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mode Home Manual Code Language mode example module Templates import type import Types language conversion phase minus sign Message Type identifier replace underscore identifier match keyword underscore simple type template complex type message Type map template Message present header body map template Message header body optional field assign omit ignore skip description invite message datum template Message modify header body description accept message template message modify header body description error message template Message header body template Message modify header template Message modify header encode language Testing Test Control Notation MIME type define text text text development mode sponsor code mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode foo foobar let multi line Comment datum null single comment end run embed comment comment proc data class sex model weight height sex run proc select count create table foo select select foo quit MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation tab John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap tab component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Default Tabs Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui tab Icons Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui tab Underline Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Justified Tabs Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Pill Tabs Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui tab Icons Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Pill Tabs Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Justified Pill Tabs Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Home Profile action action Separated link Disabled exercitation aute esse unde autem alias distinctio qui nam minima qui Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode favorite movie Casablanca North Northwest man shopping list milk pumpkin pie egg juice indented Blocks common datum file use indentation new line separate key value pair John Smith age Inline Blocks common datum stream use comma separate key value pair brace John Smith age receipt Ware Purchase Invoice date customer give Dorothy family gale item Water Bucket fill price quantity High heeled Ruby Slippers size price quantity bill street Tornado Alley Suite city East state ship follow Yellow Brick Road Emerald City pay attention man curtain MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode script help use script set channel flag chan Start Setup eval change trigger want use variable change command word trigger like use mind change variable command change color want text variable change color want tag variable change logo logo want start line variable logo change result want valid result channel user mode topic variable channel user mode topic end Setup variable channel flag bind pub string bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw bind raw proc key text text nick ident host nick proc key text text match key subst key return proc key text text match server server proc key text text match channel channel proc key text text idle signon signon duration idle proc key text text match proc key text eval variable channel variable proc key text Registered Nick proc nick host hand chan text channel info chan eval variable channel variable chan text putlog Script help MIME type define text Soy Closure Template mode Home Manual Code Language mode Soy Closure Template Soy Closure Template mode example say hello world template string score number hello score score point score template World mode Closure Templates Soy MIME type define text soy mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode size binary binary tree Lemma Balanced Trees size lemma type lemma let binary binary tree graph depth vertex set graph intro graph depth vertex cardinality size lemma size induction depth consider case flow root flow contain vertex binary leaf child depth balanced binary tree balanced binary contain leave conclusion type corollary fully balanced tree depth node let fully balanced tree conclusion binary tree show balanced binary tree grow breadth quickly consequence shallow compute fast essence result local Variables mode LaTeX TeX master end MIME type define text parse highlighting test normal verbose Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Contacts add Contact Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith Emma Smith action action Albrecht Follow Friends Followers follow Contact Details Email address Phone Number birthday Nov Event Create New Contact User Image Choose file example invalid custom file feedback user Email Birthday Event Cancel Save Contact Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation sidebar customization John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log customize sidebar color Mono sidebar color sidebar light sidebar dark sidebar Dark Sidebar dark default sidebar color use image sidebar dark follow code bellow Sidebar Dark image sidebar Sidebar Light Add class sidebar light remove class sidebar light light image sidebar customize sidebar Position Mono position fix static sidebar Fixed Sidebar fix position default position Fixed Sidebar Static Add class sidebar static remove class sidebar fix Static customize sidebar navigation style Mono navigation style expand minified Sidebar Expanded Sidebar Expanded default navigation style Sidebar minify Add class sidebar minify Static Sidebar sidebar fix Add class sidebar fix sidebar collapse sidebar static Add class sidebar static sidebar collapse Fixed Static remove footer sidebar Sidebar come footer default want remove footer remove class sidebar footer delete markup sidebar footer inside sidebar Markup customization style customization Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation customization John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log customize color Mono color light dark transparent Light light default header color Mono toggle navigation Page Dark Add class dark remove class light primary transparent add toggle navigation Page Primary Add class primary remove class light dark transparent add toggle navigation Page Transparent Add class transparent remove class light dark primary add toggle navigation Page customize position Mono position fix static Fixed fix default position Mono Static Add class static remove class fix get start sidebar customization Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Shell mode Home Manual Code Language mode Shell Shell mode bash clone repository git clone generate credential tree req start server mode web node yes stop server aux node awk print kill null exit MIME type define text application Twig mode Home Manual Code Language mode Twig Twig mode extend block title Twig comment block content foo bar divisible hello set msg Result find include message msg Ruby mode Home Manual Code Language mode Ruby Ruby mode Code program evaluate polynomial ask coefficient polynomial enter line high order request value compute value poly ask value user enter blank line case ask polynomial user type quit input program immediately exit function evaluate polynomial polynomial give list coefficient great def coef sum coef want destroy original true sum add remove coef break entirely sum happen right number time end return sum end function read line contain list integer return array integer string conversion fail throw input line word quit convert end file exception def Read line print prompt line raise line quit use real eof item line convert add str str raise end end return end coeff exponent return string representation ignore sign coefficient def exp ret coeff right coef ret coef exp ret exp exponent ret exp return ret end create string polynomial sort readable form def exponent coefficient plus exp assign exponent term make pair coeff exponent rid zero term exp exp leave zero return non list coef exponent pair convert term precede negative result end convert rest term case add appropriate separate term add separator rep term result end end return result end run kind endfile begin repeat exception quit get true Read poly work eof program print begin poly polynomial coefficient rescue print try retry end break read evaluate value user type blank line eof true request integer print enter value blank line break raise quit look bad let try print look like integer try end Convert integer print result print print poly end end rescue print EOF rescue Interrupt print Interrupted print bye end MIME type define text ruby development Ruby mode kindly sponsor mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode demo code copy write programming language template compile time manipulation string macro Phobos copyright copyright Digital Mars license boost license author web Walter Bright Don Source Copyright Digital Mars distribute Boost Software License version accompany file copy module format constant string compile time analogous XREF string format parameter tuple constant string character integral value format format support string character example import import void main string foo arg foo template static Format static Format Format template static static static static static unrecognized format auto world true convert constant argument string template static static ditto template static static static ditto template ditto template ditto template true false ditto template ditto template Parse unsigned integer literal start string return integer literal string string follow integer literal null template static value rest static value rest value rest parse integer literal optionally precede start string return integer literal string string follow integer literal null template static value rest static value rest static value rest value rest abc abc deprecate alias hold backward compatibility deprecate alia ditto deprecate alia ditto deprecate alia simple mode handle Syntax MIME type define text Dart mode Home Manual Code Language mode Dart Dart mode import dart math Random void main define class class Die define class variable static Random shaker new Random define instance variable int side value define method shorthand syntax String value define constructor side support error exception throw new define instance method int roll return value template mode Home Manual Code Language mode template mode web application traverse list item produce link view item item item list comment forget footer Mode embed template markup MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL term inside TERM outside term term TERM recently term long term recently term long TERM hight term medium term low MAX METHOD COGS DEFAULT TERM hight term medium term low MAX METHOD COGS DEFAULT MIN RULE outside hight RULE hight RULE inside low MIN RULE hight MIME type text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Sign agree term condition Sign account Sign Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation modal John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap modal component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation modal Demo Modal Modal Title modal body text close Save Changes Demo Modal Modal Title egesta close Save Changes Demo Modal Modal Title popover modal button trigger popover click modal link link hover close Save Changes Demo Modal Modal Title auto auto auto auto Level Level level close Save Changes Demo Modal Modal Title email address share email Password check submit close Save Changes large Modal Modal Title modal body text close Save Changes Default Modal Demo Modal Scrolling Long Content Demo Modal Popovers Demo Modal Grid Demo Modal form Modal Content Demo Modal Optional Sizes Large Modal Small Modal Modal Title modal body text close Save Changes Modal Title egesta close Save Changes Modal Title popover modal button trigger popover click modal link link hover close Save Changes Modal Title auto auto auto auto Level Level level close Save Changes Modal Title email address share email Password check submit close Save Changes Modal Title modal body text close Save Changes Modal Title modal body text close Save Changes Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode title User Commands disable justification adjust text left margin extract track file file SYNOPSIS mode option DESCRIPTION extract specific part file useful argument tell currently support extraction track tag attachment chapter CUE sheet second argument source follow argument option extraction specification depend select common option follow option available mode describe set parse mode default mode parse file use meta seek element locate require element source case file contain meta seek element damage user use scan file couple minute fast scan take set character set convert string give command line default character set give current set character set string convert default character set give current write message file instead easily output redirection case option need terminal reinterpret output write character set set force translation language German preferable use environment variable enter cause output list available late version find AUTHOR Developer NOTES MIME type define mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode AKA Nick Tracker Script help Start Setup Change Join AKA Display alia return Change number nickname want store alia return Change text want display AKA result alias return End Setup join nick chan nick nick nick chan network Nick nick alia echo alia NickNames NickNames NickNames alias Fix var Fix count Fix Count Fix Count echo record Fix count clean NickNames Count dec Fix count alias Fix return menu query check active network echo know nickname watch cleanup NickNames clear NickNames AKA Search Dialog dialog menu status channel AKA Search Dialog dialog Clean Records Fix dialog title AKA Search Engine size option edit button search radio Search radio Search Nicknames list sort button Check Selected button close cancel box Search Type button copy Clipboard dialog init dialog var search type data item match type match type dec match echo clipboard start NickNames NickNames exit NickNames disconnect NickNames unload NickNames alia inc update join update need line raw Raw MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template look like wrong Home mixed mode Home Manual Code Language mode mixed mixed mode Mixed Example mixed example mixed mode depend mode take optional mode configuration option tag add custom behavior specific tag give object mapping tag name example script array element array inner array indicate specification example use type foo map attribute foo mode field null null null mode give mode tag match previously give attribute example var tag style type text null null custom null null MIME type define text redefine take effect load parser parser swift mode Home Manual Code Language mode Swift Swift mode create Main Account copyright right reserve import Foundation class var total double var double var subtotal double return total double double total double double return subtotal Int Double let let var Int Double let return simple mode Swift MIME type define text swift Swift code mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Pete basic support Const False Echo happy Day Happy DAY true end MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation button social John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Social button component suit design standard add new social button create variable color want social button like exist button use social icon material icon Social Buttons Social Buttons Icon Text twitter plus twitter plus Social Buttons Text twitter plus twitter plus Social Circle Buttons Outline Social Buttons Outline Social Buttons Icon Text twitter plus twitter plus Outline Social Buttons Text twitter plus twitter plus Outline Social Circle Buttons Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer literate mode Home Manual Code Language mode literate literate mode language warn unused bind import Control Applicative import Data maybe import Data text text import Text Blaze import qualified Data text import qualified Server import qualified Text Blaze import qualified Text Blaze import Text digestive import Text Digestive Blaze import Text Digestive import Text Digestive Util simple form validation let start create simple datatype represent user datum User User text text derive dive immediately create form user form type parameter type message error usually type text case monad operate specify return type form case obviously User Monad Form Text User create form Applicative interface form type provide text Digestive form module text string bool digestive functor library developer require label field operator look like bit burden allow useful stuff like separate form actual layout User text mail check valid email address text check function enable validate result form example validate email address naive function text Bool validation example want description library order need package version type Version int want let user input version number mean need validate input text form need parse version type fortunately single function validate allow conversion value optionally fail read string maybe utility function import Text Digestive Util text Result Text Version maybe error parse version Success quick test Success error parse version work mean easily add package type form datum Category web Text Math derive Bounded data Package Package Text Version Category derive Monad Form Text Package Package text version validate text category choice category category compose form release author package let use illustrate digestive functor library reuse form write early data Release Release User Package deriving Monad Form Text release Release author package view mention advantage digestive functor separation form actual layout order type view view form supply input view contain information form original form input give user error occur view convert tutorial use blaze library helper digestive functor blaze library blaze let write view user form refer different field generate list error mail field view view label view view mail view label mail view email address mail view like form view composable let illustrate add view reuse order part relevant author view pass result view special view code Package add generate list error child specified form case mean list error note use refer nest form view view Author author view Package package view label view view label view version view label view category view attentive reader wonder type parameter view type error message wait Monad Form Text Release view mean need View Text View answer yes have View allow write view easily digestive functor blaze library fortunately able fix Functor instance View Monad view view finish tutorial need able actually run code need server use tutorial digestive functor library give need site response site test case view let view view template form view view submit release template Release receive release main main site Utilities template template body digestive functor tutorial body text label width float leave clear functor error list color red list style type padding left MIME type define text literate parser configuration parameter recognize base set base mode default apl mode Home Manual Code Language mode apl APL mode game life example inspire impressive demo create matrix creature original creature demo creature Glider Place creature large board near centre board creature function generation life Compute generation format character matrix gen life board generation gen gen gen simple mode try handle apl attempt label function operator base monadic dyadic usage far fully flesh mean meaningful hover state etc MIME type define text apl APL code Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation maps John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Map component little customization suit design standard information official Map Basic Demo Polygonal Map Map Marker Routes Map Multiple Marker Map Styled Map Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer markdown mode Home Manual Code Language mode Markdown Markdown mode Markdown basic Main Basics Syntax License dingus get Gist Markdown Formatting Syntax page offer brief overview like use Markdown syntax page provide complete detailed documentation feature Markdown easy pick simply look example action example page write style show example syntax output produce Markdown helpful simply try Markdown dingus web application allow type Markdown format text translate note document write Markdown source add markdown syntax Markdown Syntax markdown dingus Markdown Dingus markdown Paragraphs Headers paragraph simply consecutive line text separate blank line blank line line look like blank line line contain space tab consider blank normal paragraph indent space tab Markdown offer style header style header create underlining equal sign hyphen respectively create style header hash mark beginning line number hash equal result header level indicate email style angle bracket markdown level Header second level Header time good man come aid country regular paragraph quick brown fox jump lazy dog header second paragraph output level Header second level Header time good man come aid country regular paragraph quick brown fox jump lazy dog header second paragraph Phrase Emphasis Markdown use asterisk underscore indicate span emphasis markdown word emphasize word emphasize use asterisk strong emphasis prefer use underscore instead output word emphasize word emphasize use asterisk strong emphasis prefer use underscore instead list Unordered bulleted list use asterisk plus hyphen list marker marker candy gum Booze candy gum Booze candy Gum Booze produce output candy gum Booze order numbered list use regular number follow period list marker Red Green blue output Red Green Blue blank line item tag list item text create multi paragraph list item indent paragraph space tab list item multiple paragraph item list output list item multiple paragraph item list link Markdown support style create link inline reference style use square bracket delimit text want turn link inline style link use parenthesis immediately link text example example output example link optionally include title attribute parenthesis example title output example link reference style link allow refer link name define document time traffic Yahoo Search Search output time traffic Yahoo title attribute optional link name contain letter number space case sensitive start morning cup coffee New York Times times output start morning cup coffee New York Times image image syntax like link syntax Inline title optional alt title reference style alt title example produce output code regular paragraph create code span wrap text quote ampersand angle bracket automatically translate entity make easy use Markdown write example code strongly recommend tag wish name entity like instead decimal encode like output strongly recommend tag wish name entity like instead decimal encoded like specify entire block pre formatted code indent line block space tab like code span character escape automatically markdown want page validate Strict get paragraph tag example output want page validate Strict get paragraph tag fence code block syntax highlighting var log want support goody check flavor markdown mode Optionally depend mode properly highlight code block mode properly highlight inline block markdown mode support option boolean separately highlight markdown meta etc default false boolean Maximum allow nesting default infinite nesting boolean highlight inline default true boolean syntax highlight fence code block give mode include default true object want override default token type name code code boolean Allow lazy header whitespace text default false MIME type define text markdown parse Highlighting test normal verbose forth mode Home Manual Code Language mode Forth Forth mode Insertion sort cell insert start end start dup begin dup repeat swap sort array len dup cell insert loop drop simple mode handle Forth Syntax Forth MIME type define text forth mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode model parameter Real parameter Real real real Boolean true boolean impact Real equation impact fly impact fly end annotation end simple mode try handle MIME type define text code mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode test code Seaside subclass count class initialize super initialize count state self head count anchor callback count count space anchor callback count count Simple mode MIME type define text scheme mode Home Manual Code Language mode Scheme Scheme mode input start give symbol define match symbol input pattern cond null remain input car remain input pattern cdr input allow input start list pattern define match input pattern cond null pattern match pattern input car pattern match input cdr pattern allow sequence pattern define match seq input pattern null pattern input let match match pattern input car pattern match match seq match cdr pattern match pattern problem match define match opt input pattern let match match pattern input car pattern match match input match pattern find clumsy form require end pattern need decide end match give match rest sentence define match input pattern cond null remain input null pattern con remain input clear remain input let accum collector define match pattern input pattern cond null remain input accum car remain input cond match pattern cdr input pattern match pattern cdr input pattern let match pattern input car pattern con accum MIME type define text scheme tiki mode Home Manual Code Language mode Tiki Tiki mode Headings Header Header Header Header Header Header Styling Box multi line bold italic center operator Link table Lists continue continue continue tra continue standard Body inline mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode mode indent level create mat demonstrate print record demo demo list Tup case Tup try Fields list catch end end Term MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation popover John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap popover component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Popovers Popover Launch popover Popover Popover right popover Popover leave dismissible popover Basic Popover Launch popover Directions Popover Popover Popover leave Popover Popover right Dismiss Click Popover dismissible popover leave right disabled button Basic Directions leave right Dismiss Click disabled button Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode utility quickly load file exhaustive analysis content update match late return list file return table information file column column column index load type max width distinct character value rule rule catch type maybe need checking date float like analyse example delete info use info read datum like return row bulk load file table datum define datum care check tweak read DELIM lowercase remove junk character remove number character read header number line read guess type character column narrow store symbols max symbol string field type value wide force character completely ignore column true set modify long value info update info column info update distinct raze info info update sum info info update info vaguely numeric info update info address info update info info update info info update info info update info info update info info update info info update info info update info symbol max width permit info update info rest string flag column encode integer avoid symbol info update info info update info select maybe rule info info default restrict column like DATA exec info exec info datum insert count count DATA save custom setting override set beginning file MIME type define text Pug Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Pug Mode Pug Mode head Pug Mode Example body welcome example spot spot div div spot currently available Pug Mode create manage Brackets extension MIME type define text pug text jade sass mode Home Manual Code Language mode Sass Sass mode Variable definition page width sidebar width primary color Global Attributes body font family san serif size weight bold Scoped style content width page width sidebar float right width sidebar width main width page width sidebar width background primary color color blue footer height MIME type define text sass mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode literal macro definition define module definition module block input clk input input output clk begin begin end begin end begin end begin end end class definition class test Sum integer function int int int result string msg result return result task Syntax highlighting indentation language ieee configuration option List keyword cause indentation increase package module default MIME type define text text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation form advance John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Mask component little customization suit design standard information official Mask mask Input Date input Phone input Taxpayer Identification Numbers Social Security Number Eye Script Credit Card Number Date input Phone input Taxpayer Identification Numbers Social Security Number Eye Script Credit Card Number Mono provide Select component little customization suit design standard information official Select multiple Select Multiple Select New York Virginia Washington California Wyoming State New York Virginia Washington California Wyoming Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Eiffel mode Home Manual Code Language mode Eiffel Eiffel mode note description project wide universal property class ancestor developer write class customize individual project team library free implementation ELKS library status notice end class legal notice end class date date Jan revision revision class feature customization feature access generator string current object generating class base class type direct instance external ensure Result Void end TYPE detachable like Current type current object type direct instance result detachable like current ensure Result Void end feature Status report BOOLEAN type current object conform type Eiffel Language chapter require Void external end BOOLEAN type current object identical type require Void external ensure definition Result Current end feature Comparison like current BOOLEAN attach object consider equal current object require Void external ensure symmetric Result imply current consistent imply Result end frozen like current BOOLEAN attach object type current object field field identical require Void external ensure Result imply symmetric Result imply current end freeze equal detachable like BOOLEAN void attach object consider equal Void result Void result Void end ensure definition Result Void Void Void Void end frozen detachable like BOOLEAN void attach field field identical object type use default object comparison criterion Void result Void result Void end ensure definition Result Void Void Void Void end freeze like current BOOLEAN current attach isomorphic object structure require Void external ensure imply Result Result imply symmetric Result imply current end freeze detachable like BOOLEAN void attach isomorphic object structure Void result Void result Void end ensure imply Result Void imply Result Void result Void imply Void symmetric Result imply end feature duplication frozen twin like current new object equal Current twin call copy change copying twin semantic redefine copy external ensure Result Void result current end copy like current update current object field object attach yield equal object require Void external ensure current end frozen like current copy field corresponding field current object require Void external ensure end freeze clone detachable like Void void new object equal non void clone call copy change copying cloning semantic redefine copy obsolete Use twin instead Void result end ensure equal result end freeze detachable like Void void new object field field identical use default copying semantic obsolete Use instead Void result end ensure equal Result end frozen like current new object field field identical use default copying semantic external ensure Result Void equal Result current end frozen like current new object structure recursively duplicate Current external ensure Result Void current Result end frozen detachable like Void void new object structure recursively duplicate attach obsolete Use instead Void result end ensure Result end frozen like current effect equivalent copy require Void copy ensure current end feature Retrieval frozen call runtime perform proper dynamic dispatch local STRING exception attach Current create mismatch create end end feature output handle standard file setup create Result ensure Result Void end string new string contain terse printable representation current object result ensure Result Void end freeze STRING new string contain terse printable representation current object external ensure Result Void end print detachable write terse external representation standard output Void end end feature platform object available operating system create Result ensure Result Void end feature initialization process instance class creation clause default end feature basic operation process exception routine Rescue clause default end frozen execute null action end frozen default detachable like current default value object type end frozen pointer default value type POINTER avoid need write type POINTER ensure Result end frozen attach like Current attach version Current transitional period convert non void safe class void safe one result current end invariant current current note copyright copyright Eiffel Software license Eiffel Forum License source Eiffel Software Ave USA Telephone Fax Customer support end MIME type define text eiffel create matter mode Home Manual Code Language mode matter mode receipt Ware Purchase Invoice date customer give Dorothy family gale item Water Bucket fill price quantity High heeled Ruby Slippers size price quantity bill street Tornado Alley Suite city East state ship follow Yellow Brick Road Emerald City pay attention man curtain flavor Markdown markdown plus feature text add syntax text miss standard Markdown fence code block syntax highlighting var log Task Lists incomplete task list item complete task list item bit spice SHA ref User user define mode parse start file switch base mode end take mode configuration option base configure base mode default mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Number Literals String Literals Literal escaping literal variable escape escape Escaped variable text variable text text variable space text text expression text text interpolation inception text string string quote literal string quote Array Hash literal key value Variables variable global variable Variable space operator Punctuation keyword begin function return trap data end break throw param continue finally switch exit filter try process catch build variable error false home host input null profile true true false null build function Add Computer Add Content Add History Add Member Add Add type Checkpoint Computer Clear Content Clear Clear History Clear Host Clear Item Clear Clear Variable Compare Object complete Transaction Connect Convert Path Copy Item Copy Debug Process Disable Disable disable Disable Disconnect Enable Enable Enable Enable Enter Exit Export Alias Export Export Console Export Counter export Export Export Export Object Format Custom Format List Format Table Format wide Alias Command Content Counter Credential Culture date event help history host Item Job Location Member Module process Random Service Transaction Unique Variable Verb Group Object help Import Alias Import Import Counter Import Import Import Module Import Invoke Command Invoke Expression Invoke History Invoke Item Invoke Invoke Invoke Join Path Limit Measure Command Measure object Item New Alias New Event New New Item New New Module New New Object New New New New New New Service New New Variable New New Default File Host Null Printer String Pause Pop Location prompt Push Location Read host Receive Job Receive Register Register Register Register Remove Computer Remove Event Remove Remove Item Remove Remove Job Remove Module Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Variable Remove Rename Computer Rename Item Rename Reset Resolve Path Restart Computer Restart Service Restore Computer Resume Job Resume Service Save Help Select Object Select String Select Send Set Set Alias Set Set Content Set Date Set Set Item Set Set Location Set Set Set Set Service Set Set Set Variable Set Command Sort Object Split Path Start Job Start Process Start Service Start Sleep Start Transaction Start Transcript Stop Computer Stop Job Stop process Stop Service Stop Transcript Suspend Job Suspend Service Tee Object Test Test Connection Test Test Path Test Trace Command Unblock File Undo Transaction Event Update Update help Update list Update Use Transaction Wait Event Wait Job Wait Process object Write Debug Write Error Write Write host Write Output Write Progress Write Verbose Write Warning MIME type define application mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode sample useless code demonstrate syntax highlighting comment comment import record end true thor base mode information Systems web site MIME type define text Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Mode Mode set description parse end execute mathematical expression lexical grammar lex skip whitespace return number return return return return return return return return return return eof operator association precedence leave leave leave leave start expression language grammar expression EOF return prec NUMBER Math Math Mode create Robert Plummer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO come soon stay touch Dylan mode Home Manual Code Language mode Dylan Dylan mode Module locator internal Synopsis abstract modeling location author Andy Armstrong Copyright Original Code Copyright Functional Objects right reserve license distribution detail warranty distribute warranty KIND define open generic locator server locator server false define open generic locator host locator host false define open generic locator volume locator volume false define open generic locator directory locator directory false define open generic locator relative locator relative define open generic locator path locator path define open generic locator base locator base false define open generic locator extension locator extension false Locator class define open abstract class end class define open abstract class end class define method class string locator string end method define method class key server false path relative false locator server server path path relative relative end method define method class string locator string end method define method class key directory false base false extension false false locator directory directory base base extension extension end method Locator coercion cache scheme work disable define constant cache locator define constant cache locator string define constant locator string cache weak key define constant string locator cache weak value define open generic locator string class subclass locator string define open generic string locator class subclass string locator define seal sideways method class subclass locator string let string string cache locator default string string let string locator locator cache locator string string cache locator string string end end end method define seal sideways method class subclass string locator let locator locator cache string default class locator let locator string string cache locator locator cache string locator locator end end end method Locator condition define class end class define function locator error format string rest format argument format string format string format argument format argument end function locator error useful locator protocol define open generic locator test locator test define method locator test locator test end method locator test define open generic locator link locator link define method locator link locator link end method locator link define method locator relative locator relative let directory directory relative end method locator relative define method current directory locator locator current directory relative path self end method current directory locator define method locator directory locator parent false let path path server server path copy end relative relative end end method locator directory Simplify locator define open generic simplify locator locator simplify locator define method simplify locator locator simplify locator let path path let relative relative let resolve parent link let simplified path simplify resolve parent resolve parent relative relative path simplify path server server path simplify path relative relative locator end end method simplify locator define method simplify locator locator simplify locator let directory directory let simplified directory directory simplify directory simplify directory directory simplify directory base base extension extension locator end end method simplify locator subdirectory locator define open generic subdirectory locator locator rest sub path subdirectory define method subdirectory locator locator rest sub path subdirectory let old path path let new path concatenate old path sub path server server path new path relative relative end method subdirectory locator relative locator define open generic relative locator locator locator relative locator define method relative locator locator locator relative locator let path path let path path case relative relative locator error find relative path absolute locator relative locator locator locator server server locator path path path relative path relative path test test relative end end method relative locator define method relative locator locator directory relative locator let directory directory let relative directory directory relative directory relative directory directory simplify locator directory relative directory base base extension extension locator end end method relative locator define method relative locator locator locator relative locator let directory directory case directory relative directory relative locator error find relative path absolute locator relative locator locator locator locator end end method relative locator Merge locator define open generic merge locator locator locator merge locator Merge locator define method merge locator locator locator merge locator relative let path path path simplify locator server server path path relative relative locator end end method merge locator define method merge locator locator locator merge locator let directory directory let merged directory directory merge locator simplify locator end merge directory directory directory merge directory base base extension extension locator end end method merge locator define method merge locator locator locator merge locator let directory directory directory merge directory locator end end method merge locator Locator protocol define sideways method support open locator locator openable relative end method support open locator define sideways method open locator locator rest keyword key key stream file stream locator keyword end method open locator MIME type define text dylan mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode comment error error wrong user include include section hello world Function Windows post Legacy system MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation switch John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Switches component suit design standard add customize Switches edit create Default Switches Outline Switches Alternative Outline Switches Switches Text Outline Switches Text Alternative Outline Switches Text Switches Icon switch icon switch primary form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch secondary form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch success form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch info form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch warning form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch danger form control label input form check input check span span label switch icon switch dark form control label input form check input check span span label Outline Switches Icon Alternative Outline Switches Icon Default Pill switch Outline Pill Switches Alternative Outline Pill Switches Pill Switches Text Outline Pill Switches Text Alternative Outline Pill Switches Text Pill Switches Icon Outline Pill Switches Icon Alternative Outline Pill Switches Icon Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer gherkin mode Home Manual Code Language mode Gherkin Gherkin mode feature Background scenario navigate home page home page contain menu search form scenario search term navigate home page search Tofu search result page display search result page contain individual search result search result contain link tofu page MIME type define text feature Cypher Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Cypher Mode Cypher Mode Cypher Mode neo theme MATCH joe Joe RETURN COUNT order COUNT desc MIME type define application cypher query Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Mode Mode classic example grammar recognize simple arithmetic expression like parser generate grammar compute value start additive additive leave multiplicative right additive return leave right multiplicative multiplicative leave primary right multiplicative return leave right primary primary integer additive additive return additive return letter Mode create Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Calendar Add New Event use open calendar app great display event detail change event associated datum add new event add functionality event hook check documentation detail function var var calendar new var var moment toggle past event current event future event event title Day event description description Day event start event Add New Event title Date Time Description Creat Event Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer handlebar mode Home Manual Code Language mode mix Handlebars use function content translate current locale line comment article excerpt body ellipsis true author write category form Handlebars syntax highlighting MIME type define text handlebars template support option base set mode wrap example use mode handlebar base text highlight template mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode declare fun Max Max nil Delay Max end end fun Sum Stream case Stream nil end end local thread int end thread Sum end Browse end MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Demo code actual new parser character stream implementation function string function return peek function return function return eat var match string var match var return var start start return backUp column function return function var start return start match consume pattern string function return str consume false return true var match match consume false return match mode support configuration option set mode expect datum program set mode expect link datum program demo typescript activate additional syntax highlighting thing TypeScript code demo give number determine indentation use statement continue new line indicate character consider identifier default handle non ascii identifier set elaborate improve support MIME type define text application application text typescript application typescript mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Game Life base work Laurent Petit Christophe Grand Game Life game life core game life algorithm function neighbour give cell coordinate return coordinate neighbour zero step give set living cell compute new set living cell cell set cell frequency neighbour cell cell cell cell utility method display game text terminal print board print board represent step game board range inc range inc print print board display grid print board represent step grids board grid print board board print launch example board def board represent initial set living cell board display grid iterate step board let play character let play number MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation toaster John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety toaster component little customization suit design standard information official Toaster Toaster Info Success Warning Warning Info Toaster Info Success Toaster Success Warning Toaster Warning Error Toaster Danger Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode class rocket private quality Double public Sub launch String quality launch successful launch failed end end sub end class MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode bin use string line line item Example cut print second predefine variable line block number comment END MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode weight object individual element height weight function square square expression function default return idiomatic way write function square function short content square Function argument default value cube cube cube cube default power Data frame letter operator product assignment MIME type define text development mode kindly sponsor stylus mode Home Manual Code Language mode Stylus Stylus mode stylus mode article font family san serif article font family san serif variable font size base line height base font family base san serif text color body font font size base line height base font family base color text color body font san serif color variable link color link hover color color link decoration link hover decoration false tab focus outline thin dotted outline auto focus ring color outline offset color link color link decoration text decoration link decoration hover focus color link hover color link hover decoration text decoration link hover decoration focus tab focus color text decoration hover focus color focus outline thin dotted outline auto focus ring color outline offset MIME type define text create Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation Badges John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Badge component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Badge Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Example head New Contextual Variations Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Pill badge Link Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Square Badges Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Outline Badges Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Primary secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation form validation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Forms Validation component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Basic Input success look good input info share email input warn Shucks check formatting try input danger sorry take try submit cancel Input success look good input info share email input warn Shucks check formatting try input danger sorry take try submit Cancel Iconic Validation Left look good right shuck check formatting try input danger Sorry take try submit Cancel Left look good right shuck check formatting try input danger Sorry take try submit Cancel Horizontal Validation Input success look good input info look good input warning look good input danger look good submit Cancel Input success look good input info look good input warning look good input danger look good submit cancel Button Validation Left look good right Shucks check formatting try input danger sorry take try submit Cancel Left look good right Shucks check formatting try input danger sorry take try submit Cancel Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation pagination John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap pagination component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation pagination Default Pagination Previous flat Pagination Previous Separated Pagination Prev previous Bordered round previous flat Rounded Pagination Previous separated Rounded Pagination Prev previous right Pagination Previous Default Pagination Previous flat Pagination Previous Separated Pagination Prev previous Bordered round previous flat Rounded Pagination Previous separated Rounded Pagination Prev previous Left Pagination Previous Center Pagination Previous right Pagination Previous Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer pascal mode Home Manual Code Language mode Pascal Pascal mode Example Pascal code meet meet repeat case end MIME type define text pascal Elm mode Home Manual Code Language mode Elm Elm mode import Color exposing import graphic collage expose import Graphics element expose import Time expose main clock second clock collage fill outline solid grey hand orange hand charcoal hand charcoal hand clr len time let angle degree time segment len angle trace solid clr MIME type define text elm Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation flag icon John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono use flag icon collection country flag plus easy integration information official Flag Icon flag Icons flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon flag icon Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation carousel John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Owl Carousel component little customization suit design standard information official Owl Carousel slide Control indicator Captions Title Second Title Title Title Second Title Title User Carousel Steven Foster Founder Randy Graphic designer Mark Henry Photographer Katy Perry Interior designer Steven Foster Founder Randy Graphic designer Steven Foster Founder Randy Graphic designer Mark Henry Photographer Katy Perry Interior designer Steven Foster Founder Randy Graphic designer Testimonial Carousel exercitation aute Peter Kain Acme inc exercitation aute Mary Johnson Promotions manager exercitation aute Mark henry Fashion designer exercitation aute Peter Kain Acme inc exercitation aute Mary Johnson Promotions manager exercitation aute Mark henry Fashion designer Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation team John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log progress team Activity time day ago day ago day ago month ago Emma Smith Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Emily Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist Roger Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door Aaron far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect Emma Smith Sophia Amanda Emily William Albrecht Barn Sophia Amanda Emily action action Albrecht Follow Friends Followers follow Contact Details Email address Phone Number birthday Nov Event Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode example Sample Code definition BEGIN SEQUENCE OBJECT IDENTIFIER sequence bit STRING INTEGER END language abstract Syntax Notation MIME type define text development mode sponsor code mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Prime Sieve take specification copyright Authors package main import fmt send sequence channel int send channel copy value channel channel remove divisible prime int int prime int range loop value receive send channel prime sieve Daisy chain filter process sieve int create new channel start generate subprocess prime fmt int prime main sieve MIME type text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode description image geo latitude float longitude float Empire State Building description Empire State Building story landmark New York City image geo latitude longitude specialization mode Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation button group John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap button group component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Default Button Group leave Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle Right Outline Button Group leave Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle Right Button Group Icon Left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle Right Outline Button Group Icon group aria example outline primary format align leave Left button outline primary format align center Middle button outline primary format align right Right button div group aria example outline secondary format align leave Left button outline secondary format align center Middle button outline secondary format align right Right button div group aria example outline success format align leave Left button outline success format align center Middle button outline success format align right Right button div group aria example outline danger format align leave Left button outline danger format align center Middle button outline danger format align right Right button div group aria example outline warning format align leave Left button outline warning format align center Middle button outline warning format align right Right button div group aria example outline info format align leave Left button outline info format align center Middle button outline info format align right Right button div group aria example outline light format align leave Left button outline light format align center Middle button outline light format align right Right button div group aria example outline dark format align leave Left button outline dark format align center Middle button outline dark format align right Right button div leave Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right large Button Group leave Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right Large Outline Button Group leave Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right left Middle right Button Pagination Outline Button Pagination Nesting link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link Outline Nesting link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link Vertical Buttons Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Outline Vertical Buttons Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Button Button link link Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Example code FUNCTION array program read array number return structure contain average standard deviation ave count begin ave ave count count ave ave count std return average ave std std END MIME type define text DTD mode Home Manual Code Language mode DTD DTD mode title fixed role IMPLIED ENTITY copy ENTITY reg ENTITY trade ENTITY ENTITY entity ENTITY pound entity yen ENTITY euro ENTITY element title ENTITY IMPLIED version IMPLIED lang IMPLIED base IMPLIED remap IMPLIED IMPLIED IMPLIED dir IMPLIED arch IMPLIED audience IMPLIED condition implied conformance IMPLIED imply revision imply security IMPLIED imply vendor IMPLIED IMPLIED annotation IMPLIED MIME type define application dtd textile mode Home Manual Code Language mode Textile Textile mode textile Mode paragraph format simple Paragraph Phrase Modifiers simple phrase modifier strong emphasis bold italic citation insert span link alt image image link sentence footnote define header level second level level fourth level fifth level low level list unordered list foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar order list foo bar foo bar foo bar foo bar definition list description item foo bar span foo bar foo bar Attributes Layouts phrase modifier modify kind attribute alignment class name language padding style Alignment div leave align div right align class person language strange weather Horizontal Padding left padding right padding styling red Fire table Header header cell Normal cell span column cell span row class right align cell left align cell table attribute code block function return return pre temporarily disable textile markup touch surround text double equal disable textile inline example Use strong text block layout simply textile version tag like tag exist line Title Hello MIME type define text textile parse highlighting test normal verbose Asterisk mode Home Manual Code Language mode Asterisk Asterisk mode Asterisk dial plan general static set omit rewrite file extension modify remember comment file lose happen static include asterisk switch dynamic exec bin dynamic international long distance trunk local master context local toll free call include default demo include start come wait second fun Answer answer line Set Digit Timeout second Set Response Timeout second play congratulatory message instruct play instruction wait extension dial information instruct Set language french restart start congratulation create example user console etc skip hold skip channel exit right dsp Ring forever busy demo thank thank try demo Hangup hang timeout invalid extension rule long valid try create extension dial Asterisk demo let know Asterisk demo connect demo site return start message create extension evaluate echo latency let know Echo echo test let know start use Macro Page intercom individual user SIP extension system Wide Page extension extension MIME type define text asterisk fortran mode Home Manual Code Language mode Fortran Fortran mode example Fortran code program average read number average write datum point average zero return desire behavior keep example simple implicit real dimension allocatable point integer real write input number point average read allocate write enter point average read point average sum point dividing form average positive negative point point end point end deallocate point print result terminal write average write average positive point write average negative point end program average MIME type define text fortran Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Quick Start Fresh Start start scratch template download Mono Dashboard late release sure page set late design development standard mean include viewport meta tag proper responsive behavior page look like Mono Starter Admin Dashboard Template Hello World want use Mono Dashboard package run follow command terminal mono dashboard Existing Project look quickly add Mono Dashboard exist project Use follow link Copy paste link close head tag Place follow script near end page right closing body tag introduction customization Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation spinner John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Spinners component suit design standard add customize Spinners edit create rotate Plane Wandering Cubes Bounce Fading Circle Double Bounce double bounce div div div Pulse Circle Fading Circle Wave Chasing Dots Cube Grid Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user profile setting John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Settings Profile Account Planing Billing Notifications Profile setting star twinkle click current avatar change photo Cover Image Choose file example invalid custom file feedback Upload new cover image Occupation Company Upload new cover image Update Profile Social Networks Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode module find unique permutation list duplicate unordered collection duplicate value allow represent single value count type Bag Int Bag mix mix mix mix Bag map let map MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode example useless code syntax highlight comment function local table print stre string end line comment end function table multi line string definition high level string print end end loosely base mode configuration parameter support special provide array string identifier highlight special style MIME type define text assembly mode Home Manual Code Language mode assembly assembly mode include define Message display string ret message hello MIME type define text text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation vector maps John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Map component little customization suit design standard information official Map Country Visualization Country Visualization Marker Region Visualization Region Visualization Marker Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode mode follow script demonstrate mode export obj key export export map not type type key key result type result result export filter not type type key key result type result result export reject not type type key key result type result result export partition not type type pass fail key pass pass fail pass type pass fail pass fail export find not return return void export head export return void export tail return void export return void export initial return void export return false return yes export value obj obj export key obj obj export len value export con export append export join sep value sep export reverse reverse export fold export memo memo memo memo memo memo export export fold export memo fold memo export fold export export unfold export return false true export return true false export not return yes export not return yes export unique result result result result result export sort export return export compare export sum result result result result export product result result result result export mean export average sum len export fold append export fold memo append memo export export maximum export minimum export scan export memo memo memo memo export export scan export memo scan memo export scan export replicate result result export export drop export drop export return not result break result result export return not break drop export span export span export zip result result export not export result result export not export compose argument export curry util method export export flip export fix argument argument export line str return str export unline export word str return str export export max export min export negate export abs export signum export quot export rem export div export mod export recip export Math export tau export exp export sqrt change log log common function log thing export export pow export sin export tan export cos export export export export sinh tanh cosh export truncate export round export ceiling export floor export not export export odd export gcd export lcm gcd meta export target target generate target true export prelude MIME type define text mode write Kenneth Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation table John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap table component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation basic Table Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter border table Handle Action Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Action Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Dark table Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter striped table Handle Active Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Active Lucia Christ Harms Sauter contextual table Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Table Head States Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Handle Lucia Christ Harms Sauter Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer smarty mode Home Manual Code Language mode Smarty Smarty mode extends include example Smarty content var integer array stre assign foo function menu datum entry menu entry Mode Smarty version allow custom delimiter tag configuration parameter support string determine Smarty syntax start end version mode spec like text set different background mode MIME type define text smarty Smarty custom delimiter example Smarty content menu datum Smarty nest tag valid Smarty assign var foo assign var foo assign var foo comment comment foo foo smarty dot syntax note embed address ambiguity Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation general widget John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Progress bar New Users User reach Order place Order place Total sale sale year Monthly Revenue reach New Users User reach Order place Order place Total sale sale year Monthly Revenue reach progress bar Background New Users User reach Order place Order place Total sale sale year Monthly Revenue reach New Users User reach Order place Order place Total sale sale year Monthly Revenue reach Status New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Status Background New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Status Style New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Status Style Background New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Status Style New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Status Style Background New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Selena Wagner anna hello anna min ago hello min ago want know min ago resolve content min ago Notifications star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect List Add task Finish Dashboard Kit update Finished create new prototype landing page today add new Analytics code main file yesterday Update parallax scroll team page Dec update parallax scroll team page Dec create online customer list book Dec Dec update parallax scroll team page Dec update parallax scroll team page Dec sale Product Add Stock Product Unit sell Coach Swagger toddler Shoes Hat Black Suits Backpack Gents speed Ignite Earphone Headphone Watch Page Views Page Page view Avg Time audience overview Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode version comment let let test function var function var let return element element attribute attribute element test attribute foo bar doc let evil test Modified example nest comment declare private function local declare declare private function local private declare private function local function declare private function local local let let let let let return element element attribute attribute try version attribute doc bar castable string element text text text doc let doc version Copyright Mark Logic Corporation license Apache License Version License use file compliance License obtain copy License require applicable law agree writing software distribute License distribute BASIS WARRANTIES condition KIND express imply License specific language govern permission limitation License module declare default function need backslash escape double quote newline declare function string string let let let let let return declare function element string node null number let castable castable float castable double castable decimal return castable number boolean let castable castable boolean return castable boolean print thing come colon declare function print element string true node string join string return print print value declare function print element string let let array preceding follow true let later array preceding return later array handle previously array string join string follow return print string join print transform element string representation sample usage version import module Sample transformation escape escape uri ignore prefix include attribute ignore special attribute indicate serialization write node single array attribute set boolean number dictate value write type unquoted attribute set true write inner content text structured useful send wire text node mixed content ignore element node convert string hold serialize representation Jason Hunter port double escape escape declare function element string string join print MIME type define application development mode sponsor develop Mike Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation material icon John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono use material design icon grow icon collection information official Material Design Icons usage icon click copy clipboard Extras helper class list size Rotate Flip flip flip note include ability use time Spin spin spin Color light light inactive dark dark inactive Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Pig Latin mode Home Manual Code Language mode Pig Latin Pig Latin mode Apache Pig Pig Latin Language Demo comment load long GROUP GENERATE STORE simple mode handle Pig Latin language MIME type define text pig PIG code Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation email detail John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Compose favorite draft send Mail Trash Labels Work Private Family Friends action action introduce new tool Mar action action Selena exercitation aute esse non sunt culpa qui anim est unde omni natus error quae quasi attachment Click Reply Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Page Maintenance currently maintenance right minute mumps mode Home Manual Code Language mode MUMPS MUMPS mode Lloyd mumps support Code Mirror Excerpts routine check code return Zero call start End spell command return error code call new SET KILL SET SET quit SET SET SET QUIT QUIT spell command function QUIT terminate QUIT auto handle allow sign QUIT flag set QUIT Sieve mode Home Manual Code Language mode Sieve Sieve mode example Sieve Filter declare optional feature extension script require reject reject large message note lead dot stuff size reject text send large attachment file server send thank Fred stop handle message know mailing list message filter discussion list filter folder header Sender filter filter folder message people company address domain folder try catch unsolicited email message contain subject know spam file away address contain header match subject message header contain address list spam spam folder non company mail personal folder personal MIME type define application sieve Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation email compose John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Compose favorite draft send Mail Trash Labels Work Private Family Friends New Message Attachment send message Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Language Modes Home Manual Code Language mode Language mode list mode distribution mode live subdirectory directory typically define single file implement mode load file language available mode option apl Asterisk Ceylon Closure COBOL Common Lisp Crystal Cypher Dart template language diff DTD Dylan Eiffel Elixir Elm Factor Forth Fortran Gas style assembly Gherkin groovy Handlebars Literate embed mixed mode Java Julia Markdown flavour MUMPS Triples Quads Objective Octave Pascal ascii armor Pig Latin Properties file Pug Puppet Python rpm Ruby Rust Sass Spreadsheet Scala Scheme Shell Sieve Slim Smarty Soy Stylus dialect Squirrel Swift LaTeX Textile Tiki Tornado template language Configuration Turtle Twig Velocity app Web turtle mode Home Manual Code Language mode Turtle Turtle mode geo Person interest geo lat geo MIME type define text turtle Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Default Home Home Library Home Library Data Home Home Library Home Library Data Inverse Home Home Library Home Library Data Home Home Library Home Library Data Color Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Home Library Data Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation chat John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita Anna delectus vita delectus vita Anna delectus vita Selena Wagner Profile Logout hello anna min ago hello min ago want know min ago resolve content min ago hello min ago want know min ago resolve content min ago hello min ago want know min ago Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation collapse John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap collapse component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation collapse Default Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapse Shadow Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapse Borderless Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapse Border Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Collapsible Group Item Anim cliche high life squid wolf moon aute non skateboard dolor brunch food truck quinoa brunch wolf moon bird squid single origin coffee Nihil anim keffiyeh craft beer vegan butcher vice legging craft beer farm table raw denim aesthetic probably hear sustainable Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Common Lisp mode Home Manual Code Language mode Common Lisp Common Lisp mode package synthesize reader writer name integer read writing function byte know macro create function macro use create name way eval compile load execute integer reader byte sign intern standard syntax format nil sign int byte integer writer byte sign intern standard syntax format nil sign int byte integer reader bytes create function read integer binary stream let bit byte label return form sign sign bit result result byte bit result result generate reader sign integer reader byte sign socket declare type stream socket byte let result unsigned byte read byte socket declare type unsigned byte result return form sign let result declare type unsigned byte bit result byte byte collect byte byte result unsigned byte read byte socket return form sign cause weird error circumstance disabled declaim inline integer reader bytes integer reader byte nil declaim function sign byte bit integer reader bytes generate reader declaim function unsigned byte bit integer reader byte nil generate reader nil integer writer bytes create function write integer binary stream let bit byte declaim inline integer writer bytes integer writer bytes nil integer writer byte nil socket value declare type stream socket type unsigned byte bit value bytes write byte value socket loop byte byte collect write byte byte byte value socket value integer writer bytes socket value declare type stream socket type sign byte bit value bytes write byte byte value socket loop byte byte collect write byte byte byte value socket value instance need integer reader integer reader integer reader integer reader integer writer integer writer integer writer write bytes socket byte write byte array stream declare type stream socket type simple array unsigned byte byte write sequence byte socket write str socket string write null terminate string stream support enable declare type stream socket type string string enc write string string socket write socket declaim function unsigned byte simple array unsigned byte read bytes read bytes socket length read byte array give length stream declare type stream socket type length let result array length element type unsigned byte read sequence result socket result declaim function string read str read str socket read null terminate string stream take care encode support enable declare type stream socket enc read string socket null terminate skip bytes socket length skip give number byte binary stream declare type stream socket type unsigned byte length length read byte socket skip str socket skip null terminate string declare type stream socket loop char type read byte socket char ensure socket close socket key abort open stream socket handler case close socket abort abort error error warn ignore error happen try close socket error MIME type define text common lisp rpm change mode Home Manual Code Language mode rpm change rpm change mode Tue Oct update Fixes bug reflect package disallow Interface method Value obtain unexported Oct update Fixes memory leak certain map type Oct Tweaks debugging change definition prep section pass correct location specific pretty printer function macro install function printer patch linker cmd emit correct location function pretty printer MIME type define text rpm change mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode example body margin padding font family san serif color navigation font weight bold text decoration important font size font size content code font family courier monospace font size color MIME type define text text demo text demo parse Highlighting test normal verbose Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Reset Password Submit account Sign mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode program print hello World newline screen length active command character short loop comment loop simple way add comment program worry command character character simply ignore character balance Set cell add Cell set Cell cell clear loop add cell add cell add cell add Cell Decrement loop counter Cell loop till Cell zero number iteration add Cell add Cell subtract Cell add Cell zero cell find Cell clear previous loop Decrement loop Counter Cell loop till Cell zero number iteration result cell content pointer cell value subtract Cell likewise Cell cell space subtract Cell cell set end hello cell add Cell give exclamation point finally newline Cell mode MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user notification setting John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Settings Profile Account Planing Billing Notifications Notifications Settings follow mention send message invite team add new project add new task member wee Project deadline Teams week update project Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Sample program sample option lifeline message ask ask mode expansion support inline expression sample store queue queue change list alt find alt specific change old stuff list change loop change loop specific interesting stuff happen change alt old new late run case process shuck find find note exit mode simplify version sample signal method return value callback lose emphasis dot straight line note note box box abox abox condition row omit row comment simple mode highlight derive sequence chart language MIME type define text text text factor mode Home Manual Code Language mode Factor Factor mode copyright license simple time server accessor calendar kernel thread time server handle time client timestamp print thread server ascii time server insecure handle time client handler start time server start server drop MAIN start time server simple mode handle Factor Syntax Factor MIME type define text factor web mode Home Manual Code Language mode web web mode unsigned long width optional unsigned long height interface attribute alt attribute attribute attribute size attribute attribute attribute boolean attribute unsigned long width attribute unsigned long height attribute unsigned long attribute unsigned long attribute boolean complete attribute obsolete member partial interface attribute attribute attribute align attribute unsigned long attribute unsigned long attribute attribute border MIME type define text Tornado template mode Home Manual Code Language mode Tornado Tornado template mode Tornado web application title item item item list end mode embed Tornado template markup MIME type define text tornado Triples mode Home Manual Code Language mode Triples Quads Triples mode Triples mode work Quad document literal literal literal MIME type define application triple Quads add fourth element statement track graph statement identical Triples literal literal graph literal MIME type define application quad COBOL mode Home Manual Code Language mode COBOL COBOL mode Select Theme default ambiance blackboard cobalt eclipse elegant dark lesser dark midnight neat night solarize dark solarize light twilight vibrant ink dark light Select Font Size Read Insert Spaces Tab identification division PROGRAM SAMPLE AUTHOR TEST SAM DATE WRITTEN February sample program form program copy input output count number record end number print environment division INPUT OUTPUT SECTION FILE CONTROL SELECT STUDENT FILE assign SYSIN ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL SELECT PRINT FILE ASSIGN SYSOUT ORGANIZATION LINE SEQUENTIAL DATA DIVISION FILE SECTION STUDENT FILE RECORD contain character datum record student student PIC PRINT FILE record contain character datum record PRINT LINE PRINT LINE PIC WORKING STORAGE SECTION datum REMAINS SWITCH PIC VALUE SPACES RECORDS WRITTEN pic DETAIL LINE FILLER PIC VALUE SPACES record image PIC FILLER PIC VALUE SPACES SUMMARY LINE FILLER PIC VALUE SPACES total read PIC FILLER PIC value SPACE FILLER PIC VALUE Records read FILLER PIC VALUE SPACES PROCEDURE division PREPARE SENIOR REPORT open INPUT STUDENT FILE OUTPUT PRINT FILE zero RECORDS WRITTEN READ STUDENT FILE END DATA REMAINS SWITCH END READ PERFORM process record DATA REMAINS SWITCH PERFORM PRINT SUMMARY CLOSE STUDENT FILE PRINT FILE STOP RUN PROCESS RECORDS student RECORD image DETAIL LINE PRINT LINE WRITE PRINT LINE add RECORDS WRITTEN READ STUDENT FILE END DATA REMAINS SWITCH END READ PRINT SUMMARY RECORDS WRITTEN total read SUMMARY LINE PRINT LINE WRITE PRINT LINE Octave mode Home Manual Code Language mode Octave Octave mode number string identifier operator break zero default margin round one rand ceil floor size clear zero eye mean std error eval function abs cos cosh exp log prod sum max min sign sin sinh sqrt tan reshape return case switch end try catch property event method global persistent line comment multi line comment MIME type define text octave mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode install ghost platform run development environment version MAINTAINER ghost install dependency installation RUN apt update RUN apt install python software property common yes RUN add apt repository ppa chris lea RUN apt update install unzip RUN apt install unzip install curl RUN apt install curl install RUN apt install RUN apt install Download Ghost RUN curl Unzip Ghost zip ghost RUN unzip ghost add custom ghost ADD ghost install ghost RUN install Expose port EXPOSE run Ghost cmd syntax highlighting depend MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation list group John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap list group component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation list Items Disabled List List Item Links contextual Classes simple primary list group item simple secondary list group item simple success list group item simple danger list group item simple warning list group item simple info list group item simple light list group item simple dark list group item simple primary list group item simple secondary list group item simple success list group item simple danger list group item simple warning list group item simple info list group item simple light list group item simple dark list group item List Group Avatars star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect List Group Icons star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect list Item Active list Badges List Item Buttons List Group Control star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect List Group Control List group item head day ago list group item head day ago list group item head day ago list group item head day ago list group item head day ago list group item head day ago Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer spreadsheet mode Home Manual Code Language mode Spreadsheet Spreadsheet mode true false MIME type define text spreadsheet Spreadsheet Mode create Robert Plummer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode PREFIX PREFIX prefix PREFIX comment SELECT give family annot annotate annot creator OPTIONAL give family UNION know know thing thing MINUS thing label filter MIME type define application query groovy mode Home Manual Code Language mode groovy Groovy mode groovy script def new File import list def import condition detect import instruction import import print coin changer demo code value final value value final value def count count return word word def list coin int count list count count MIME type define text groovy mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode package message Address require string street require string postcode message require string number message Person optional require string require string surname optional Address address repeat optional age repeat optional string license Gender MALE FEMALE optional Gender gender optional require bool delete default false syntax package tutorial import option option option example message Person string unique number person string email MOBILE HOME WORK message string number type repeat phone Timestamp address book file message repeat Person people service Test return return MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user activity John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Activities Selena Wagner Designer min ago nos exercitation Walter Designer hrs ago nos exercitation Punk hrs ago nos exercitation Albrecht Photographer hrs ago nos exercitation Contacts Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer velocity mode Home Manual Code Language mode Velocity Velocity mode Velocity Code Demo base mode Peter adapt Velocity Steve August comment second line hello steve invalid syntax normally need poor man escaping like define blah include include foo bar parse parse foo evaluate string define hello hello end set world hello display hello World customer customer foo bar true break stop end end end string split line plus string quote macro color end end body content end variable reference set monkey bill string literal set monkey friend monica property reference set monkey blame leak Method reference set monkey plan number literal set monkey number range operator set monkey number object list set monkey fault object map set monkey Map banana good roast beef bad simple arithmetic expression addition set value foo subtraction set value bar multiplication set value foo bar division set value foo bar remainder set value foo bar MIME type define text velocity Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user planing setting John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Settings Profile Account Planing Billing Notifications choose plan starter want look User Active Project storage limit Select plan Basic want look User Active Project storage limit Email Support Select plan Ultra want look User Active Project storage limit Email Phone Support Select plan Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode vim syntax default Release build build Release CACHE string choose type build option Debug Release FORCE version OLD report Apple Clang Clang NEW project VERSION object library require time public change system architecture detection greater detect target processor MATCHES detect arm target processor value unknown add value near find build support NUMA node Enable Position Independent Code Enable Position Independent Code Compiler detection APPLE MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode example code wird mit Matrix mit die ist von Ideal regular find dualize Block var polys dual Ideal poly polys polys die aus dem Ideal poly var dual var mit MIME type define text Python mode Home Manual Code Language mode Python Python mode Literals String Literals love world give whosoever believeth identifier identifier operator infix matrix multiplication operator PEP Delimiters note require proper context Python Keywords assert break class continue def del finally global import lambda pass raise return try yield Python Keywords identifier exec print Python Keywords identifier nonlocal Types bool complex dict enumerate float int list object property reverse set slice str super tuple type Python Types identifier buffer file long Python Types identifier bytes filter map open range zip Example code import package import def pass class def return def hello mode import sqrt def int int double double return Configuration Options Python mode version version Python recognize Default true false single line string terminate end line subsequent line error true consider newline end string Default false int want write long argument function start new line line indent default normal indentation unit Advanced Configuration Options superset python syntax like magic help Regular Expression single operator matching default include Python Regular Expression single delimiter matching default Regular Expression double operator matching default Regular Expression double delimiter matching default Regular Expression triple delimiter matching default identifier Regular Expression identifier default Python Python list string list extra word ton consider keyword list string list extra word ton consider builtin MIME type define text python text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation analytic John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log income site traffic site order Asia Users prev session prev bounce Rate prev User Acquisition Traffic Channel Source Medium Referrals Acquisition Report Sessions Device desktop prev Tablet prev Mobile prev User Map Oregon Indiana Colorado Page Views Page Page view Avg Time Audience Overview Current Users Current Users overview Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user profile John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings New Users Order place Total sale Monthly Revenue Notification star twinkle extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing japanese doll Marianne husband strong consider uncommonly promotion perfectly consist support ticket Unpleasant diminution excellence apartment imprudence meet new draw roof music leave door new order far related bed passage comfort civilly frankness objection hasten produce prospect list Add task Finish Dashboard Kit update Finished create new prototype landing page today add new Analytics code main file yesterday Update parallax scroll team page Dec update parallax scroll team page Dec create online customer list book Dec Dec update parallax scroll team page Dec Products Inventory Yearly Chart action action product Qty Variants Committed Daily Sale sell Stock Coach Swagger action action Toddler Shoes Watch action action Hat Black Suits action action Backpack Gents action action Speed Ignite action action action action Ledger action action Surface Laptop action action Bed Head Superstar Queen action action Atom action action Smart Watch action action Magic Bullet Blender action action rucksack action action Opaque White action action headphone action action Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer like mode Home Manual Code Language mode like mode sum list integer let rec sum match sum let rec function pivot rest let pivot let leave right rest leave pivot right Sequence let rec match let fib Birthday paradox let let rec prob people let prob float people prob prob answer prob church numeral let zero let let zero let zero let add let fun let add elementary function let square let rec fact fact automatic memory management let polymorphism sort list let rec sort function insert sort insert elem function elem elem elem insert elem imperative feature let let let result max result redefine fact reference cell loop let fact let result ref result result result fact Triangle graphic let ignore true ignore Demo let angle let render color angle triangle render Lines page module type sig type end let long string line stuff let let let let let let list mode module let rec fib function fib fib type point int int type color Red Green Blue fun MIME type define text text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode LIBRARY ieee USE USE ENTITY END ARCHITECTURE behavior signal signal signal signal signal signal integer BEGIN instantiate Unit Test entity PORT MAP stimulus process process begin loop loop unsigned type conversion wait end loop end loop end process END Syntax highlighting indentation language configuration option atom List atom word default null hook List meta hook default multi line string accept default false MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation input group John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap input group component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Basic Example vanity vanity Radio leave Left Radio Left Left Radio right right radio Left Right Left right radio Button Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action Action action Separated link Action action Separated link Action action Separated link Iconic Input Group Button iconic Sizing Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode echo comment function return hello program say simple mode base like mode depend like mode MIME type define application code text plain non wrap code Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation editor John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide quill text editor little customization suit design standard information official Editor Mono provide Editor little customization suit design standard information official Editor Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode POST Host modify Sat oct Content Type application form User Agent like Gecko request body MIME type define message Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Sign free remember Forgot password Sign account sign SLIM mode Home Manual Code Language mode SLIM SLIM mode body table user user class edit Edit user body logo comment second line comment second line link disabled false text bold datum hello quark Text mode second line class second text MIME type define application slim parse highlighting test normal verbose Diff mode Home Manual Code Language mode Diff Diff mode diff index diff lib lib index lib lib var function function var start start var start start target start return false return gutter target return focused var function var var marker marker test actually help var function option parser option linenumber option gutter option value option value value throw new set option option option value value undo var function operation refresh refresh input return instance var function false null null null false worktime MIME type define text diff mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Sun Apr Timothy Date Sat Apr Subject mode Message mode work Timothy MIME type define application rust mode Home Manual Code Language mode Rust Rust mode Demo code type foo int bar foo int let match foo bye MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation style customization John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log customize style basic way customize theme compile want use Mono Dashboard need limited customization feel free simply include compile file locate dist asset directory customize versatile sustainable way customize Mono Dashboard major benefit strategy variable override easily customize theme style plus touch Bootstrap source mean future update simple information official Bootstrap theming color variable primary secondary map theme color primary primary secondary secondary change font wish add change site font look file replace line change variable font family base FONT body font family open Sans san serif variable font family base open Sans san serif change Direction use direction set replace asset asset inside sidebar customization Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode example code edge edge true false edge vertex vertex edge vertex edge edge MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation datum table John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety component little customization suit design standard information official Products Inventory Image Product Qty Variants Committed User activity sell Stock Coach Swagger action action Toddler Shoes Watch action action Hat Black Suits action action Backpack Gents action action Speed Ignite action action action action Ledger action action Surface Laptop action action Bed Head Superstar Queen action action Atom action action Smart Watch action action Magic Bullet Blender action action rucksack action action Opaque White action action headphone action action Image Product Qty Variants Committed User activity sell Stock Coach Swagger action action Toddler Shoes Watch action action Hat Black Suits action action Backpack Gents action action Speed Ignite action action action action Ledger action action Surface Laptop action action Bed Head Superstar Queen action action Atom action action Smart Watch action action Magic Bullet Blender action action rucksack action action Opaque White action action headphone action action Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode content test welcome site put MODE render partial sidebar comment hello comment comment will not display Date Time happy new year title Title Title MIME type define text parse highlighting test normal verbose ASCII Armor mode Home Manual Code Language mode ascii Armor ascii Armor mode Version MIME type define application application encrypt application key application signature puppet mode Home Manual Code Language mode Puppet Puppet mode class Puppet module install periodic backup class backups class inherit ensure valid path assign create subdirectory file file ensure directory owner root group root mode create example backup file useful reference file ensure file owner root group root mode source add file developer file ensure file source file ensure file source install actual binary file file ensure file owner root group root mode source create base backup directory file ensure directory owner root group root mode like hiera pass class family enable package ensure instal MIME type define text puppet property file mode Home Manual Code Language mode Properties file Properties file mode property file value exclamation mark comment value space beginning line value backslash line convenient sequence Colons colon Spaces key common MIME type define text property text like mode Home Manual Code Language mode like like mode demo code include include include include include include include struct void char unsigned long int int int pad void context sem define void context char err int res err goto cleanup case goto cleanup case break case break case break case break case break case break case break case break case break cleanup return void int context thread context return context example include include string int param return class template class class public const member public const Method const return member void value template void value method member value objective example long comment span line import line comment application char character array int test return YES Java example import import public public class Class implement public static final member private class public int zero return public method return member public void value method member value Scala example object extend App def threshold Int def threshold mode package import executor import import import import import import public class val val bootstrap val val init define worker group initialize bootstrap server bootstrap public fun boolean true val channel wait public fun stop shutdown event loop wait till thread terminate Ceylon mode produce result repeat application give give element stream function return finish give function return finish result stream infinite example produce stream share loop element result stream element function produce element stream give current element function return finish indicate end stream element let start object start false function element iterator object Iterator variable current start share actual finished result current current return result return finish simple mode try handle like language take configuration parameter keyword object property name keyword language determine preprocessor directive recognize MIME type define text text text java Java text text Objective text scala Scala text vertex shader fragment shader program text squirrel Squirrel text ceylon Ceylon Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Mode Mode Mode SELECT DISTINCT hex bin date string string string true FALSE unknown DUAL space need line comment comment LIMIT OFFSET MIME type define text text text text cassandra text text text hive text text text text gas mode Home Manual Code Language mode Gas Gas mode unify main multi line comment single line comment main push message put pop message hello world Handles assembler syntax specifically handle GNU Assembler gas syntax take single optional configuration parameter architecture ARM include parameter add syntax register special directive supply architecture MIME type define text gas Mode Home Manual Code Language mode Mode Mode document boom title Example owner Tom Werner organization bio Cofounder tater tot beer dob class date database server port enable true server indent tab space care client datum gamma delta line break inside array host alpha omega mode create MIME type define text mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode Example indentation try somewhat match style mode support configuration parameter boolean switch mode parse instead mean attribute quote element require closing tag boolean control mode check close tag match correspond opening tag highlight mismatch error default true boolean set true force opening tag block indent MIME type define application text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation progress bar John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap progress component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation basic Progress Bar striped progress multiple Progress Progress Bar Label animated Progress Progress size Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode example compass variable blue margin navigation nest background color black border color blue color padding margin margin margin border color blue table base text align center font weight bold padding margin text align right font family serif weight bold size float leave margin leave dist datum table base flow border solid green margin width container flow border solid red margin width body margin padding font family san serif color yellow background yellow font size border background color red navigation font weight bold text decoration important font size font size content code font family courier monospace font size color mode sub mode mode define parse Highlighting test normal verbose mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode format render version find Syntax font bold type text underline text text text text text Block Elements head head head head head list unordered list level unordered list level unordered list level order list level order list level unordered list level definition list term definition list description level level level Text code Code Sections text style code style code mixed mode support switching future style code mixed mode support switching future table column column column column column column annotation marker create cause current cell merge right marker create cause current cell merge image automatically transform respective tiddler automatic transformation suppress precede respective tilde enclose square bracket contain desire tiddler tiddler optionally custom title description add separate pipe character case target Custom Styling color definition use lowercase letter prevent inadvertent creation raw insert enclose respective code tag Special Markers force manual line break create horizontal ruler entity call respective hide text tiddler display wrap useful trick hiding draft annotate complex markup prevent markup take effect particular section section enclose double quote mode support single configuration MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation button loading John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety loading button component little customization suit design standard information official Button Loading Submit submit submit submit submit submit submit submit submit submit submit submit Expand Left Submit expand Right Submit expand submit expand Submit contract Submit contract Overlay Submit Zoom Submit Zoom Submit slide Left Submit slide Right Submit slide Submit slide Submit Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode mode Copyright Jeff release MIT License modify Python mode MIT License Copyright Timothy follow script demonstrate mode download mode Jeremy Underscore freely distributable term MIT Portions Underscore inspire borrow Oliver Steele John Micro detail documentation baseline setup establish root object window browser global server root save previous value variable root comment establish object get throw break loop iteration SOP breaker undefined break style single line comment title helper function escape content string Save byte minify version create quick reference variable speed access core prototype slice unshift native implementation hope use declare create safe reference Underscore object use obj new export Underscore object undefined export Export Underscore global scope root current version Collection Functions cornerstone implementation Handles object implement array raw object obj iterator context try iterator context context obj context val key obj key val obj catch throw not breaker obj return result apply iterator element use version map possible obj iterator context return context result obj value index list context value index list result Reduce build single result list value know inject use version reduce possible obj iterator memo context iterator iterator context context return iterator memo obj value index list memo context memo value index list memo right associative version reduce know use version available obj iterator memo context iterator iterator context context return iterator memo reverse reverse iterator memo context return value pass truth test obj iterator context result null obj value index list context value index list result value result return element pass truth test use filter exist obj iterator context return iterator context result obj value index list value context value index list result return element truth test fail obj iterator context result obj value index list value context value index list result determine element match truth test delegate present obj iterator context iterator return iterator context result true obj value index list result result value index list result determine element object match truth test use exist obj iterator context iterator return iterator context result false obj value index list result value index list result determine give value include array object base obj target return target not return true key val obj val target false invoke method argument item collection obj method argument method val obj Convenience version common use case map fetch property obj key val return maximum item item base computation obj iterator context return obj iterator result compute obj value index list compute iterator value index list value compute result value value compute compute return minimum element element base computation obj iterator context return obj iterator result compute infinity obj value index list compute iterator value index list value compute result value value compute compute sort object value criterion produce iterator obj iterator context obj value index list value value criterion value index list right value use comparator function figure index object insert maintain order use binary search array obj iterator iterator low high low high mid low high low mid high mid low convert iterable real live array iterable return iterable return return iterable return return number element object obj Array Functions element array pass return value array head guard check allow work map array guard guard return entry array tail especially useful argument object pass index return rest value array index onward guard check allow work map array index guard guard index element array array trim value array array item item array item return completely flatten version array array array memo value return value value memo return version array contain specify array value argument val val value val produce duplicate free version array array sort option fast algorithm array memo array true not memo produce array contain item share pass array array rest argument item rest item Zip multiple list single array element share index length argument length result new Array length length argument String result browser supply look need function return position occurrence item array item include array array item return item item return provide delegate native function possible array item return item return generate integer Array contain arithmetic progression port native Python range library start stop step argument solo start solo stop solo step len start step return len range new Array len loop return range step stop stop step function Functions create function bind give object assign argument optionally bind argument know curry obj argument obj root argument bind object method object useful ensure callback define object belong obj obj obj delay function give number millisecond call argument supply wait argument wait expensive function store result hasher memo hasher key argument return key memo argument defer function schedule run current stack clear argument return function pass argument second allow adjust argument run code conditionally execute original function wrapper wrapper argument return function composition list function consume return value function follow argument argument Object Functions retrieve name object property obj return key key val obj retrieve value object property obj obj return sorted list function name available Underscore obj key extend give object property source object obj source val key val source obj create shallow cloned duplicate object obj return obj obj Invokes interceptor obj return obj primary purpose method tap method chain order perform operation intermediate result chain obj interceptor interceptor obj obj perform deep comparison check object equal check object identity return true different type return false not basic equality test watch coercion return true truthy return false implement return check date integer value return NaN return false compare regular expression return object point handle return false not object check different array length compare content return false not work deep compare content different object size return false not recursive comparison content return false key val key true give array object obj return return false key obj true give value dom element obj obj give value array obj obj give variable argument object obj obj give value function obj obj give value string obj obj obj give value number obj obj obj object number give value boolean obj obj true obj false give value Date obj obj give value regular expression obj obj false give value NaN interesting NaN NaN true sure number obj give value equal null obj obj null give variable undefined obj obj undefined Utility Functions run mode return variable previous owner return reference Underscore object root identity function default iterator value value run function time iterator context context break middle iteration throw breaker add custom function Underscore object ensure correctly add wrapper obj generate unique integer unique entire client session useful temporary dom prefix prefix default Underscore use template delimiter change follow template setting use alternative delimiter start end interpolate template pilfer John secret Ninja page single quote fix Rick alteration arbitrary delimiter preserve whitespace str data new new Function obj var argument return datum Aliases setup Wrapper Underscore call function return wrap object style wrapper hold alter version underscore function wrap object chain wrapper obj obj helper function continue chain intermediate result result obj chain chain obj method easily add function wrapper argument result add Underscore function wrapper object add mutator array function wrapper pop push reverse shift sort splice unshift method argument add accessor array function wrapper join slice method argument start chain wrap Underscore object true extract result wrap chain object MIME type define application text text mode write Jeff Scala mode Home Manual Code Language mode Scala Scala mode Scala LAMP package import generic import mutable Builder import migration bridge import import parallel template trait traversable collection type mutability base trait kind mutability Scala collection implement behavior common collection term method signature def Elem Unit collection class mix trait provide concrete method traverse element contain collection apply give function need provide method create builder collection kind traversable class property strictness orderedness represent type instance strict collection class element compute value contrast instance non strict collection class defer computation element instance available value typical example non strict collection class stream general class example collection instance ordered collection class traverse element visit element order different run program class order visit element different order different run order run typical example collection class order object traversal order hash map depend hash code element hash code differ run contrast order method visit element order insert Martin element type collection Repr type actual collection contain element Coll Traversable coll traversable collection trait Repr extend Repr Repr Repr self import type implement traversable protect type self Repr collection type coll underlie object default implement object overridden def repr repr underlie collection see instance coll default implement current collection object overridden def conversion collection type repr coll object default implement cast overridden def repr create new builder collection type def Repr def apply function element coll note method underlie implementation bulk operation important implement method efficient way function apply effect element result function discard type parameter describe result function result ignore typically unit necessary def Unit Unit def Unit test coll true coll contain element false def boolean var result true breakable result false break result test coll know finite size strict collection know finite size non strict collection Stream predicate return true element compute return false stream evaluate end note collection method work collection infinite size true collection know finite size false def true def val def concatenate coll element traversable collection differ right operand determine type result collection left traversable append element type return collection new collection type contain element coll follow element def new coll contain element coll follow element def val overload exist implementation reuse collection override efficient version method implement directly traversable use overload def def val def val select element coll satisfy predicate predicate test element new coll consist element coll satisfy give predicate order element preserve def boolean Repr val select element coll satisfy predicate predicate test element new coll consist element coll satisfy give predicate order element preserve def boolean Repr def val build new collection apply option value function element coll function define option value function filter map coll element type return collection new collection type result apply option value function element collect define result order element preserve def partial function filter map coll new coll result apply give option value function element collect define result order element preserve def val match case case partition coll accord predicate predicate partition pair coll consist element satisfy predicate second coll consist element relative order element result original coll def boolean Repr Repr val def immutable Repr val mutable Repr elem val key val bldr bldr elem val immutable Repr test predicate hold element coll predicate test element true give predicate hold element coll false def boolean boolean var result true breakable result false break result test predicate hold element coll predicate test element true give predicate hold element coll false def boolean boolean var result false breakable result true break result find element coll satisfy predicate predicate test element option value contain element coll exist def Boolean var result breakable result break result def def val var acc acc acc acc definition change previous behavior reproduce def var scan var acc reverse acc acc scan acc val elem scan elem select element coll element coll coll def head var result throw new breakable result break result optionally select element element coll nonempty def select element coll consist element coll coll override def tail repr throw new select element element coll coll def var lst head lst lst optionally select element element nonempty def select element coll consist element coll coll def init repr throw new var lst head var follow false val follow lst follow true lst def Int Repr def int Repr val result Int def Int int repr precondition builder configure build def Int Int Repr repr var breakable break precondition def Int Int delta int Repr val delta precondition def Int int Repr val def boolean Repr val breakable break def boolean Repr val var false true def boolean Repr Repr val var true def Int Repr Repr val var iterate tail coll value coll final coll intervene value result successive application tail iterator tail coll Nil def tail iterate init coll value coll final coll intervene value result successive application init iterator init coll Nil def init copy element coll array fill give array len element coll start position start copying stop end current coll reach end array reach len element copy array fill start start index len maximal number element copy type element array def start Int len Int Unit def start Int len Int var start val end start len min breakable end break def def def convert coll string string representation collection default string consist coll follow element separate comma enclose parenthesis override def define prefix object representation string representation start result apply coll default string prefix simple collection class coll def String var string val Int string val string string create non strict view coll non strict view coll def view new Repr protect lazy val underlie override def self create non strict view slice coll note difference view slice view produce view current coll slice produce new coll note equivalent index element view index element follow view non strict view slice coll start index extend include index def Int Int Repr create non strict filter coll note difference filter create new collection restrict domain subsequent map operation predicate test element object class support map operation operation apply element coll satisfy predicate def Boolean Repr new class support filter operation instance class return method class Boolean extend Repr build new collection apply function element outer coll contain instance satisfy predicate function apply element element type return collection new collection type result apply give function element outer coll predicate collect result def new coll result apply give function element outer coll predicate collect result def val self build new collection apply function element outer coll contain instance satisfy predicate concatenate result function apply element element type return collection new collection type result apply give collection value function element outer coll predicate concatenate result def new coll result apply give collection value function element outer coll predicate concatenate result def val self apply function element outer coll contain instance satisfy predicate function apply effect element result function discard type parameter describe result function result ignore typically unit necessary def Unit Unit def unit self refine filter coll predicate test element object class support map operation operation apply element coll satisfy predicate addition predicate def Boolean new helper tail init private def val map result Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Income Expenses Action action Progress Donut Chart prev User Acquisition Traffic Channel Source Medium Referrals Acquisition Report Sessions Device desktop prev Tablet prev Mobile prev Current Users Current Users Overview Pie Chart Users prev Radar Chart Horizontal Bar Chart Aria Chart Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation card John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Card component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Basic Examples Card Title Card Title Card Title Card Link Card Title Sub head text Card Link Card Link Card Title Card Title Card Title Card Link Card Title Sub head text Card Link Card Link Horizontal Cards Card title sed exercitation Card title sed exercitation Card title sed exercitation Card title sed exercitation Card Deck Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Card Title exercitation aute update min ago Text Alignment Card Title Card Title Card Title Card Title Card Title Card Title card Image Overlay Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Title update min ago Card Groups Card Title wide card support text natural lead additional content content little bit long update min ago Card Title card support text natural lead additional content update min ago Card Title wide card support text natural lead additional content card long content equal height action update min ago Card Title wide card support text natural lead additional content content little bit long update min ago Card Title card support text natural lead additional content update min ago Card Title wide card support text natural lead additional content card long content equal height action update min ago Utilities Card title exercitation Button Card title exercitation Button Card title exercitation Button Card title exercitation Button Background variant card title card title card title card title card title card title Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer TypeScript mode Home Manual Code Language mode TypeScript TypeScript mode class Greeter greeting string constructor message string message greet return hello var greeter new var button Hello function specialization mode mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode screen device aspect ratio screen device aspect ratio screen device aspect ratio nth represent odd row table nth float right nth float leave body type line text transform uppercase foo color blue rule search decoration search cancel button appearance inner padding issue Chrome Safari focus inner focus inner inner padding border oddity padding border reset recess property order border color border color span button span font font family san serif corner border radius border radius border radius blue menu position absolute width index clear display block background color height border solid blue border solid blue box shadow suck background color hover background color margin padding padding display width border solid color border solid border leave color border right color border width background color padding font size display block text align left padding border display block padding text decoration color white hover background color text decoration mode sub mode mode define parse Highlighting test normal verbose mode Home Manual Code Language mode example section shall contain value parameter define module logging section specify log file class event want log file display console standard error debug matching ERROR WARNING STATISTICS yes yes Single yes section specify parameter pass test Ports define section create macro definition configuration file section INCLUDE include use configuration setting give configuration file configuration file need list section relative pathname section define external command shell script execute control test case start terminate execute section specify part test suite want execute groups section specify group host group inside component section restrict creation certain give set host component section consist rule restrict location create option control behavior language Testing Test Control Notation Configuration file MIME type define text development mode sponsor code mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode import class Foo extend public function new public static inline function Int var new Array throw error follow line color variable scope multi line comment test return private function flash var string end try catch String var Float var timer new Timer var var bob new Foo public var var function return public var Int Color red green blue grey Int Int Int Int mode test path flash source map content test lime MIME type define text text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation alert John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Alert component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Default Alerts simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check Outline Alerts simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check Dismissible Alerts Holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field holy guacamole check field alert icon simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check simple primary alert check simple secondary alert check simple success alert check simple danger alert check simple warning alert check simple info alert check simple light alert check simple dark alert check Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode mode mustache like template MIME type define text embed Scripts mode Home Manual Code Language mode embed Scripts embed Scripts mode function return hello example embed program say Mode embed script like depend multiplex turn depend dependency include script language choose MIME type define application application Embedded application Pages application rpm change mode Home Manual Code Language mode rpm rpm change mode Tue Oct update Fixes bug reflect package disallow Interface method Value obtain unexported Oct update Fixes memory leak certain map type Oct Tweaks debugging change definition prep section pass correct location specific pretty printer function macro install function printer patch linker cmd emit correct location function pretty printer rpm spec mode spec file package Copyright modification addition file contribute party remain property copyright owner agree license file modification addition file license pristine package license pristine package Open Source License case license MIT License Open Source License license conform Open Source Definition Version publish Open Source Initiative version release summary portable Universal Plug play Group System License Clause description portable Universal Plug play provide support build compliant control point device bridge operating system package devel summary portable Universal Plug play Group Development Libraries provide require version description devel portable Universal Plug play provide support build compliant control point device bridge operating system prep setup build configure static install find post file doc NEWS file devel MIME type define text rpm spec text rpm change Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation dashboard John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set log action action sale year action action Expense year action action Profit year action action revenue year income Expenses Action action Current Users Current Users Overview Products Inventory Yearly Chart action action product Qty Variants Committed Daily Sale sell Stock Coach Swagger action action Toddler Shoes Watch action action Hat Black Suits action action Backpack Gents action action Speed Ignite action action action action Ledger action action Surface Laptop action action Bed Head Superstar Queen action action Atom action action Smart Watch action action Magic Bullet Blender action action rucksack action action Opaque White action action headphone action action Customers Income Gunter Reich Kirsch Beer Lucia Christ sale Country sale Product Add Stock Product Unit sell Coach Swagger toddler Shoes Hat Black Suits Backpack Gents speed Ignite Earphone Headphone Watch Selena Wagner anna hello anna min ago hello min ago want know min ago resolve content min ago add Stock cancel save Product Information Product Title Price Sale Price Product Type Physical Good Digital Good Service Description Hide product publish site Click add product image Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation button default John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Buttons component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Default Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Square Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Pill Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Buttons Icon Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Small Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Large Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Disabled Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Block Buttons Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Outline Default Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Outline Square Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Outline Pill Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Outline Buttons Icon Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Small Outline Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Large Outline Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Disabled Outline Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Outline Block Buttons Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Primary Secondary Success Info Warning Danger Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer Julia mode Home Manual Code Language mode Julia Julia mode number string string identifier identifier literal identifier multiple dict indexing technical computing exception handling try catch error finally end type immutable end function function end end function invocation operator macro keyword operator begin let end try catch finally return break continue global local const export import function macro module type immutable quote true false enumerate MIME type define text julia mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode excerpt Sphinx documentation rest primer Primer section brief introduction rest concept syntax intend provide author information author document productively rest design simple unobtrusive markup language long authoritative User Documentation ref link document link description individual construct rest reference paragraph paragraph basic block rest document paragraph simply chunk text separate blank line Python indentation significant rest line paragraph leave align level indentation Inline markup standard rest inline markup simple use asterisk text emphasis italic asterisk text strong emphasis boldface text code sample asterisk appear run text confuse inline markup delimiter escape backslash aware restriction markup nest content start end whitespace text wrong separate surround text non word character use backslash escape space work word restriction lift future version rest allow custom interpret text role signify enclose text interpret specific way Sphinx use provide semantic markup cross referencing identifier describe appropriate section general syntax standard rest provide follow role alternate spelling emphasis alternate spelling strong alternate spelling literal subscript text superscript text reference title book periodical material markup role add Sphinx list Quote like block list markup natural place asterisk start paragraph indent properly numbered list sign bulleted list item second item use line numbered list item numbered list item nested list possible aware separate parent list item blank line list nest list subitem parent list continue Definition list create follow term line text Definition term indent consist multiple paragraph term description note term line text quote paragraph create indent surround paragraph line block way preserve line break line break exactly like source file special block available field list option list quote literal block block Source Code literal code block introduce end paragraph special marker literal block indent like paragraph separate surround one blank line normal text paragraph paragraph code sample process way indentation remove span multiple line normal text paragraph handling marker smart occur paragraph paragraph completely leave document precede whitespace marker remove precede non whitespace marker replace single colon way second sentence example paragraph render paragraph code sample table table form table support grid table paint cell grid look like Header row column Header Header Header header rows optional body row column column column column body row simple table easy write limited contain row column contain multiple line look like false false false true false false false true false true true true external link use link text inline web link link text web address need special markup parser find link mail address ordinary text separate link target definition like paragraph contain link link internal link internal linking special rest role provide Sphinx section specific markup role section Section header create underlining optionally section title punctuation character long text head Normally head level assign certain character structure determine succession heading Python documentation convention follow overline part overline chapter section subsection paragraph course free use marker character rest documentation use deep nesting level mind target format LaTeX limit support nest depth Explicit Markup Explicit markup rest construct need special handling footnote specially highlight paragraph comment generic directive explicit markup block begin line start follow whitespace terminate paragraph level indentation need blank line explicit markup normal paragraph sound bit complicated intuitive write directive directive directive generic block explicit markup role extension mechanism rest Sphinx make heavy use support following directive admonition generic theme style note warn specially image image image caption optional legend additional body element local current file table content container custom class useful generate outer heading relation document section special highlighted body element literal literal block support inline markup block quote optional attribution line quote block quote class attribute compound paragraph special table table title table table generate comma separate value table table generate list list special directive include raw target format markup include file Sphinx give absolute include file path directive take relative source directory assign class attribute element specific generation tag override document title influencing markup role set new default role create new role file well use Sphinx facility set use directive directive add Sphinx describe basically directive consist argument option content terminology mind chapter describe custom directive look example function module Return line text input user function directive give argument remainder line second line option module option give line immediately follow argument indicate colon option indent level directive content directive content follow blank line indent relative directive start image rest support image directive like image option Sphinx file give relative source file absolute mean relative source directory example file sketch refer image image Sphinx automatically copy image file subdirectory output directory building static directory output interpretation image size option width height follow size unit unit pixel give size respect output channel support pixel LaTeX output unit like point LaTeX output Sphinx extend standard behavior allow asterisk extension image gnu Sphinx search image match provide pattern determine type builder choose good image candidate instance file gnu give file exist source tree LaTeX builder choose builder prefer add support file name end asterisk image path absolute footnote footnote use mark footnote location add footnote body document Footnotes rubric heading like rubric footnote text footnote text second footnote explicitly number footnote use auto number footnote name citation Standard rest citation support additional feature global citation reference file use like ref Book article reference citation usage similar footnote usage label numeric begin substitution rest support substitution piece text markup refer text define like footnote explicit markup block like replace replacement text image alt Warning reference substitution detail want use substitution document separate file include document want use directive sure include file file extension differ source file avoid Sphinx find document Sphinx define default substitution substitution comment explicit markup block valid markup construct like footnote regard comment example comment indent text comment start form comment indented block comment comment source encode easy way include special character like dash copyright sign rest directly write character specify encoding Sphinx assume source file encode default change value problem commonly run author reST document Separation inline markup say inline markup span separate surround text non word character use backslash escape space reference detail nested inline markup like possible rubric footnote default domain contain directive directive shadow Sphinx export class python mode highlight block contain Python terminal session block start Python num mode highlight block contain LaTex code MIME type define text Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation button John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation button Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Split Buttons Primary Toggle Action action Secondary Toggle Action action Success Toggle Action action Info Toggle Action action Warning Toggle Action action Danger Toggle Action action Primary Toggle Action action Secondary Toggle Action action Success Toggle Action action Info Toggle Action action Warning Toggle Action action Danger Toggle Action action large button Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Outline Buttons Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Outline Split Buttons Primary Toggle Action action Secondary Toggle Action action Success Toggle Action action Info Toggle Action action Warning Toggle Action action Danger Toggle Action action Primary Toggle Action action Secondary Toggle Action action Success Toggle Action action Info Toggle Action action Warning Toggle Action action Danger Toggle Action action Large Outline Split Buttons Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Primary Action action secondary action action Success Action action Info Action action Warning action action Danger Action action Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode server listen rewrite permanent forcibly prepend server listen rewrite permanent forcibly prepend server listen root index location index allow static file show uri missing pass URI handler expire assume file location hide normally location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location allow admin view export folder Restricted message show login window password autoindex location disable hidden file return location use common handler rewrite location Forward path like relevant handler rewrite location rewrite catch miss include server listen root index location index allow static file show uri missing pass URI handler expire assume file location hide normally location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location deny location allow admin view export folder Restricted message show login window autoindex location disable hidden file return location use common handler rewrite location Forward path like relevant handler rewrite location execute script rewrite catch miss include MIME type define text conf Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation basic input John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap Basic input component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Basic Examples Email address share email Password Example select example multiple select example Example file input Submit Cancel Email address share email Password Example select example multiple select example Example file input Submit Cancel Custom Styles City State Zip Submit City State Zip Submit Inline Form submit Custom form control select support preference Choose remember preference Submit Auto size submit Custom form control select support preference Choose remember preference submit Form Pill Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Form Square Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Solid Style Input Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Email address share email Password Example select submit Cancel Disabled Form disabled input disabled select menu Disabled select check Submit Disabled input disabled select menu Disabled select check submit form size large input Default input small input large input Default input small input Column Sizing Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation radio John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Mono provide variety Bootstrap radio component little customization suit design standard information official Bootstrap documentation Basic Second Disabled Disabled Second Disabled Disabled Custom Second Disabled Disabled Checked Second Disabled Disabled Checked Solid default Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark default Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Outline default Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark default Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Basic Radios Default radio second radio Disabled Disabled Checked Default radio second radio Disabled Disabled check Custom Radios Radio Second Radio Disabled Disabled Radio Second Radio Disabled Disabled solid Radios Default Radio Secondary Radio Success Radio Danger Radio Info Radio Light Radio Dark Radio Default Radio Secondary Radio Success Radio Danger Radio Info Radio Light Radio Dark Radio Outline Radio Default Radio Secondary Radio Success Radio Danger Radio Info Radio Light Radio Dark Radio Default Radio Secondary Radio Success Radio Danger Radio Info Radio Light Radio Dark Radio Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode flavor Markdown markdown plus feature text add syntax text miss standard Markdown fence code block syntax highlighting var log Task Lists incomplete task list item complete task list item bit spice Set false mode option disable SHA ref User user Set false mode option disable smile Optionally depend mode properly highlight code block mode support option apart base Markdown mode boolean Hashes issue default true boolean syntax default true boolean syntax default true boolean syntax default true parse Highlighting test normal verbose Crystal mode Home Manual Code Language mode Crystal Crystal mode feature Crystal Ruby inspire syntax statically type check have specify type variable method argument able code write binding Crystal compile time evaluation generation code avoid boilerplate code compile efficient native code basic server require server server text plain hello world get end put listen module Foo abstract def string def yield end struct Foo def foo end def end end end class Bar include Foo def end macro method def method end end def Hello world end def Nil var put var var end end end class Bar end lib fun Char int end end MIME type define text crystal Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation email John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Compose favorite draft send Mail Trash Labels Work Private Family Friends select action action Walter New Statement belting double animi distinctio minus tempore mar Statement belt double Mar Nicolas Dumas New Statement belting double Walter Statement belt double Statement belting double Jan Collin Statement belt double Jan Diane Gay Work Statement belt double Jan Family Statement belting double Jan Marine Statement belt double Jan Laurent Pons Statement belting double Diane Gay New Statement belting double Roger New Statement belting double Statement belting double Anne Friends Statement belting double egesta Jean New Statement belting double Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user account setting John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Settings Profile Account Planing Billing Notifications Account Settings user culpa animi Email New password Confirm password Update Profile Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation user billing John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Albrecht Friends Followers follow Upgrade Plan Profile activity Settings Settings Profile Account Planing Billing Notifications Billing Information Country New York Virginia Washington California Wyoming Address line Address line phone City State Zip code update billing Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Invoice Save Print Company Holmes Green email phone Company Jamie Ways North email phone Details Invoice March vat Item Description Quantity Unit cost Total Platinum Support year Custom Services Customization cost hour Origin License Extended License hosting year Subtotal total Payment Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode comment item true false true home message section section boolean true number include Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation get start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log introduction thank purchase Mono dashboard fully feature admin template kit build awesome Bootstrap useful bootstrap admin dashboard allow build product like admin panel content management system fully responsive easily customizable element easily page getting start documentation understanding Mono Dashboard structured guide perform common function require assistance cover documentation contact Set Mono use gulp automation toolkit automate painful time consume task development stop mess build sure recent version instal local machine open terminal project root directory run follow command accordingly terminal gulp cli globally install gulp cli install project gulp fire default gulp task include launch build file minification sass compilation watch task create dev server sync browser code editor edit file gulp compile File Structure dist asset customization Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner Photographer Mono Responsive Admin Dashboard Template MONO Business Dashboard Analytics Dashboard Chat Contacts Team Calendar email Email Email Details Email Compose Elements Components Alert Badge Buttons Button Default Button Button Group Button Social Button Loading Card Carousel Collapse Editor List Group Modal Pagination Popover Progress Bar Spinner Switches Tables Bootstrap Tables Data Tables Tab Toaster Icons Material Icon Flag Icon Forms Basic Input Input Group Radio Form Validation Form Advance Maps Map Vector Map Widgets General Widget Chart Widget Charts Apex Charts Pages User User Profile User Activities User Profile Settings User Account Settings User Planing Settings User billing User Notify Settings Authentication Sign Sign Reset Password page Invoice page come Soon Maintenance Documentation getting start customization Sidebar Styling Toggle navigation chart widget John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing new event add min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago Selena Wagner min ago Hudson disposal landlord Afraid highly month thing hrs ago John Doe Extremity sweetness difficult behaviour disposal landlord horrible afraid highly month thing Albrecht natus non new event add min ago add request Add Jones contact accept delete hrs ago task complete Afraid highly month thing hrs ago update min ago John Doe Profile Message account set Log Simple Line Chart Combo Bar Line Horizontal Chart Donut Chart Chart Aria Chart Pie Chart Current Users Copyright Mono Dashboard Bootstrap Template build Contacts add New Selena Wagner Designer Walter Developer Punk Albrecht Photographer Leopold Fashion Designer Selena Wagner photographer mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode author camus Rebel author camus philosophy existentialism MIME type define text Closure mode Home Manual Code Language mode Closure Closure mode example Closure Times New Roman Georgia Serif normal HEIGHT width WIDTH height HEIGHT body background color margin padding font color navigation font weight bold text decoration important background color border solid position absolute margin leave padding leave pad right background image image mode Closure MIME type define text parse highlighting test normal verbose mode Home Manual Code Language mode mode code snippet render tag var render React component var var component var form var App Attribute expression var person boolean attribute Child expression var content comment var content child comment Mode React syntax extension MIME type define text text typescript