square zap zap zoom zoom Summary Font Usage Initialization Examples Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Cards card provide flexible extensible content container multiple variant option Bootstrap Documentation code card title quick example text card card theme light card image cap card body card title card title card text quick example text primary Feature code component build customize card shadow flex icon icon shape round circle success text white datum check component text text mute build customize code Modular component build combination card hover translate hover shadow card body image placeholder icon inject height width Modular text mute component build combination code Modular component build combination card hover translate hover shadow card body icon dark text white round circle icon shape shadow datum droplet Modular text mute component build combination illustration code New Listen nature Design simple clean smart markup card hover translate flex badge badge warning badge pill New listen nature Design simple clean smart markup illustration fluid center height Authentication code Login Sign account continue email address Password password Sign register create account card max width text center login text mute Sign account continue form group form control label email address input group input group prepend input group text datum user email form control input email form group flex align item center justify content form control label Password small text mute text underline dash border primary data password text data input password password input group input group prepend input group text datum key password form control input password Password button block primary Sign text center text text uppercase row col block neutral icon inner icon icon brand image placeholder inner text col block neutral icon inner icon icon brand image placeholder inner text text center register small font weight bold create account action code give question Quick support team available anytime contact card shadow max width card body text center text leave row align item center col give question Quick support team available anytime col text right warn icon round pill inner icon datum phone inner text contact code Quick Infinite solution template intuitive markup powerful lightning fast build tool Quick need turn idea incredible product learn card section dark round max width card body row col flex align item center align item center icon icon icon shape warning text white round circle datum airplay text white Quick text white infinite solution template text white intuitive markup powerful lightning fast build tool Quick need turn idea incredible product col flex align item end justify content end white icon inner text learn inner icon datum arrow right text warning Summary Feature Illustrations Authentication action Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Modal Use modal add dialog site user notification completely custom content Bootstrap Documentation Basic code Launch demo modal modal title close Save change button primary data modal data launch demo modal modal fade dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal dialog center document modal content modal header modal title modal title button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body modal footer button secondary data modal close button primary save change Options Colors Use COLOR color pre defined theme value info success danger warning primary secondary white dark code Danger modal way dangerous stop easy create stackable modal box example inline content ajax response contain gallery probably button danger data modal data Danger modal modal modal danger fade dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal dialog center document modal content modal header modal title way dangerous button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body text center fas exclamation circle head stop easy create stackable modal box example inline content ajax response contain gallery modal footer button white data modal probably code Success modal look let start easy create stackable modal box example inline content ajax response contain gallery cool button success data modal data success modal modal modal success fade dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal dialog center document modal content modal header modal title look button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body text center fas exclamation circle head let start easy create stackable modal box example inline content ajax response contain gallery modal footer button white data modal cool Sizing optional size available modifier class place dialog size kick certain breakpoint avoid horizontal narrow viewport code extra large modal extra large modal button primary data modal data example modal extra large modal modal fade docs example modal dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal modal content modal header modal title extra large modal button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body code large modal large modal button primary data modal data example modal large modal modal fade docs example modal dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal modal content modal header modal title large modal button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body code small modal small modal button primary data modal data example modal small modal modal fade docs example modal dialog aria aria true modal dialog modal modal content modal header modal title small modal button close data modal aria close aria true times modal body Summary Basic Options Colors Sizing Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Popovers Documentation example add popover like find ios element site Bootstrap Documentation Example code Popover button primary data body data popover data beautiful popover love popover Directions code Popover Popover right popover Popover leave button secondary data body data popover data data beautiful popover love popover button secondary data body data popover data right data beautiful popover love popover right button secondary data body data popover data data beautiful popover love popover button secondary data body data popover data left data beautiful popover love popover leave Variations code Primary popover secondary popover Success popover Danger popover warning popover Info popover Dark popover button primary data body data popover data primary data data beautiful popover love primary popover button secondary data body data popover data secondary data data beautiful popover love secondary popover button success data body data popover data success data data beautiful popover love success popover button danger data body data popover data danger data data beautiful popover love Danger popover button warning data body data popover data warn data data beautiful popover love warning popover button info data body data popover data info data data beautiful popover love info popover button dark data body data popover data dark data data beautiful popover love Dark popover Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Avatars Avatars represent people object come different size scenario example Default Avatars custom photo upload user custom placeholder background user initial uppercase code avatar primary text white avatar warning text white avatar dark text white Links code avatar primary text white avatar warning text white avatar dark text white Sizing code avatar primary text white avatar avatar warning text white avatar dark text white avatar Shape code avatar primary text white round circle avatar avatar warning text white round circle avatar dark text white round circle avatar Image code image placeholder theme light avatar avatar image placeholder theme light avatar image placeholder theme light avatar avatar code image placeholder theme light avatar round circle avatar image placeholder theme light avatar round circle image placeholder theme light avatar round circle avatar avatar group Text code avatar group avatar primary text white round circle avatar warning text white round circle avatar dark text white round circle Image code avatar group image placeholder theme light avatar round circle image placeholder theme light avatar round circle image placeholder theme light avatar round circle Summary Examples Default Links Sizing Shape Image Avatar group Text Image Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Input group Examples usage guideline form control style layout option custom component create wide variety form Bootstrap Documentation Styles Default code form group input group input group prepend input group text basic text form control aria aria basic form group input group text form control Recipient aria Recipient aria basic input group append input group text basic Summary Styles Default Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map map Maps let customize map content imagery display web page mobile device Official Documentation Usage order use page need include follow script Page area page footer key order Maps key navigate follow page Maps Initialization simply copy code example demonstrate include page modify lat long data lat data attribute Examples Default code map default map canvas data data height Custom order change map primary color simply modify data color attribute value hex code want code map custom map canvas data data data height Summary Usage key Initialization Examples Default Custom Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Animate bunch cool fun cross browser animation use project great emphasis home page slider general add water awesomeness official Documentation Usage order use page need include follow style Page area page head section libs initialization animate element add class animate element include class infinite infinite loop finally need add follow class element class bounce flash pulse shake headshake swing wobble jello fadeout hinge rollOut heartbeat Examples code Example animate infinite bounce Example Summary Usage Initialization Examples Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Spinners indicate loading state component page Bootstrap spinner build entirely Bootstrap Documentation Border spinner code Loading spinner border status loading Colors code loading loading loading loading loading loading loading spinner border text primary status loading spinner border text secondary status loading spinner border text success status loading spinner border text danger status loading spinner border text warning status loading spinner border text info status loading spinner border text dark status loading grow spinner code Loading spinner grow status loading code loading loading loading loading loading loading loading spinner grow text primary status loading spinner grow text secondary status loading spinner grow text success status loading spinner grow text danger status loading spinner grow text warning status loading spinner grow text info status loading spinner grow text dark status loading Summary Border spinner color grow spinner Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Progress Documentation example add popover like find ios element site Bootstrap Documentation Basic code progress progress bar width aria aria aria code progress progress bar aria aria aria Options Sizing code progress progress progress bar width aria aria aria progress progress progress bar width aria aria aria progress progress bar width aria aria aria progress progress progress bar width aria aria aria progress progress progress bar width aria aria aria set height value change value inner bar automatically resize accordingly code progress height progress bar width aria aria aria progress height progress bar width aria aria aria color use background utility class change appearance individual progress bar code progress progress bar success width aria aria aria progress progress bar info width aria aria aria progress progress bar warning width aria aria aria progress progress bar danger width aria aria aria multiple bar include multiple progress bar progress component need code progress progress bar width aria aria aria progress bar success width aria aria aria progress bar info width aria aria aria Striped Add bar stripe bar apply stripe gradient progress bar background color code progress progress bar progress bar stripe width aria aria aria progress progress bar progress bar stripe success width aria aria aria progress progress bar progress bar stripe info width aria aria aria progress progress bar progress bar stripe warning width aria aria aria progress progress bar progress bar stripe danger width aria aria aria Summary Basic Options Sizing Colors Multiple bar striped Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Quick start Start amazing theme jump start development amazing ready use component page Preview purchase download Quick probably want work live browser thing need getting start Injector use fast cache dynamic inline DOM injection library order markup clean need run local web server work properly development tip dynamic injection process use AJAX call load develop locally run local aware default browser security setting block call use option open local web server set development server simply copy paste Quick directory able access browser Gulp set development server worry start server Gulp read build tool doc start server access automatically watch change Summary Preview Injector Gulp Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Buttons use custom button style action form dialog support multiple size state Bootstrap Documentation Examples Default code Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Dark Link button primary primary button secondary secondary button success success button danger Danger button warning warn button info Info button dark Dark button link Link Tags code Link Button primary button Link primary submit Button primary button Input primary submit Submit primary reset Reset Soft code Primary Success Danger Warning Info Dark button soft primary primary button soft success success button soft danger Danger button soft warning warn button soft info Info button soft dark Dark Outline code Primary Success Danger Warning Info Dark button outline primary primary button outline success success button outline danger Danger button outline warning warn button outline info Info button outline dark Dark Brand code Twitter Slack button icon label inner icon fab inner text button twitter icon label inner icon fab twitter inner text Twitter button plus icon label inner icon fab plus inner text button icon label inner icon fab inner text button icon label inner icon fab inner text button icon label inner icon fab inner text button icon label inner icon fab inner text button slack icon label inner icon fab slack inner text slack button icon label inner icon fab inner text Icon Simple code button primary icon inner icon datum user button secondary icon inner icon datum arrow leave button danger icon inner icon datum code button primary round circle icon inner icon datum user button secondary round circle icon inner icon datum arrow leave button danger round circle icon inner icon datum Text code create account Deactivate button primary icon inner icon datum user inner text create account button danger icon inner icon datum circle inner text Deactivate code create account Deactivate button primary icon inner text create account inner icon datum user button danger icon inner text Deactivate inner icon datum circle Options States code Active Active Disabled Disabled Single toggle loading Loading button primary active active button secondary active active button primary disabled disabled button secondary disabled disabled button primary data button aria false single toggle button primary spinner border spinner border status aria true loading button secondary spinner grow spinner grow status aria true loading Summary Examples Default Tags Soft Outline Brand Icon Simple Text Options States Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Forms Examples usage guideline form control style layout option custom component create wide variety form Bootstrap Documentation Inputs Default code form group text form control default input emphasize code form group text form control form control emphasize Emphasized input Muted code form group text form control form control mute muted input Flushed code form group text form control form control flush flushed input Options States code form group text form control valid valid form group text form control invalid invalid form group text form control disabled disabled Sizing code form group text form control form control extra large input form group text form control form control large input form group text form control normal input form group text form control form control small input Default code form control manually resize non code form control fix height custom form code check custom custom control custom custom control input custom control label check custom code check custom custom control custom custom control input data indeterminate custom control label check custom code button Active group group toggle data button primary active option check button group group toggle data button primary active option check active primary option primary option Radios code Toggle custom radio toggle custom radio custom control custom radio radio custom control input custom control label Toggle custom radio custom control custom radio radio custom control input custom control label toggle custom radio code Toggle custom radio toggle custom radio custom control custom radio custom control inline radio custom control input custom control label Toggle custom radio custom control custom radio custom control inline radio custom control input custom control label toggle custom radio code Radio button Active Radio Radio group group toggle data button primary active radio custom radio button group group toggle data button primary active radio custom check active primary radio custom radio primary radio custom Radio Select menu code Open select menu custom select select open select menu code Open select menu Open select menu custom select custom select select open select menu custom select custom select select open select menu Summary Inputs Default emphasize muted Flushed Options States size Default Non custom form Radios Select menu Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Tables Documentation example opt styling table give prevalent use Bootstrap Documentation Basic widespread use table party widget like calendar date picker design table opt add base class extend custom style include modifier class basic table markup table look Bootstrap table style inherit Bootstrap mean nest table style manner parent code Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird table col col col col handle row Mark Otto row Jacob row Larry Bird invert color light text dark background dark code Handle Mark Otto Jacob Larry Bird table table dark col col col col handle row Mark Otto row Jacob row Larry bird Summary Basic Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Alerts provide contextual feedback message typical user action handful available flexible alert message probably amazing set alert available Bootstrap Documentation Examples Default code head info alert example link check alert alert success alert head info alert alert link example link check flushed alert flash message width remove border radius add flush modifier class code head info alert example link check alert alert success alert flush alert head info alert alert link example link check Outline create outlined alert color option add outline color theme color warning success danger dark code head info alert example link check alert alert outline success alert head info alert alert link example link check multiple alert need arise quickly space flash message surround content message wrapper note extra margin example code head info alert example link check head info alert example link check alert message alert alert success alert head info alert alert link example link check alert alert success alert head info alert alert link example link check Shadow Add depth alert utility code head info alert example link check alert alert success shadow alert head info alert alert link example link check Dismissible code head info alert example link check head info alert example link check alert alert success alert dismissible fade alert head info alert alert link example link check button close data alert aria close aria true times alert alert success alert dismissible fade alert head info alert alert link example link check button close data alert aria close aria true times Modern love modern type alert easy attention make look bad use modern modifier class element Default code Hot commerce module new app page feature alert alert modern alert primary badge badge warning badge pill hot alert content commerce module new app page feature Colors rule alert use combination theme color code New commerce module new app page feature alert alert modern alert success badge badge white badge pill new alert content commerce module new app page feature code New commerce module new app page feature alert alert modern alert dark badge badge danger badge pill new alert content commerce module new app page feature Outline code New commerce module new app page feature alert alert modern alert outline success badge badge success badge pill new alert content commerce module new app page feature code New commerce module new app page feature alert alert modern alert outline danger badge badge danger badge pill new alert content commerce module new app page feature Summary Examples Default Flushed alert Outline Multiple alert Shadow Dismissible Modern Default Colors Outline Quick Kit free Loading use cookie theme work agree use cookie learn overview page Contact Login Docs Download Free detail time amplify online business build beautiful modern flexible Bootstrap component build scratch start illustration start craft component ready use project Use Atomic Design build component section page unleash creativity Quick Kit free contain component page easy customize change result Quick Kit free contain component page easy customize change increase audience Quick Kit free contain component page easy customize change need quick admin panel Quick component example include ton variable help customize theme ease perfect modern startup ready customize modern project management dashboard Quick component example include ton variable help customize theme ease perfect modern startup ready customize design device ready grow fast create experience learn New listen nature Design simple clean smart markup Tips rule follow design simple clean smart markup update beware water Design simple clean smart markup New Listen nature Design simple clean smart markup Tips rule follow design simple clean smart markup update beware water Design simple clean smart markup key feature Quick premium template include adaptable component page industry plus new one month Responsive build customize base Bootstrap build customize build SASS build customize component build customize widget build customize Bootstrap Grid build customize animate build customize integrate build customize Smart markup build customize complete feature hand thousand developer world Quick main tool build Standard License end product Use personal client Use free end product month technical support Purchase Extended License end product Use personal client Use free end product Use end product sell month technical support Purchase pricing contain month free support need contact attempt bring good development experience designer developer offer tool need have quick solid start web project Account Profile Settings Billing Notifications Services Pricing Contact Careers Company Community Help center support Copyright right reserve Terms Privacy Cookies Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Collapse Toggle visibility content project class Bootstrap Documentation Collapse click button hide element class change code Link Button data target anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer primary data collapse button aria false aria link primary button data collapse data aria false aria Button data target collapse card card body anim cliche high life squid Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer example Stacked code license need anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee access theme anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee previous order anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee accordion accordion stack card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum file license need collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum unlock access theme collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum folder previous order collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Spaced code license need anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee access theme anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee previous order anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee accordion accordion space card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum file license need collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum unlock access theme collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee card card header data collapse button data aria false aria datum folder previous order collapse aria data card body anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Summary Collapse Examples Stacked Spaced Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Documentation example powerful responsive navigation header include support branding navigation include support collapse Bootstrap Documentation Examples code free demo click open version overview page Contact Login Docs Download Free detail block dark text truncate block index blank free demo click open version expand light white container brand image placeholder brand logo toggler button data collapse data aria aria false aria Toggle navigation toggler icon collapse collapse nav auto nav item nav link overview nav item animate data hover nav link button data aria true aria false page menu menu single item item item contact divider item login nav item nav link doc primary inline block Download Free text center block warning detail Summary Examples Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Pagination Documentation example show pagination indicate series relate content exist multiple page Bootstrap Documentation Basic code Previous aria page navigation example pagination page item page link previous page item page link page item page link page item page link page item page link work icon code aria page navigation example pagination page item page link aria previous aria true page item page link page item page link page item page link page item page link aria aria true disabled active state code Previous current aria pagination page item disable page link aria true previous page item page link page item active aria page page link current page item page link page item page link code Previous current aria pagination page item disable page link previous page item page link page item active aria page page link current page item page link page item page link Options Sizing code current aria pagination pagination page item active aria page page link current page item page link page item page link code current aria pagination pagination page item active aria page page link current page item page link page item page link Alignment code Previous aria page navigation example pagination justify content center page item disable page link aria true previous page item page link page item page link page item page link page item page link code Previous aria page navigation example pagination justify content end page item disable page link aria true previous page item page link page item page link page item page link page item page link Summary Basic Working icon disabled active state Options Sizing Alignment Quick Kit free Loading use cookie theme work agree use cookie learn free demo click browse bootstrap component overview page Contact Login Docs Download Free detail project mind build beautiful modern flexible Bootstrap component build scratch write message trust sale department technical support custom project Southeast Meadow Terrace want share feedback report technical issue ask question fill free contact shortly support team support team available issue product Heather Wright Founded Chairman Monroe Parker End Developer John End Developer James Lewis Vice Chairman Contact help jut let know happy offer help send message attempt bring good development experience designer developer offer tool need have quick solid start web project Account Profile Settings Billing Notifications Services Pricing Contact Careers Company Community Help center support Copyright right reserve Terms Privacy Cookies Quick Kit free Docs get start Components Support Quick Getting start Quick start Build tool color Typography Icons Components Alerts Avatar Badge Buttons Card Collapse Forms Input group Modal Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Tables Toasts Animate map Documentation example use navigation component Bootstrap Documentation Basic code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav link active active nav link link nav link link nav link disabled aria true Disabled Options Horizontal alignment code Active Link Link Disabled nav justify content center nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Link Link Disabled nav justify content end nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled Vertical code Active Link Link Disabled nav flex column nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Link Link Disabled nav flex column nav link active active nav link link nav link link nav link disabled aria true Disabled Types Tabs code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav tab nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled Pills code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav pill nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled Fill justify code Active Longer nav link Link Disabled nav nav pill nav fill nav item nav link active active nav item nav link long nav link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav pill nav fill nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Longer nav link Link Disabled nav nav pill nav justify nav link active active nav link long nav link nav link link nav link disabled aria true Disabled code Active Link Link Disabled nav nav pill nav justify nav item nav link active active nav item nav link link nav item nav link link nav item nav link disabled aria true Disabled Summary Basic Options Horizontal alignment Vertical Types Tabs Pills Fill justify