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Dashboard Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout currently Version critic suggestion send Title Content page Home Dashboard Card Header Card Body Card Footer sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Charts Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Charts Home Charts Area Chart Styling area chart find demo chart area file bar Chart styling bar chart find demo chart bar file Donut Chart Styling donut chart find demo chart pie file party generate chart theme chart customize customization option visit official documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build placeholder Blank Page Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Blank Page Home Pages Blank Page save imagination sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Alerts Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Alerts Home Bootstrap Alerts Alerts Basic simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check alert dismiss simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check alert icon success simple success alert check stop simple danger alert check warning simple warning alert check information simple info alert check Additional Content yeah successfully read important alert message example text run bit long space alert work kind content need sure use margin utility thing nice tidy alert link simple primary alert example link click like simple secondary alert example link click like simple success alert example link click like simple danger alert example link click like simple warning alert example link click like simple info alert example link click like simple light alert example link click like simple dark alert example link click like documentation visit bootstrap alert documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Home Bootstrap Modal Basic Toggle work modal demo click button slide fade page launch demo modal Modal vertically center Add dialog center dialog vertically center modal Launch Modal vertically center Modal scroll long content modal long user viewport device scroll independent page try demo mean Launch Modal Long create modal allow scroll modal body add dialog dialog Launch Modal title documentation visit bootstrap modal documentation modal title Content close Save change Modal Long Title egesta egesta fame egesta egesta egesta Title egesta close Save change modal title Title egesta egesta fame egesta egesta egesta Title egesta close Save change Modal vertically center Content Close Save change sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Colors Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Colors Home Colors General Colors Primary success info warning Danger secondary Background Gradient Utilities Gradient Primary gradient primary Gradient Success gradient success Gradient Info gradient info Gradient Warning gradient warn Gradient Danger gradient danger Gradient Secondary gradient secondary sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Home Tables Position Office Age Start date Salary Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York Hover Position Office Age Start date Salary Position Office Age Start date Salary Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh Winters Accountant Tokyo Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco Cedric Kelly Senior Developer Edinburgh Accountant Tokyo Integration Specialist New York Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco Integration Specialist Tokyo Colleen Hurst Developer San Francisco Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh Office Manager London Support Lead Edinburgh Marshall Regional Director San Francisco Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London Regional Director London Michael Silva Marketing Designer London Paul Chief Financial Officer New York Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York Bradley Software Engineer London Personnel Lead Edinburgh Development Lead New York Berry Chief Marketing Officer New York Caesar Vance Pre sale Support New York Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney Angelica Chief Executive Officer London Joyce Developer Edinburgh Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco Green Chief Operating Officer COO San Francisco Shou Regional Marketing Tokyo Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney Developer London Bartlett Technical Author London Cortez Team Leader San Francisco Post sales support Edinburgh Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco Howard Office Manager San Francisco Hope Secretary San Francisco Vivian Financial Controller San Francisco Timothy Office Manager London Jackson Bradshaw Director New York Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore Bruno Nash Software Engineer London Support Engineer Tokyo Thor Developer New York Finn Support Engineer San Francisco Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco Jennifer Junior Developer Edinburgh Cara Sales Assistant New York Hermione Butler Regional Director London Systems Administrator London Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh Michael Bruce Developer Singapore Donna Snider Customer Support New York party generate demo table information visit official documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Form Basics Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout form Basics Home Forms form basic Form Basic Email address share email Password Choose file remember submit Sizing Set height class like control control example form general Example Select large select default select small select Horizontal Form Email Password Radios Radio Second Radio Radio Disabled check custom Sign General Element Email address Example select example multiple select example Input Success look good input error provide valid city Check custom check custom check custom Radio Button Toggle custom radio toggle custom radio Toggle custom radio Switches Toggle switch element disabled switch element Input Group vanity Action action separated link documentation visit bootstrap form documentation bootstrap input group documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Page Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Page find Dashboard sure want logout cancel LogOut sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Dashboard Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Dashboard Home Dashboard Earnings Monthly month sale year New User month request yesterday Monthly Recap Report Header action action product sell Month Select today Week Month Year Oblong Shirt Items Items rounded Hat item item Remote Control Car racing Items view Invoice View Order Customer Item Status Action Wayang Nasi Padang Delivered Detail Edition Shipping Detail Oblong Shirt Detail Indri Hat Rounded Processing Detail Baby Powder Delivered Detail Message Customer wonder help problem have explain mistaken idea Nana Wayang View like template download sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build copyright build Register Register Email Password Repeat Password Register Register Register account Buttons Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Buttons Home Bootstrap Buttons Basic Buttons Bootstrap include predefine button style serve semantic purpose extra throw control primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Link Outline Buttons need button hefty background color bring replace default modifier class one remove background image color button primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Sizing Buttons Use Font Awesome Icons include theme package size button show example Brand Buttons button available feature company respective brand color user login registration page create custom button add new color variable file Bootstrap button variant create new style demonstrate file Split Buttons Icon work button color use icon split class markup example example use helper class icon additional styling require Split Button Primary Split Button Success Split Button Info Split Button Warning Split Button Danger Split Button Secondary Split Button Primary work small large button class Split Button Small Split Button Large Disabled Buttons button look inactive add disabled boolean attribute element primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info documentation visit bootstrap button documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build placeholder Popovers Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Popovers Home Bootstrap Popovers Popover Basic example basic popover Click toggle popover Dismiss click use focus trigger dismiss popover user click different element toggle element direction option available right leave align popover Popover right popover Popover leave documentation visit bootstrap popover documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Form Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout form home Forms Form base replacement select box Single Select Box Select Sumatra Sumatra Barat Sumatra Barat Jakarta Bali Barat Barat Barat Papua Barat Papua Single Select Box Placeholder Select Sumatra Sumatra Barat Sumatra Barat Jakarta Bali Barat Barat Barat Papua Barat Papua Multiple Select Boxes pillbox Select Sumatra Sumatra Barat Sumatra Barat Jakarta Bali Barat Barat Barat Papua Barat Papua documentation visit date Picker Simple easy select time text input mouse Simple Data Input year View Decade View Range Select documentation Bootstrap visit mobile touch friendly input spinner component Bootstrap support key Prefix Vertical Button documentation visit clock style Bootstrap Simple Simple Auto Close Auto Check Minutes check Minutes documentation visit sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Simple Tables Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Simple Tables Home Tables Simple Tables Simple Tables Order Customer Item Status Action Wayang Nasi Padang Delivered Detail Edition Shipping Detail Oblong Shirt Detail Indri Hat Rounded Processing Detail Baby Powder deliver Detail sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Login Login remember Login Login Login create Account Progress Bars Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Progress Bars Home Bootstrap Progress Bars Progress Bars Basic Progress Bars Label Add label progress bar place text bar Height Progress Bars set height value change value inner bar automatically resize accordingly height height Progress bar Background Use background utility class change appearance individual progress bar Progress bar Multiple Bars include multiple progress bar progress component need Progress bar Striped Add bar stripe bar apply stripe gradient progress bar background color Progress bar Multiple bar striped gradient animate add bar animate bar animate stripe right left animation documentation visit bootstrap progress bar documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build Dashboard Features Bootstrap Bootstrap Alerts Buttons Popovers Progress Bars Forms Forms form basic Form Tables Tables Simple Tables Colors Examples Pages Example Pages Login Register Page Blank Page Charts Alerts Center December new monthly report ready download December deposit account December Spending Alert notice unusually high spending account Alerts Message Center wonder help problem have good boy reason ask tell people dog good read Messages Task Design Button Beautiful Transitions create Pie Chart view Profile Settings Activity Log Logout Home Bootstrap Basic single turn toggle markup change work element button action action element link action action Sizing Button work button size include default split button large button action action large split button Toggle Action action small button action action small split button Toggle Action action Basic Color good button variant Primary action action Separated link Secondary Action action Separated link Success Action action Separated link Info Action action separated link Warning Action action Separated link Danger Action action Separated link Split Button Color similarly create split button virtually markup single button addition toggle split proper spacing caret use extra class reduce horizontal padding caret remove margin leave add regular button extra change caret center split button provide appropriately sized hit area main button Primary Toggle Action action Separated link Secondary Toggle Action action Separated link Success Toggle Action action Separated link Info Toggle Action action Separated link Warning Toggle Action action Separated link Danger Toggle Action action Separated link Directions Trigger menus element add parent element Action action Separated link Split Toggle Action action Separated link Trigger menus element add parent element Action action Separated link Split Toggle Action action Separated link Trigger menus element add parent element Action action Separated link Toggle Action action Separated link Split Menu Contents Header add header label section action menu Header Content header action action divider separate group relate menu item divider Divider Content Action action separated link documentation visit bootstrap documentation sure want logout cancel Logout copyright build placeholder